The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 30: The first stage

"How did you get here? What happened here?"

Zifeng also asked, the Garden of Eden entered here earlier than them, and perhaps knows something.

"I used to enter the Tianfeng Plain with the crowd. It didn't take long for a strong induction to come. I came here with induction. When I came here, this place was like this. But what about the hurricanes around? Don't surround it..." When the Garden of Eden said it, his eyes swept around and his eyebrows wrinkled when he saw the hurricane around him.

Zifeng nodded, it seemed that the Garden of Eden would enter here faster than them at best.

"Now, we seem to have to wait for the hurricane to get out of here!"

The Garden of Eden looked around again and said.

"That may not be!"

Zifeng smiled slightly, making Eden's eyes sparkle.

Then, a few people in this area looked at it, but there was no big gain.

"Eden, if you want to leave here, I will take you away!"

Purple Wind Road

"Can you break through the hurricane?"

Eden Road.

"God, go!"

Zifeng nodded, and the four randomly searched for a direction, rushing over, approaching the hurricane, Ding Fengzhu appeared from Luming's eyebrows, and the blue light shattered.

With a move in Zi Feng's heart, the blue light turned into a blue light curtain covering four people.

Surrounded by a blue light curtain, the four people could not feel the slightest breeze outside.

The four moved forward, and when they entered the hurricane, they were not affected at all.

This surprised the Garden of Eden.

The four people walked in the hurricane as if they were flat.

After a while, four people came outside through the hurricane.

As soon as I went outside, all four eyes condensed.

Because they found that the area was full of hurricanes, surrounded by heavenly tornadoes, and surrounded by a huge mountain.

In the gap beyond the hurricane, the station is full of people, looking at the mountains.

The four of Zifeng immediately converged and hid behind them.

"For the poisonous sect, the **** of the gods!"

They looked forward and saw most people who wanted to be poisonous gods.

After all, there are naturally the most people who want to be poisonous and the gods closest to this place.

Except for poisonous sects and gods, the others are small martial arts. Of course, there are some other top sects in Cangzhou, and some are here. Of course, this number is relatively small.

"Tianyu Demon Sect!"

Zifeng's eyes were cold. He saw Tianyu Mozongren and the magical sun, but he didn't see Xie Nianqing.

"Where did Xiaoqing go? Isn't she looking for me?"

Zifeng guessed there were some concerns.


A phoenix screamed, resounding through the world.

The phoenix screamed with a loud voice, full of the domineering power of the bird king, completely different from the previous desperate cry.

The cry comes from the mountain.

"This is called a voice, and it's completely different from the previous Phoenix phone. It's strange. Are there two phoenixes here?"

Zifeng is in his heart.

Then, another tweet rang and sounded in heaven and earth.

Everyone's eyes are on the mountain surrounded by the hurricane.

Is there really a phoenix in the mountains?

"Leave me!"

The old man in black robes has a very powerful murder case, magic skyrocketing, and huge palm prints smashing towards the purple wind.

Zifeng directly let the bubble open the space-time channel, he rushed into the space-time channel, and when it appeared again, he had already arrived near Huangling.


The group gathered and flew forward.

But the next moment, Zifeng, their faces became crazy.

Because of the front, a few breaths, a terrible breath.

Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity!

In the front, there are ten breaths, like wolf smoke, terrible.

The most amazing thing is that each of the four breaths is no weaker than the old man in the black robe. This is not an ordinary saint, it is the existence of Mingsheng Dacheng.

Even one of them, the breath of the earth, is stronger than Ming Sheng Dacheng's existence.

Ming Shengfeng!

Many people were pale.

This time, the other party dispatched Ming Shengfeng's existence, and there were four great reputations, and a dozen Mingsheng Xiaocheng.

These lineups are terrible. If they are surrounded, they will only have a dead end and no chance.

"You all entered my mountain and river map!"

Zifeng screamed and summoned the map of mountains and rivers.

With so many people together, I can't get away. If Zifeng is alone, it is still possible.

The others did not resist, and Zifeng's combat effectiveness surpassed them. If Zifeng can't go out, they will certainly not rush for success.

Suddenly, everyone was captured by Zifeng on the mountain river map.

Then, Zifeng applied Fenglei, turned around, and rushed out like a bolt of lightning.

"This kid, there are treasures in the sky, don't let him escape!"

The roar rang.

More than 20 sacred powerhouses are chasing Zifeng frantically.

Among them, the strongest Mingsheng Peak, the fastest, took the lead, and quickly chased after Lu Ming, and the existence of the four Ming Sheng Dacheng, including the Heipao Old Man, also quickly followed.

Fenglei, even though it is wonderful and fast, but Lu Ming's cultivation is only the semi-sacred first stage after all, and Mingsheng Dacheng, even Ming Shengfeng, the difference is too great, so the speed is still behind.


The powerhouse of Mingshengfeng, at an astonishing speed, is rapidly approaching Zifeng.

A terrible knife light, from this person's hand, went to Zifeng.

Zifeng's face changed, and Ming Shengfeng's existence was not his opponent.

At this time, the bubble opened the space-time channel, and the purple wind rushed into the space-time channel and appeared thousands of miles away.

"Time and space, **** it!"

Ming Shengfeng’s strong man screamed, his body screamed, his speed suddenly increased, turned into streamer, and quickly rushed towards Lu Ming, swaying thousands of miles.


Zifeng changed his face and flew at an extremely fast speed, but it didn't take long before he approached the distance.

Zifeng can only let the bubbles open the space channel again.

In this way, after several consecutive times, the other saints have disappeared, but the existence of Mingshengfeng is still behind.

"That's not it!" Zifeng's thoughts have been changing.

Bubbles open up space-time channels, which are very energy intensive. It cannot be opened all the time. If you open it more than ten times, the energy will be exhausted.

Space-time channels can only be used at critical moments, but it is unrealistic to use them in a hurry.

In this way, before Zifeng rushed out of the Bai battlefield, he was caught by the other side.

"Go to the grave and reincarnate!"

Zifeng's gaze was only for the tomb of the reincarnated emperor.

If it doesn't work, Zifeng can only use reincarnation. ,, ..

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