As long as the opponent's boss dare not shoot, this sacred role will only bring pressure to Sephiroth and bring motivation to make him act faster.

After all, Sephiroth turned and shook.

The crazy killing flashed in Wan Jiawu's eyes, but in the end he dared not start and watched Sephiroth leave.

"Safiroth's combat effectiveness has reached this point? It's great to be able to kill Wan Zhengyang!"

"Not necessarily. Sephiroth relied on the little girl's help to make Wan Zhengyang unable to resist combat. The little girl should be a terrifying beast, but Sephiroth's own combat effectiveness is truly amazing!"

"In the ancient moon holy land of the younger generation, Sephiroth is already at the top. Apart from some enchanting, I am afraid that no one is his opponent!"

In the mine, many people have been talking about it. What just happened, I am worried that it will soon spread to the ancient holy land.


Sephiroth walked all the way to the Phoenix Palace. Soon after, Sephiroth came to the Phoenix Palace and released the Phoenix from the mountain river map.

Huang Ling's spirit is much better. After coming out, his eyes immediately looked around.

"This is Phoenix Palace!"

When Huang Ling discovered that it was the Phoenix Palace, he took a deep breath.

"Safiros, are you okay?"

Huang Ling looked at Sephiroth and asked with concern.


Sephiroth smiled.

"Wan Zhengyang, Falcon, I will report this kind of hatred sooner or later!"

Huang Ling gritted her teeth, a gleam of light flashed.

"This kind of hatred, you may not be able to report it, because they are already dead!"

Sephiroth smiled slightly.

"What? They are dead? Are you... Are you killing?"

The Phoenix spirit was stunned.

"Well, it should be said that I joined the bubble and killed it!"

Sephiroth Road

"Safiros, is your repair broken?"

Huang Ling asked again.

Wan Zhengyang, the cultivation of Falcon has achieved the greatness of the Holy Spirit, which is very powerful. Lu Ming could actually kill them, which exceeded her expectations.

"There is no breakthrough in repair, but my spirit has developed. Huang Ling, you will heal first. When you are injured, call Long Chen and go to Dayan Dan Temple to find me, so that you can see the same beautiful things! "

Sephiroth smiled.

"No wonder!"

Huang Ling nodded, Sephiroth's combat power was originally strong, but now the spirit has evolved and the combat power is even more amazing. With the addition of bubbles, it is indeed possible to kill Wan Zhengyang and others.

"what is the benefit?"

She was curious about Sephiroth's "good things".

"Haha, come to Dayandan Temple, come and talk to me!" Sephiroth smiled and turned around and walked out, then suddenly walked away.

After returning to Dayan Dan Monastery, Sephiroth retired and practiced, and uncovered one of the nine volumes of chaotic robbery and the road.

Seven days later, Huang Ling and Long Chen came together.

"Safiros, what do you mean to show us good things?"

Huang Ling blinked and asked curiously.

Sephiroth's eyebrows gleamed, and the big face pill furnace flew out, standing on the ground and said: "That's it, big face pill furnace!"

"Daiyan Pill Furnace?"

These two people are very curious, they have seen it before.

"The pill fire in the big rock pill furnace can extinguish the spirit and make the spirit evolve..."

Sephiroth explained the effect of Dayan Pill Furnace.

He absolutely believes in the spirit of Huang Ling and Long Chen, he intends to let Long Chen and Huang Ling also enter the Dayan Pill Furnace for quenching and let the spirit evolve.

Huang Ling and Long Chen, the cultivation of souls related to the Ten Great Beasts, if the spiritual flower evolves to reach the level of the upper heaven spirit, their combat effectiveness will also soar.

"Is it possible to directly reconcile the spirit and let the soul evolve?"

After listening to Sephiroth's explanation, the two were also stunned.

This is really too bad.

"Who will try first? But during the quenching process, it is very painful. If you can't catch it, please remind me!"

Sephiroth Road

"The evolution of the spirit, so facing the sky, what a painful thing, let me do it first!"

Long Chen walked out.

Sephiroth opened the furnace lid and let Long Chen enter, then put a lot of holy medicine in the alchemy furnace and covered the alchemy furnace.


Sephiroth manipulated the pill furnace. In the pill furnace, the fire burned, the dragon died, and he began to temper Long Chen's corpse.

Long Chen is also a very determined person, a severe pain, he can make him give up, he gritted his teeth.

Seven days later, Long Chen reached the limit and came out of the pill furnace.

"Sure enough, the effect is great!"

Long Chen sighed.

"come here!"

Huang Ling couldn't wait to walk into the pill furnace.

In the following days, Huang Ling and Long Chen took turns entering the Dayan Pill Furnace to extinguish their spirits, while Sephiroth distracted some thoughts and paid attention to the Pill Furnace. Most of the energy is still being cultivated.

In the blink of an eye, it took two months to finally train the souls of Long Chen and Huang Ling to the extreme. They gradually evolved and entered the most spiritual ranks.

With their potential, through their own practice, sooner or later they can also evolve and enter the best spirit, but I don't know how long it will take.

"Phoenix Palace Sephiroth sent me a message before that the date of Yuanshan Temple in Tianyuan City has been set, only half a year later!"

Phoenix Road.

"half year later?"

Sephiroth whispered.

Wan Zhengyang drank and killed Huang Ling again.

"No dead cage!"

The phoenix elf screamed, and the flames in this area came to her frantically, forming a flame cage, trapping Wan Zhengyang in it.

Prosperity! Prosperity!

Wan Zhengyang kept bombing in the flame cage, but for a while, he did not break the flame cage.

At the same time, Huang Ling rushed towards the mouth of the valley.

"Go out together, don't let her run!"

Wan Zhengyang is a big man.

Thousands of masters who came with Wan Zhengyang carried out a terrible attack and killed him to Huangling. At the same time, in the sky, several giant wolves roared towards Huangling.

"Phoenix Nine Strikes!"

The Phoenix spirit shouted, his arms trembled, and the terrifying attack power kept coming, and the nine phoenixes rushed out.

Four thousand masters, one of whom was a great sacred peak, was suffocated by two phoenixes and killed directly. In the flames, it turned into ashes.

Several other people, who were also in the shape of a major earthquake, had to retreat.

Huang Ling seized the opportunity and rushed towards the mouth of the valley.

Huang Ling repelled thousands of masters and rushed to the mouth of the valley. Seeing it, he would rush out of the valley.


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