At the mouth of the valley, Jianguang burst out a terrifying sword, and shed tears at Huangling.

The power of this sword light is very terrifying, and the appearance of the Phoenix spirit has also changed. At the critical moment, a fire sword appeared in his hand and was blocked in front of him.


The terrible collision sounded, the flame burst, the shape of the phoenix spirit, the speed retreated, and he walked more than a dozen steps before standing still.

At the mouth of the valley, several characters appeared, and the sky was very charming.

"Falcon, it's you!"

Huang Ling's heart was sinking.

The number appearing in the valley mouth is the strongest in the heavenly womb. The leader is the most powerful arrogant of the young generation in Tiantong Palace-Falcon.

"Phoenix, to be honest, it would be a shame if you are such a beautiful woman!"

Falcon struggled, his eyes sharp and sharp, he looked at Huang Ling with fiery eyes. His gaze continued to glance at Huang Ling.


Behind, the flame cage burst and exploded, Wan Zhengyang rushed out of the flame cage, and a cold murder broke out, forcing the Phoenix.

In the sky, the giant wolf of Sirius Tower blocked the way.

Huang Ling fell into a desperate situation.

"You, this woman, it's a pity to kill someone directly, it's better to abolish her first and let me bring it back to play!"

Falcon licked his lips, his eyes kept glancing at Phoenix's uneven body, his eyes became even hotter.

"Falcon, you have to play, you can, I have a way!"

Wan Zhengyang's eyes turned around, as if he was brewing a poisonous instrument. He said: "You play outside the furnace with the phoenix spirit. Sephiroth was taken out. We are ambushed and killed Sephiroth in one fell swoop!"

"As long as we are all sent by the younger generation, the strongest in Dayandan Monastery will not say anything. Sephiroth is dead, Bai Haha!"

Wan Zhengyang said, smiling.

"This idea is good, but if you are known by the Phoenix Palace, I am afraid it will become crazy!" Falcon's eyes turned around, seeming to consider whether this idea is feasible.

"When you find the way to the Phoenix Palace, those people, Falcon, your courage is so small, even if you dare not?"

Wan Zhengyang sneered.

"Who said I dare not?"

The flame in the eyes of the falcon was even stronger.

"Despicable, you can't think of it!"

The Phoenix Spirit shouted, and the whole body turned into a flame. Endless flames gathered on her. She turned into a flame phoenix, and then flew into the sky.

"Abandon me!"

Above, some giant wolves fired at the same time, rushing towards the Phoenix.

Continuous collisions sounded, Huang Ling is alone, repairing is in a weak position. After all, he didn't rush out and be bombed.


With Wan Zhengyang by his side, the sacred soldier flew over, the soldiers rushed to the sky, they rushed to the Huangling Tomb. At the same time, the Falcons and others also killed Phoenix.

Huang Ling tried her best to fight with everyone, but after a few moves, her body flew far, even vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood and her pale face.

However, she was still full of fiery flames, ran to the side and tried to rush out.

"The immortal phoenix body has no law of death. The vitality is amazing, but today, your ending is doomed, let it be!"

Wan Zhengyang coldly opened his mouth and walked out step by step. More than two hundred sacred soldiers shattered the void, issued a terrible whistle, and killed Huang Ling.

The Falcons and others shot at the same time.

Shan Wan Zhengyang, or Falcon One, had more combat power than Phoenix. What's more, with so many masters shooting at the same time, Huang Ling didn't move at all. After a few moves, he was bombed and vomited blood.

If it weren't for her physique and the law of undead creatures is extremely mysterious, then the vitality is amazing, I am afraid I have been killed.

But even so, Huang Ling was still hit hard.


Wan Zhengyang, Falcon, the strongest Sirius Tower, with a total of more than a dozen people, surrounded the Phoenix Spirit Group.

Huang Ling, there is no way to retreat.

"You, abolish her, so beautiful, it must taste very good!"

Falcon's eyes, the evil light of evil became more intense.

Huang Ling's heart sank, and then a hint of color flashed in his eyes.

She would rather die than fall into the hands of Falcon and be threatened by Lu Ming by the other side.


The flame on her body is violent and violent.

"She wants to blow herself up and stop him!"

Wan Zhengyang drank, and more than two hundred sacred soldiers gathered together, forming a terrible amount of suppression, and approached the Huangling, trying to prevent the phoenix from exploding.

"Don't think about it!"

The falcon screamed and turned into a huge black condor, with wings as big as a mountain, rushing towards the phoenix.

Prosperity! Prosperity!

The terrifying power of the vibration, the flame of the Phoenix spirit, was extinguished, and the figure was bombarded, spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face was pale.

Despair on her face, there are too many others. She couldn't even blew herself up.

"I want to brag about myself, dream, wait a minute, I want you to die!"

Falcon sipped coldly, his figure rushed towards the Phoenix Spirit, abolishing the cultivation of the Phoenix Spirit.

Huang Ling's injuries are inevitable. Just like the attack of a falcon, it exploded in the body of the Phoenix spirit, and around the Phoenix Elf, the air ripples like water waves, and then the body of the Phoenix, like a ghost, disappeared.


The falcon's attack landed on the ground, the ground roared, and a large pit was blown up.


Falcon's eyes were sharp as knives, and he glanced screamingly. Finally, the sky at the mouth of the valley stopped.

There, a young black robe stood in the void and a terrible murder occurred.

A two or three-year-old girl sitting on him was also staring at Wan Zhengyang and others.

Of course, these two people are both Sephiroth and the bubble.

"Safiros, how did you come?"

Huang Ling stood beside Sephiroth, full of surprises.

It was a bubble shooting just now. At the critical moment, the Phoenix spirit was saved.

"The bubble overheard Wan Zhengyang, they want to do this to you, I just arrived, it seems a bit late!"

Sephiroth drove.

"Safiros, Sephiroth!"

"Why is he here?"

After Wan Zhengyang and others saw Sephiroth, their faces changed a lot, and they even backed away.

Sephiroth's fierce name is too strong. A month ago, it was really scary to reorganize a demon emperor.

"What are you afraid of? This is not Dayan Dan Temple. He can't control Dayan Dan, but it is an ordinary holy land!"

Wan Zhengyang drank and stabilized the army. ,, ..

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