The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 5: Hand over

Zifeng observed a lot near Xuanwumen, and she saw a lot of Master Xue Luodian.

On the second day, Zifeng left the area of ​​Xuanwumen and went to another unit.

The ancient customs of gods, this is an ancient country, there are also a few spiritual gods sitting in the town, and it is also spread among the gods in the ancient city.

A few days later, Zifeng came to the ancient capital of the ancient kingdom and appeared in a restaurant.

"What is disgusting is that the legend of the ancient gods is also controlled by the blood Luodian, we can't go out!"

"It is said that dozens of large power transmissions with transmission arrays are controlled, and no one can leave the transmission arrays!"

"The Blood Hall is really domineering!"

"Who told them they are hegemonic forces, but the emperor has the power to sit down!"

In the dining room, there was a quarrel, Zifeng's brows frowned slightly.

The transmission arrays of a dozen small units on the square have been controlled, and there is no need to go to other units.

After eating, Zifeng found a hotel in Imperial Wind and waited a while before seeing the situation.

Next, Zifeng practiced at the inn every day, and occasionally went out to check the situation.

In the blink of an eye, it was half a month, but Xue Luodian still controlled various transmission arrays, and no one could leave the transmission array.

Some people are anxious and in a hurry, many people gather together and plan to leave without flying.

But going west here, through a huge mountain range, across the north and south, tens of millions of miles, there are countless powerful beasts on the top. The average person jumps on the mountain and can only find death.

But where the ancient gods walked westward, there was a huge plain, like the middle of a mountain photographed by a person, forming a plain through the mountain. This plain is safer than the mountains. A passage for many people to go west.

But there are also many beasts on the plains, and occasionally powerful beasts sneak out of the mountains. Therefore, for safety reasons, if you do not take a large flight, if you take a plane, you will gather a large number of people. action.

After coming in, Fengshen had organized, pulled up a group of people, and planned to fly over the mountain together.

On this day, tens of thousands of people flew to the west of Emperor Shenfeng.

Zifeng is also one of them. He plans to fly over the mountains with the crowd.

A group of people is so huge that soon there will be a vast mountain range.

This mountain range is very large, towering into the clouds, north and south, with infinite beasts.

But in the middle of the mountains, there is a huge gap, forming a flat, wide, full of miles, reaching the mountains and leading to the opposite side.

According to legend, a long time ago, there was no such gap. There are two royal wars behind it. The mountain was hit by a member of the royal family. The mountain was interrupted by the waist, forming such a plain.

Zifeng had already seen the emperor's shot, and the emperor was really terrifying. Under one palm, it is absolutely possible to penetrate such a vast mountain range.

The group gathered together and flew towards the plain. Oh.

The buzzing of various beasts, snoring from time to time, tearing the clouds, terrible.

This is the snoring of a spirit-level beast.

"Pass this mountain as soon as possible. If it attracts a spirit-level beast, it will be troublesome!"

Someone cried, everyone accelerated and flew forward.

Prosperity! Prosperity!

Suddenly, the blood in front was full of blood, and the blood soared, blocking the way forward.

"what happened?"

Someone is calling.

"No, it's the master of the Blood Luo Palace. They blocked the road ahead."

"What? Did Xue Luodian send a master to block it? Damn it!"

The scene is noisy.


Around, there is constantly blood flying out and appearing in the air.

Breathing from all directions appeared in the blood robe, staring at Zifeng.

They are all the owners of the blood bank, and some of them are very scary.

"Master, many spiritual masters, only spiritual masters, more than twenty!"

Someone exclaimed that there are so many masters in the Xueluo Temple.

In the sky, several **** towers were volleyed. These are the leaders of these **** masters.

"We will control all transmissions of all power around us. Those who win the treasure must leave. This time, this is his opportunity. He will mix in this group!"

Said a gray-haired old man.

"Yes, stay within the range of our blood station. It is always dangerous. He has to leave in a hurry. The transmission cannot go, he can only fly. Among these people, there are those we are looking for, check, every Everyone must check!"

The indifference to the big man, the words, the sound of footsteps, and the terrible atmosphere erupted from his body, and the purple wind, nearly ten thousand people, were enveloped in his breath.

"Why did the seniors of Xueluo Temple stop me from waiting for this path?"

Someone asked loudly.

"Yes, we have not offended the blood of the temple!"

The other person followed.

"Among you, we must find some people in the Bloody Hall, so we can only stop you!"

The big man opened his mouth.

"Have you found some people in the Bloody Hall? What are the characteristics, can we help?"

someone said.

"I don't know, we don't know what each other has, even men and women don't know, so you will leave everyone!"

The sturdy man said.

Everyone looks at each other, even men and women don’t know how to find them?

A sneer in the corner of the skull said: "This person has taken away the heavy gold in my blood hall, so it is very simple, as long as you hand over all the storage rings, you can!"

"What? If we want to hand over the storage ring, no!"

Someone flatly refused.

The storage ring was handed over, can you still get it back?

Moreover, no one has a secret for the soldiers? Many secrets are in the storage ring. Who wants to hand it over?

"Today, if you don't pay, you must pay!"

The big man's eyes are cold.

"Your Blood Hall is too arrogant, Zhongzhou is not only your hegemonic power, but also not too far away!" Someone calmed down.


The scorpion-shaped Han Han suddenly felt cold, and a blood spear appeared in his hand. The next moment, the blood spear pierced the void, like blood-colored lightning, and assassinated an ancient European. The old European was shocked, his breathing soared, and his madness retreated.

But it was useless, the **** spear passed through, and the old European nails were nailed to the plain.


Many people breathe in cold air. The breath of the explosion in old Europe is terrible. This is a spiritual existence, but it is still terrified by the **** spear.

"Dare to question my blood hall and find death!"

The big dragon-shaped man remained indifferent.

Many people feel ashamed, catch colds and sweat.

Xueluo Temple is too domineering. Even the existence of the spiritual **** speaks of killing and killing. It's so overbearing. This is the power of hegemony. ,, ..

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