The spiritual **** of some small troops is the ant in their eyes, they want to kill and kill.

"Don't pay for the storage ring, die!"

The big man was indifferent, his eyes were on the person closest to him.

"Hand in, I will pay!"

The person swept by a big man changed his face and could only remove the storage ring and pass it in.

In the crowd, Zifeng frowned, the big man was too strong. This is not spiritual. I am worried that this is a kind of three minds, or even a kind of spiritual god.

In the spiritual realm, the gap between each weight is very large. It is not too difficult for someone who wants to kill a low point, let alone a few high points.

"Chong, we rushed out, there are only a few hundred people in the blood bank, we have tens of thousands of people, we rushed out together!"

"Yes, the storage ring is the home of all our fighters. If we hand it over, how will we cultivate it in the future? It's not a fight!"


In the crowd, there was a sudden angry roar, and some people began to rush around.

Some people drove, the crowd suddenly became chaotic, and the pot was bombed. No one wanted to surrender their storage ring, and seeing others explode, many people followed.

Thousands of people broke into the surrounding area, and the plain fell into chaos.

"Look for death, kill, kill the innocent!"

The big man was murdered roaring.

Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity! .

The master of Xueluo burst out a strong breath, a burst of blood.

There are more than twenty spiritual gods in the footprints. Others are high-level in the spiritual world, and there are even many old monsters.


call out! call out! .

A stream of blood formed a sword, a knife, a boxing, etc. to kill Zifeng and others.

Suddenly screaming, hundreds of people were killed immediately, and their bodies were scattered on the ground.

One shot held a gun, Lu Ming stabbed, Zifeng punched and kicked, the gun door collapsed, his body shape flashed by, and the mountains pulsed to the left.

Only with the help of the mountainous complex terrain and mountain beasts can you rush into the mountain, you can avoid the owner of the Blood Hall, if you run to the plain, you will be caught up and killed.

"it is good!"

A master was staring at Zifeng, his hand flashing in the blood, forming a gun, Le Mans, stabbed towards Zifeng.

Zifeng launched his body, bounced again and again, avoided the gun, and rushed over.


On the plain, it was completely overwhelmed by screams, and large corpses fell, full of blood. "Haha, swallow it!"

Some of the masters of Master Xue Luo, show bloodthirsty Dafa, will swallow rich blood.

Prosperity! Prosperity!

In the Hall of Blood, there are several masters who are terrible. For example, a big man and two old people have a violent atmosphere. Between the waves, the sky is shaking, palm prints are under cover, and the big country is killed.

Zifeng had some strong spirits in their crowd, but they were completely defeated and fell one by one.

"I will pay, I will pay for the storage ring!"

Some people are scared and yelling to pay for the storage ring.

But some people continue to attack and do not want to give up the storage ring.

"Master Lu, save me!"

When Zifeng was shocked, he suddenly heard a voice and his eyes rolled.

Zhou Xin, he saw Zhou Xin.

At this time, Zhou Xin was very embarrassed. He ran all the way, trying to rush out.


Zifeng Yi pulls Zhou Xin, speeding forward.

"Leave me!"

An old man stared at the two men, a terrifying atmosphere erupted and killed them.

The atmosphere of this old man is even stronger than that of ordinary spiritual gods. It should be a strong and powerful person.

Zifeng brought Zhou Xin to Kowloon. He rushed quickly, his body was like a streamer. But after all, there was one person whose speed was affected, and he was quickly approached by the old man.

The old man rushed out, and a blood-red boxing punched Zifeng.

On the way, a person stopped it and smashed it directly into powder.

Zifeng released Zhou Xin, broke the dragon power, pushed the prisoner to the extreme, and punched him.


The fists crossed, Zifeng was shocked, and the cockroaches retreated many times. The blood in the body rushed out, the throat was very sweet, and the blood spurted out.

This old man is too strong, his spirit is twofold, he is several times stronger than his spirit.

Zifeng pushed the prisoner's heavenly power to the extreme, only barely blocking his fists, but was still injured.

When the old man saw LuMing, a cockroach, an ant with full feathers, he could stop his shock and death, and he was shocked. He was a little worried and did not continue shooting for a while.

At this time, Zhenyuan was in the Nayuan Stone, constantly flowing into Zifeng's body. He pulled Zhou Xin, took a step in Jiulong Zhong, and ran to the front.

At the beginning, Zhou Xin gave him purple jade containing Nayuan Stone. At this time, he was in danger. Zi Fengzhen could see death.

The two of them disappeared quickly. The old man reacted at this time, killing the machine and flashing it, irritated: "Where to go!"

Hurry to catch up on land.


In front, there is also the master of the Xueluo Temple who killed the land, attacked and crushed the two.

This is the main attack in the field of mental tires. Zifeng can be fearless, but with Zhou Xin, Zifeng will attack to help Zhou Xin resist and slow down.

In the rear, the old man chased it.

"Hand over the storage ring, I can let you go!"

The old man was embarrassed.

Zhou Xin gritted her teeth and did not snore. Her face was anxious and worried, but she had no intention of paying for the ring.

"Forget it, hit it!"

Zifeng's eyes moved, and Zhou Xin heard a voice in his ears.

"Don't resist!"

Zifeng's voice came, Zhou Xin nodded, then Zifeng's eyebrows flashed, and the picture of mountains and rivers appeared. Zhou Xin's volume is drawn into the mountain river map. Hey!

Only Zifeng, his speed soared, and the **** temple owner who was full of souls in front of him was rushed over by Zifeng, and his body burst.

Zifeng performed a show in Kowloon, like a ray of sunshine, for a while, the old man could not catch up.

"How can it be so strong? Who is this young man?"

The old man was shocked and tried to catch up, but found that Zifeng was going farther and farther.

Two minutes later, Zifeng rushed into the mountain.

On the mountain, there is a terrible beast. When Zifeng rushed in, he encountered several ferocious beasts on the spiritual level, and he was rushed over.

In the rear, the old man Xueluo was still chasing him, and Zifeng could only run wildly.


A huge black tiger appeared, exactly ten meters high, like a hill, full of terrifying atmosphere.

With a loud noise, the clouds in the sky burst out. ,, ..

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