The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 13: suppress

According to legend, after the completion of the ancient sacred dynasty, the first sacred emperor gathered the masters of the world, cherished these materials eagerly, and created nine bronze men, each of whom was extremely mysterious and powerful.

But according to legend, in the endless battles over millions of years, nine bronzes of the Xie family were destroyed, and the previous battles have been destroyed. I didn't expect it, but still.

When the nine bronzes came out, they were controlled by the nine emperors, the fighting power reached the peak of Emperor Wu, and the situation was immediately reversed. bookstore


When Zifeng was distracted, the emperor broke out and burned like a flame. He suddenly rushed out of the encirclement and flew high.

"Zifeng, you died today, after all, you are not my opponent!"

The emperor is a big man, his body is full of cold and murderous.

"Meet, meet together!"

The battle of Emperor Wu summoned everyone.

Xie's foundation is very good. There is no doubt that the history of the holy city has never been broken. What is so powerful?

The nine bronzes under the control of the nine armed emperors are equivalent to the two peaks of Emperor Wu and the two peaks of the two emperors. What a powerful force?

The battles of Emperor Wu, Tu Qian, Xia Qiuyang, Emperor, Moon and Emperor, etc., were added together and carefully watched nine bronze wares.

"Kill, kill them!"

Xie Qi reached the order in the world.

kill! kill! .

Nine three-inch-high bronze-colored, with a foot on the hole, the emptiness of the empty space continuously exploded into an arc, and walked towards the soldier.

On their side, there are other emperors, such as Xie Qitian.

"Victory, Xie Jia and Ditian Jingu, won!"

"There is no suspense in this war. From then on, the gods will become Xie He Tian Tian's quiet world!"

In the Holy City, many people sighed that there was no suspense in this battle while watching the game.

Xie He Hetian Temple won, and nine bronzes were released. The battle is fixed.

Some people sighed, the battle was really great. The emperor’s battle, and even the emperor’s life, are like mustard. Now the war, even the emperor, has fallen by more than ten.

This battle will be recorded in the history of history and spread in all ages.

"decisive battle!"

One hundred wars, Emperor Wu.


Thousands of them rushed to the bronze man with axe in their hands, cutting off an axe.

The bronze man punched out.


Tuqian controlled the emperor's spirit, and his combat effectiveness was stronger. An axe cut out a bronze figure.

"No injury!"

The battle between Emperor Wu and the others trembled.

Although Tu Qian cut off a bronze man and seized the wind, the bronze man had nothing at all. There are only shallow marks on his fists.

It was too difficult, the emperor's spirit could not cut the bronzes. How to play this?

One hundred wars, Emperor Wu and others, a trace of despair flashed in their eyes. "We have three people to deal with this trick, the others, kill them, don't let it go!"

A bronze man made a sound.


Several bronze men began to surround the land, and other bronze men killed the soldiers and others.

Suddenly, this number flashed by, and there were two characters in front.

It is the main body and the second body of Zifeng.

At this moment, the main body of Zifeng returned to its human form.

"These nine bronzes are handed over to me, you plan to deal with other people!"

Zifeng opened.

"Huh? What?"

After a hundred wars, Emperor Wu and others were stunned.

Nine bronze colors, give it to Zifeng?

Zifeng wants to deal with nine bronze wares individually? How could this be?

Zifeng's strength is very strong, he can handle two or even three. Maybe, but with so many nine days of bronze, how can Lu Ming become an opponent?

This is the bronze man of the two emperors of Wudi, which is difficult. The imperial spirit is indivisible. It is considered to be the three strongest among Emperor Wu, and they are not necessarily nine bronze men.

"Zifeng, let us join hands, not necessarily without hope!"

"Yes, you are too dangerous!"

The emperor, the moon and the emperor all opened their mouths.

"Kill, kill Zifeng first, because he wants to die, kill him first!"

At high altitude, Xie Qitian took a sip.



Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity! .

Lu Ming killed nine bronzes, and the nine bronzes were shot together, as if they could smash some of them.

"Nine Dragons thanks, suppress!"

Zifeng's head, Jiulong's blood appeared, and he opened his mouth and screamed. From Jiulongkou, there are nine large tripods. Dading appeared, and it suddenly became bigger and bigger, like a mountain, rushing towards the nine bronze men.

"Nine Dragon God, you brought Jiulong Xie Ming!"

At high altitudes, the Yiwu Emperor was shocked and screamed.

Nine Dragons Shending, the ancients did not move, but the ancient powerful refining suppressed Nine Dragons.

In history, only Zifeng made the Nine Dragons Shending move once, relying on Nine Dragons blood.

Even as a freshman, although he got a drop of Jiulong Snow, he had refined it into his body and wanted to practice the Wanmai spirit. Therefore, he couldn't use Jiulong to shoot.

In addition, Jiulong Shending is too far away from Jiulong Longmai, Longmai will be rioted, and Jiulong Shending will fly back.

The key is that Zifeng took away Shen Dang in Kowloon. Why is no one in Kowloon City messaged him?


Nine Dragons shouted, Nine Dragons Shen Ding went to the suppression of nine bronzes.


Nine bronze shots were shot together and shot out.

Prosperity! Prosperity! .

It seemed that the two metal mountains bombed together with a terrible roar. The sound waves colliding between the metals made some ordinary emperors, their faces white, covering the real elements of their bodies, shaking for a while.

thump! thump! thump! .

Then, the nine bronze men flew as far away like cannonballs.

"how so?"

Xie Qitian and others stopped.

Nine bronzes fell below, lost to Zifeng, was shot and flew out. How can this be?

The expressions of the Warriors are completely opposite, they are ecstatic.


Zifeng drank nine Dingding and continued to suppress the nine bronze men. At that time, Zifeng was still in Linghai. At that time, the blood of Jiulong was only the second layer of God. He could control Jiulong's shooting, fight for supremacy, and even the last Jiuding gathering could be the emperor's trick.

Now, the repair work of Zifeng has been in the same year. I don't know how many times, Jiulong's blood is also at the level of God. I control Nine Dragons Peak, and my strength is naturally strong. I don't know how many times.

Completely smashed nine bronze men.

Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity! .

Jiulong Shending was crushed by nine bronzes, and the nine bronze men shook frantically. The striped road on the surface is shiny and seems to be burning. ,, ..

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