"You lied. Many people saw it on the day you shot. Even Qinghu can prove that it was Shixin you suddenly appeared to chase that day. How could you not be able to catch up with an elder at your speed, but you are not forgiving. , I took a shot at a junior and forced him to the ghost stream, right. You don’t have to deny it. Some disciples who went out on the mission that day saw you chasing Shixin and flew in the direction of ghost stream. When you came back, you were the only one. ,right."

Although what Elder Lu said is true, in the ears of the elder, it is no different from slapped face. At this moment, he doesn’t even hate Elder Lu, but in front of the Sect Master, even if he takes the courage of him, he will not dare to attack. , I wanted to refute, but in the end I couldn't say it.

"Okay, I understand, Elder Lei, come here, don't lie, tell me if it's like this." Sect Master stared at the eyes of the elder and asked. The Grand Elder wanted to explain, but seeing the eyes of the Sect Master suddenly lost confidence, he said: "Yes, Sect Master, my head was dizzy in the weather, I wanted to capture that disciple back, but I didn't expect this one to be so strong. , I would rather die unyielding and jump directly into the ghost stream, and the rescue is over." The elder said.

"Okay, I understand. I declare that the great elder is guilty of cruelly torturing his fellow sect, but thinking that he is meritorious to the sect, he will not be punished. Instead, he will face the wall for three days. You have to reflect on it. That's it."

Just as Elder Lu wanted to speak, the Sovereign gave him a glance and closed his mouth with interest. "Also, Elder Lei, I ordered you not to trouble Elder Lu and his disciples anymore. You are indeed the fault of this matter. You must not offend others, understand."

"Yes. I would like to listen to the patriarch."

"Okay, all of you go down." Then everyone left the top of the mountain separately.

"Unexpectedly, that kid actually died. It was really troublesome to find an inheritor to complete the mission. Great elder, it really caused me trouble." Sect Master said to himself, turning around and pressing a brick on the wall. The wall suddenly turned over, and on the other side of the wall was the library of books, and a book on the wall was shining with a dazzling light-Overlord Body Refining Technique.

Shi Xin wandered around in the ghost stream and saw one or two corpses from time to time. It should have been accidentally dropped here and possessed by the ghost, and the various magical pills on them were cheaper than Shi Xin. After a trip, I found a lot of medicinal pills-bigu pill, qi disperse and even Zhuji pill, but these medicinal pill are of little use to the current Shixin. After repeated confirmation, Shixin knows It’s no longer possible to find useful treasures on the periphery, and obviously there is no way to escape from this periphery; after some careful consideration, Shixin decided to go deep. After all, although it is safe here, it is deserted. Shixin doesn’t want to be there. Stay here for a lifetime.

After making a plan, Shixin will find a pill that Shixin has found. Although these pills are not very useful, it is better than nothing. Just take it out and sell it for money.

Shi Xin walked to the depths of the ghost stream step by step, and the more he walked, the more ghosts he found. Later, even the mutant ghosts appeared, but this mutant ghost can only slightly affect Shi Xin, and it did not cause too much. Big trouble. The real trouble is that the environment around Shixin has gradually dimmed, because the ghosts are getting denser and have blocked part of the sunlight, and it is now twilight, the sunlight is not strong. And in the depths of the ghost stream, it can almost be described with outstretched fingers.

Shi Xin stopped almost subconsciously, sat cross-legged and began to practice. This gloomy environment just provided him with rich and dark elements, released a dark low-level defensive cover, and then began to meditate. I don’t know how long it took, Shi Xin opened his eyes, and the deep ghost stream actually With a little brilliance, Shi Xin got up immediately. He didn't want to miss this good opportunity. It would be impossible to wait until the sky was dark before moving forward. After a few steps, Shi Xin stopped practicing. Stopping and walking like this, Shixin walked for four days before finally reaching the depths of the ghost stream.

As soon as he reached the depths, Shixin was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him; there was not a ray of sunlight that could enter but it was extremely bright. A light ball hung in the air and emitted a bright red light to illuminate the entire ghost stream. There are countless numbers on the ground. The rare ones reflect all kinds of light, brightening the ghosts. Suddenly something tripped Shi Xin, and when he lowered his head to see the corpse of an old man, Shi Xin immediately moved his eyes to the sky. It didn't matter if he looked at it, Shi Xin was taken aback. The old man in front of him was actually a strong man in the Void Refining Period. This strength was stronger than that of the Sect Master of the general sect on the mainland; but after thinking about it, Shi Xin was relieved. After all, there are too many ghosts here. Now, and not everyone will go to life to refine the body, if you don't have the Overlord Body Refining technique, you might be dead as soon as you fall. At the same time, after this experiment, Shixin's understanding of Tongtian Eye has been deepened.

In fact, Tongtian Eye is indeed a very practical auxiliary skill. When you are a young master, you can see the cultivation base of a cultivator one level higher than yourself, and can identify all magic weapons below the celestial weapon level. As for Dacheng, you can see the cultivation base of the immortal cultivator two levels higher than yourself, and identify all magic weapons below the artifact. Of course, except for the situation just now, because the old man is dead and no longer possesses spiritual knowledge, he will not actively resist Shixin's visit, otherwise, even Shixin Tongtianyan Dacheng will not be able to see the old man's cultivation. ,, ..

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