The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 11: Picture scroll

"Emperor, why are you besieging and killing you? Today, I will calculate the general ledger with you!"

Zifeng opened his mouth and locked the Emperor Wu. "Predecessors of Nine Suns, thousands, go help others, and the emperor will give it to me!"

Zifeng's voice came out.


Tu Qian completely listened to what Zifeng said, and Zifeng said what he had done. He nodded. He flew away and joined other battle groups.

An axe squatted down and immediately split a king in half.

"No, join hands and form a battlefield!"

There is a member of the royal family.

With the addition of Tu Qian, there is no doubt that the balance has been broken. There are emperors, some emperors gather to form a battlefield and try to defend.

In this way, it can hardly rotate with the soil.

"Purple Wind..."

Xia Qiuyang opened, and she was a little worried about Zifeng.

"Senior Nine Suns, no problem, the emperor and I must make a decision today!"

Purple Wind Road

"Then you be careful!"

Xia Jiuyang said that he also killed other emperors.

Zifeng stood on their side and began to gain the upper hand.

In the beginning, the number of emperors around them was slightly smaller and declined slightly, but now the situation is just the opposite.

After Xia Qiuyang left, he left Yiwu and Zifeng.


The two sides stood together and killed the machine.

After many years, Zifeng finally stood in front of the emperor and stood with him.

On this road, Zifeng experienced endless dangers and heavy hardships, and finally came to today, realized today's combat effectiveness, and was able to contend with the emperor.

Because of the blood of Kowloon, the two men began to oppose. After all, they must have a battle.


Zifeng’s spine has heat waves and blood. It is a change of Jiulong’s blood.

At the same time, there was a blood-red light on Emperor Wudi, and a faint dragon rumor.

"Nine Dragon Blood!"

Zifeng's heart moved.

Through the blood of Kowloon, he felt the blood of the Emperor of Kowloon.

Unlike the purple wind, the Jiulong blood of the Yi nationality awakens the bleeding blood vessels, but merges into the body.

In addition, when the Yi emperor got the blood of Jiulong, it was already the kingdom of Emperor Wu, and it was impossible to use it to awaken the blood, only to refine it.


The emperor did not want to delay, attacked and killed the land fiercely.

thump! thump! thump! .

The second stop is the empty sky, with a lot of emergence. Various trapped enemies are in a big battle, and the enemy is attacked by a large array. All kinds of lights were shining out, and the brain was rushing towards the emperor.

At the same time, the sword whistling, five swords flying swords, assassinating the emperor.

The blood of the prison monument was filled with chaotic emotions and also killed the emperor.

The emperor possesses a powerful combat power, even stronger than the old man in the red robe. However, he also fell into the situation of the old man in the red robe. Zifeng's main body joined him, and he was so embarrassed that he couldn't fully play out.

After a while of fighting, Zifeng began to gain the upper hand.

"Zifeng, today, let me know my strongest power!"

The emperor of Yiwu was angry, his body began to glow, and various rays of light came out from the emperor.

These lights condense all kinds of vision.

There are real dragons flying, there are phoenixes, even unicorns are emptied, the gods are flying, and the sword is vertical..

Various visions appeared on the emperor. Among them, Zifeng saw the figure of Jiulong.

"Wanmai spirit!"

The emperor shouted loudly, his flesh exuded terrible fluctuations.


The first battle of the emperor greatly strengthened a period, the golden sword is swaying, the sword is swaying, breaking everything.

Mingzheng's series of underwear was instantly defeated by Jian Qi.


War swordsmanship is the blood of the prisoner monument, the blood of the prisoner monument is crazy, it flies far.

The blood of the prison monument, fortunately the body of the prison monument, greatly increased the defense power, otherwise, Zifeng would not dare to work so hard to break the blood.

Ding! Ding! Ding! .

Five phoenix flying swords were shot and flew out, the second body was the same, they retreated.

"So strong!"

Zifeng's eyes condensed.

The Yi people's combat effectiveness suddenly increased, all from the body's vision.

Zifeng conjectured that the Yi Empire should cultivate a powerful spirit, borrow the essence of spirit, cultivate spirit, and explode, the power far surpasses ordinary spirit.

"Spirit of all things, kill!"

The emperor drank a lot. In his body, that creature suddenly screamed, turned into a bright rainbow, and killed Zifeng.


Zifeng saw a Nine Dragons, there was a real dragon, the shadow of a unicorn, exuding an astonishing breath, and killed Zifeng.

The prisoner's monument was shaken, and the prisoner's heavenly power was revealed. The chaotic mood was entrained and bombarded.

thump! thump! thump! .

The roar continued.

The emperor with a sword killed the lower body himself.

"Kill you first!"

The emperor was ruthless.

In his opinion, the secondary body is more difficult, there are many means, and there are thousands of changes. Only the first one kills the second body, and Zifeng is the main body, not afraid.

"Emperor, you thought you killed me, let you see one thing today!"

Mingming's face was calm, he smiled inexplicably.


Minghuai waved his hand, drew a picture scroll, then jumped out, and then quickly became bigger, shrouded in the direction of the emperor.

"Wantu's map, a refined map of the world!"

The emperor of Yiwu was angered.

"Then let you try the power of the map again!"

Inscribed on the second body, the golden spirit of the eyebrows jumps, and on the map, endless light shines, it is a large array, a dense array.

A large number of lights were lit, and countless terrible attacks flew out and attacked the emperor.

call out! call out!

The emperor was holding a sword, and the sword screamed and screamed, destroying the attack.

But the 10,000-map map, infinite methods, and infinite attacks seem to be inexhaustible, using it to continuously attack the emperor.

There is no doubt that the Bandana map is also the spirit of the empire.

At that time, Cangcang's refining was only equivalent to Emperor Wu, and the emperor was Emperor Wu's emperor. If this is the veil of mystery, how can there be a chance to leave traces of the refinement of the sea in the Yi nationality's sneak attack? Branding, pouring into the depths of the earth?

In the same year, the refined scorpion was Akashi, who controlled the image of the emperor's spirit. These methods are varied and unpredictable, Yi Di started this attack. Even so, Refining Dynasty finally allowed a brand to break into the ground. With a million maps, the damage is serious. ,, ..

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