Zifeng lives on this land. He took out the chaotic stone and looked at it carefully.

"Sure enough, I lost the chaos, but unfortunately!"

Zifeng explored.

He entered the Holy Power successively and manipulated the chaotic laws into it, but there was no response at all.

In the chaotic stone, there is no chaos.

However, the chaotic stone is a chaotic stone after all, even if there is no chaos, it can be the main material for refining the emperor, and it is firm.

Zifeng and even the sacred soldiers bombed the chaotic stone, but on the top, there was no trace left.

Zifeng will improve it at a critical moment, and maybe it can be used as a defensive treasure against enemy attacks.

Then, Zifeng closed his eyes and adjusted his interest. Three days later, Zifeng returned to the peak, and then he applied his sacred bag. He changed his appearance and walked out of the Yuanshan Saint Pavilion.

Outside the Yuanshan Saint Pavilion, there are Hengjiaqiang people guarding them. When the purple wind came out, the soul kept sneaking into the purple wind, but no abnormality was found.

The purple wind is swaying.

Lu Ming came out, not for anything else, just for revenge.

He still doesn't have the power to fight against He Jia and Heng Jia, but he can gather some interest first.

The first stop of Zifeng is the Vientiane Building.

First of all, Zifeng bought all the news about Hengjiahe Hejia in the Vientiane Building, and even bought information about two important people.

This of course costs a lot of money.

After Zifeng received information from two important figures, he began to study in detail.

Three days later, Zifeng came to the Wanxiang Mansion, and Wanxiang Mansion inquired about some characters from Hengjia and He's family.

It is one of the three buildings in the imperial city and is very famous in Tiandi City.

Because the beauty of the drunk fairy architecture is the most famous in the imperial city, and of course there are exquisite wines, which can make the fairy drunk. Therefore, it has also become a gathering place for young talents in Tiandi City. Not only the young Tianjiao, but even the older generation will come.

He Yutang is one of the top heavenly houses. When young, it was reused by the family. Although it is not a royal family, it is also the second best after the king.

Today, the restoration is more substantial.

However, during this time, he was very depressed.

He was still practicing in Yuanshan Temple, but they did not achieve much success in the Tianjiao family. They were suppressed at Yuanshan Saint Court, they had no choice but to get one set. Shenhuo Alliance.

Therefore, he was very unhappy. After practice, he ran out of Yuanshan Holy Temple, or returned home, or relaxed in the drunk building.

Now, there is a lake like a mirror. There are sailboats floating on the shore of the lake. There are pavilions on the lake.

He Yutang, he was lying in a pavilion with two beautiful girls, one on his shoulders and one lying in his arms.

Wen Xiang Yunyu, he closed his eyes and enjoyed it quietly.

"He Yutang, get out of this grandpa!"

At this time, a loud noise broke the silence.

A loud noise broke the silence and broke He Yutang's Yaxing.

"Which **** disturbed the young master and found death!"

He Yutang stood up step by step and walked out. He walked out of the exhibition hall and looked at the front with cold light.

In the front, a middle-aged man stood up and stood by the lake.

"Who are you?"

He Yutang looked at the middle-aged man, his eyes picked up slightly, he didn't know this person.

"The one who wants you to die!"

The middle-aged man caught a cold and was cold. He said that his figure was shaking, and he rushed to He Yutang. In his palm, the divine power surged and condensed into a long sword.

The long sword is like a rainbow, and the assassination of He Yutang is as fast as lightning.

He Yutang was shocked and exploded with all his power. He was holding a sword in his hand, and then he went to the middle-aged man.


The long sword collided with the sword, and the volcano erupted and screamed. He Yutang's body was shocked and withdrawn, blood gushing out.

"Lawyer Changchun, you are the Heng family, why are you killing me?"

He Yutang is a big man.

At this time, in the sailboat on the lake, there were other people in the pavilion who were already panicking and looking at them. At this moment, they were all taken aback.

The law of Changchun is the unique law of Hengjia!

Only the unique blood of Hengjia can understand the laws of Changchun.

Hengjia people, come to kill He Yutang?

Although Hengjia and He Jia are dead, there is still a fierce battle before the millennium, but this relationship has been greatly eased in recent centuries. Although there are often frictions, there is no reason to be in front of each other. hunt. Listed. There are very few people.

Now, why did the middle-aged Han kill He Yutang?

The Tianjiao of Yuanshan Temple, led by several true emperor-level teachers of Yuanshan Temple, came to the distant sky of Tiandishan and watched it from a distance. Zifeng and them are one of them.

Oh oh!

At this time, a gap not far from Tiandi Mountain suddenly opened, splitting two gaps, and taking out a number from inside.

These two characters are completely shrouded in endless glory, they can't see the appearance, but they have a strong and boundless aura, in all directions.

Although they are far apart, at this moment, countless people feel that they are persecuting the mountain of God. Pressure is like facing the sky, irresistible.

Two, great!

The emperors of the He family and the Heng family have arrived.

The two great emperors faced each other and rushed into a more charming atmosphere.

"This time, hey, you!"

A voice came, indifferent, full of lofty, like a god, looking at all beings.

When Lu Ming heard this voice, he was the great emperor of the Heng clan. He first rang in the Yuanshan Saint Court and handed over the great emperor.

"This is a big word, you are dead!"

The other person, obviously the emperor of Hejia, had a strong voice, full of endless domineering.


Then, the two characters moved at the same time and flew to the top of Tiandi Mountain. In the beginning, the speed was so amazing that many people couldn't see it at all.

However, once they entered the range of Emperor Mountain, they seemed to be under tremendous pressure. The speed of these two people dropped sharply. They climbed to the top of Tiandi Mountain more and more, the slower the speed.

In the end, the brilliance of the two characters disappeared, and their bodies were revealed in front of everyone.

The great emperor of Hengjia was an old man with a gloomy appearance.

The emperor of Hejia, like a middle-aged man, is a burly and domineering. ,, ..

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