"Magic Yang, it's him, I will squash him sooner or later!"

The sky hammer reveals the path of fierce light.

Zifeng also nodded, this person, he will kill someone sooner or later.

"This area, surrounded by hurricanes, must have something unusual, let's take a look around!"

Purple Wind Road

Tian Chu and Xue nodded together, and the three of them walked forward to look at this area.

This area is very wide, dozens of miles in length.

"What's there? It looks like a feather!"

Xue Ning suddenly pointed forward.

The three men rushed over and found that the ground was sunken and some feathers scattered. "This is Phoenix Feather!"

Zifeng's heart shook.

He received some phoenix feathers, and he would never admit his mistake. The feathers scattered on the ground are Phoenix feathers.

There are more than a dozen.

"It's really a phoenix feather. There seems to be a bird and a phoenix in the Tianfeng Plain. This is absolutely right!"

Tian Han Road

"Senior brother, sister, Phoenix is ​​very useful to me, I don't know if I can give it to me, I am willing to offset it with other treasures!"

Purple Wind Road

Phoenix Yu, he can turn the second body into a feather flying sword.

Before, there were only five phoenix flying swords, and the phoenix feathers used by the five phoenix flying swords were not very high, and the phoenix feathers exuded a faint sacred sacredness in front of them, obviously left by the sacred phoenix. If it is refined into a feathered flying sword, its power will be stronger.

Moreover, the more Phoenix flying swords there are, the more they can form a sword formation.

"Where is the teacher's speech, if you are useful, you will go all out, why do you have to counteract it!"

The snow is freezing.

"Yes, we just saved your life. If you say that, you will see it too much. I am not satisfied with my brother!"

Tian Chui grinned and smiled.

"That would thank brothers and sisters!"

Lu Ming is a fist, he is welcome. He waved his hand and dozens of phoenix feathers on the ground. All of these are included in the mountain river map and fall into the second hand.

"There is a pit here. Obviously it is a battle that has been experienced before, and the Phoenix Phoenix seems to be suffering a serious injury. After the Phoenix was seriously injured, was the Phoenix screaming before it?"

Xue Ning guessed.

"It's possible, let's see it again!"

Zifeng nodded, then the three of them continued to look up.

However, the spirits of the three were highly concentrated, and the phoenix in the Holy Land was all injured. Obviously, the Phoenix opponent in the Holy Land is very powerful. Whether it's a human race or other beasts, be careful.

Along the way, the ground was full of potholes, showing how fierce the battle was.

On the way, Zifeng found some phoenix feathers, they were all collected by Zifeng.

Soon after, they found a deep pit.

The length and width of this large pit is more than 500 meters, and the depth is more than one kilometer.

When the three people saw it, they speculated that there was a huge old tree here. Now, it has been dug away, the roots have been dug away.


The three looked at each other and thought of Feng Xiangmu.

Perhaps the phoenix phoenix lives on this poinciana tree. Now, Phoenix is ​​injured. I don't know where it is, but Feng Xiangmu was dug out.

"There are scattered roots!"

The sky hammered his eyes and saw the roots in the pit.

The three of them flew down, and they saw a tree root, thick thighs, and a fragrant smell. This is definitely Feng Xiangmu.

"Let's search again, maybe there are scattered trees!"

Purple Wind Road

The three men searched over and over the soil in this deep pit and found that they had many roots.

The roots of the phoenix tree are more valuable than simple branches.

These three people are equally divided, and the harvest is not small.

"Unfortunately, the entire phoenix tree has been dug out, or it will be obtained by us. Is it worth it?" Tian Chui had two eyes gleaming.

Feng Xiangmu can help martial arts calm down, as long as it is a martial artist.

Yuan Lu, how many soldiers are there? No one knows that Fengxiangmu is definitely robbing things, the whole Fengxiangmu, I don't know how many rough stones can be sold.

The three searched for it again and again, and left without finding anything.

But soon, the three people were shocked because they found one.

To be precise, there is a blood hole, a figure, sitting cross-legged in the blood hole.

"Garden of Eden"!

Zifeng was shocked.

That number is actually the Garden of Eden in the Priest Land.

Zifeng was very impressed with this person. This person's blood is Phoenix Guqin. It can play the Phoenix Divine Comedy, and it is very powerful.

The Garden of Eden can actually be entered here.

At this time, the Garden of Eden was sitting in the blood hole, and the blood in the blood pit turned into a phoenix phantom, and did not enter the Garden of Eden.

Obviously, the blood is Phoenix's blood.

"Zifeng, do you know this person?"

Tian Chui asked.

"Know, I come from the same continent, in our continent, this is eternal arrogance, and later joined the gods!"

Purple Wind Road

"God of the gods!"

In the eyes of Sky Hammer, a cold murder case was launched.

But at this time, the Garden of Eden knew nothing about the outside world and absorbed the Phoenix blood wholeheartedly.


After a while, in the Garden of Eden, the shadow of the phoenix flew over, and after a long time of sound, the atmosphere of the Garden of Eden flourished.

Wu Huang Wu Zhong!

Obviously, the restoration of the Garden of Eden made a major breakthrough and entered the Emperor Wu.

At this time, Eden opened his eyes. After seeing Zifeng, the students shrank and their body shapes quickly recovered.

"Zifeng, how about you?"

Immediately, in the mouth of the Garden of Eden, exclaimed, it seemed unbelievable.

"Of course it's me, why, don't you know?"

Zifeng smiled lightly.

Eden sank and said, "Zifeng, I have quit the gods!"


Zifeng glanced at it.

This is contrary to Zifeng's still not very high expectations for the restoration of the Garden of Eden. If he retreats from the gods, he will lose his shelter.

Garden of Eden shook his head: "The thoughts and behavior of the gods are really inconsistent with my martial arts. If I continue to stay, then progress will be slower!"

"Haha, boy, you have a vision, you have to leave, the gods, sooner or later will be destroyed by my dragon god!"

Tian Hamu laughed, as long as he heard the fall of the gods, he was very happy.

"Will you stay alone?"

Zifeng asked.

"There is still a piece of red dust, but after she left, she went west out of Cangzhou. Now, I don't know where she is!"

Eden Road.

Zifeng moved a few acquaintances in his heart, and then left, so it will be difficult for acquaintances to start in the future. ,, ..

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