The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 12: Complete

Over the years, the second body of the Ming Dynasty has been meticulously restored in the secrets of the temple. At the same time, as the planting improves, it is also repairing the map. Today, the map has been restored, and the control of the second agency has been completed. Now, the power is amazing.

Obviously the second body originally possessed the strength of Emperor Wu Emperor Shuangfeng, coupled with the five sword flying sword, the strength is stronger, at this moment, the figure of Wantu, the fighting power, is almost the same as the emperor.

Emperor, I can only use all my thoughts to deal with the two bodies of Ming.


At this time, the blood of the prison monument was shaken, and then went to the emperor.

"damn it!"

The emperor roared in his heart and parted part of his heart to resist the main body of Zifeng.


This prison monument weighing hundreds of millions of pounds caused a major earthquake to the emperor's body. At the same time, the second institution’s inscription seized the opportunity to launch a general offensive.

"Sleep me!"

In the 10,000 pictures, there are at least one hundred enemy enemies, and at the same time, they put pressure on the emperor to trap him.

The emperor was enraged and tried to fight, but unfortunately, he finally fell to the bottom.

After the second corpse of the Ming Dynasty was sacrificed, the power of the second body of the body surpassed the power of the emperor.

The emperor tried his best to fight, but after dozens of actions, he was completely suppressed and hardly any counterattack efforts.

call out! call out! call out! .

The Five Phoenix Flying Sword pierced the void, even though the speed of the ordinary emperor was ugly, it assassinated the five key points of the emperor.

The emperor brandished his sword and resisted it. Although it was blocked, the monument to the prisoners was suppressed again. The emperor sighed, and could only cover his whole body with the kingdom and true essence.


The realm and the real elements shook frantically, and they were defeated by the prisoner's monument. The emperor was shocked by the body. Even if he cultivated the Wanmai spirit, he couldn't resist. His face was white, and blood spurted out.

The cultivation of Wanmai spirit is terrible. If it is cultivated to perfection, then the power is amazing. Unfortunately, his cultivation is not perfect, and he has not fully successfully cultivated, so he has always wanted to get Zifeng's Nine Dragon Blood.

"The emperor is injured!"

Many people trembled in their hearts.

The emperor was injured, not Zifeng's opponent. Is this the time to win the game?

Prosperity! Prosperity!

When the emperor was injured, Zifeng launched a more violent attack.


A phoenix flying sword almost pierced the heart of the Yi emperor, passed through his shoulder hole, and brought out blood.

Although the Phoenix Flying Sword didn't stabbed his key, the emperor's face became paler, but its terrifying swordsmanship and destructive power still caused him to suffer more serious injuries.

He was injured more severely, and it was more difficult to resist Zifeng.

Under the pressure of the prison monument, he vomited blood, his body was weak, and his breathing was weak.


The second body drank softly, and ten thousand figures shone with light. There have been numerous emergences, and the emperor is shrouded in them.

The emperor roared and tried to fight, but this time, it was difficult for him to rush out.

In him, the vision of various real dragons and phoenixes trembles, and seems to collapse at any time. "Emperor, today, it's your death!"

In the blood of the prison monument, I heard the cold voice of Zi Feng.


A dragon scorpion, above the blood of the prison monument, the blood of Kowloon flew out, opened his mouth, screamed, and the devouring power burst out and swallowed the emperor.

"Nine Dragons Blood, deprived!"

Zifeng took a sip, and his swallowing power increased greatly.

It can be seen that a vision of one of the emperors is Kowloon. At that time, Jiulong was swallowed by the engulfing force, and it flew into Jiulong's blood.

Zifeng wanted to **** a drop of Nine Dragon Blood from the Yiwu Emperor.

"Don't think about it!"

The emperor of Yiwu tried to fight.

call out! call out! call out! .

Five swords and flying swords shot, and the emperor blocked four of them, but was stabbed and almost cut off half of his body.


At this time, Nine Dragon Blood shouted, Emperor Yi, Nine Dragon Vision, flew to Nine Dragon Blood, and at the same time, in the emperor, a drop of blood, a dragon burst, and flew to the purple wind.

Jiulong was deprived of blood.

The emperor didn't want to, but he could only look at it.

call out!

The blood of Jiulong flew into the mouth of Jiulong Blood and disappeared.


The blood of Jiulong, the amazing roar, seemed very satisfying, and the body was full of breath.

"Xie Qitian, don't do this at this time, when will this happen?"

Suddenly, the emperor became angry.

Zifeng glanced at it.

"Nine Heavens Bronze Man, come out!"

At high altitudes, I heard the voice of Xie Qitian.

Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity! .

Xie Qitian's voice fell, and in nine different directions of the holy city, there was a sudden strong vibration, nine strong breaths, and ascended into the sky.

Then everyone saw nine golden lights rushing up and flying high.

"That's the bronze man!"

When Zifeng saw the nine rays of light, it was obviously nine bronze men. They are golden and cast in brass. The height exceeds three meters. On the body, there are complicated inscriptions.

The breath is very strong, and each statue is an emperor, equivalent to a royal emperor.

The nine bronze planes flew high and joined the battle group, and they suddenly withdrew from the nine emperors.

"Compatible with Tongren!"

Xie Qitian's voice sounded again.

At this time, Xie Jia, there were nine emperors next to the Emperor's Palace, and they flew to the nine bronzes, like a fusion of blood, these nine emperors went directly into the bronze man and disappeared.

The atmosphere of the nine bronzes began to rise wildly.

Breaking through Emperor Wu, he entered the double of Emperor Wu, and constantly improved, and has been upgraded to the peak of Emperor Wu, and stopped.

Wuhuanghuang double peaks, nine Huangwu double peaks.

"not good!"

Zifeng was shocked.




Nine bronzes broke out and killed the Celestial Army and the soldiers of the Northern Plains.

Emperor Wu's Shuangfeng is really too strong. Generally speaking, Emperor Wu is a heavy one, unable to resist it.

Suddenly a scream sounded, and Zifeng saw that five emperors had been killed at this time.

On the northern plain, Emperor Poshan, Emperor Tianfeng and Heavenly God Army were even more miserable. They were killed by three emperors. These five powerful emperors were killed here.

In addition, four bronze men were blocked by Tu Qian, Xia Jiuyang and Bai Wuwuhuang. Otherwise, the loss will be heavier.

"No, this is the nine-day bronze man from the Xie family. The nine-day bronze man from the Xie family is still there!"

"Retire, retreat!"

The Celestial Army in the town and the strong on the North Plain side screamed and frightened. ,, ..

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