Of course, people in these fields cannot use their appearance to infer their age. The two great emperors of Hengjia and He's family are characters with endless lives.

The two landed on the top of Tiandi Mountain, facing each other. Then, the two suddenly rushed to each other, and at the same time, they rushed over and slammed together violently.


A dull roar sounded, and the whole Tiandishan seemed to be trembling.

Zifeng, even if they are separated by a long distance, they feel the space fluctuates violently.

"Terror, is this the power of the great emperor's powerful kingdom? This is in Tiandi Mountain, it can cause such an astonishing shock!"

"Generally powerful emperor level is strong, in Tiandishan, they can only barely compete and cannot play, the great realm strength is really really small!"

Some people talk about it.

After Hengjia shook hands with Emperor He's family, his body flinched slightly, and then they lashed out at each other.

The two men were bombed together, and shocking fluctuations erupted.

If this is outside, I fear it will be upside down.

Next, the two continued to fight, but they were very common. It seems that two low-level fighters are fighting each other. The speed of the collision is not particularly fast.

This brought many people face to face, the emperor was fighting, is this so ordinary? Zifeng, Qiuyue and others were also embarrassed. They couldn't see any cleverness.

However, the teachers of the true emperors of Yuanshan Holy Temple were very dignified, and their eyes stared for a moment.

"Don't underestimate this kind of confrontation. This kind of confrontation is the most dangerous. Every move is a collision between the avenue and the power of the world. This is terrible. If you are not careful, you will fall!"

The teacher of Yuanshan Holy Temple spoke to the disciples of Yuanshan Holy Court and explained.

"The great emperor controls the world, every move, the avenue joins, the power of the world is moving closely. This is in Tiandishan. If you are in the outside world, you can turn it into a random blow upside down, you will have the ability Destroy the earth!"

The teacher then explained that everyone carefully observed.

However, their realm is too low, they have not set foot in the emperor, and it is difficult to understand the mystery of the emperor. It can only be regarded as a vivid event.

Prosperity! Prosperity! .

In Tiandishan, the two confronted each other faster and faster, and their faces became more and more dignified.

Every time you fight, there will be horrible horrors. Tiandishan trembled slightly, and the space shook sharply.

At the top of Tiandi Mountain, there is a layer of halo permeating, with a sense of mystery, and most of the power is locked in it.

Soon, regardless of the result, the two emperors took a hundred actions. Then, the two sacrificed their weapons.

Emperor Hengjia uses a sword, and Emperor Hejia uses a sword.

There is no doubt that they are very scary soldiers, and the two continue to fight.

However, the two men are very similar and their combat effectiveness is equal. There are many actions in the war, and they still won the game.

During the fierce confrontation between the two, a figure suddenly appeared on the top of Tiandi Mountain.

Everyone is shocked!

Yes, at the top of Tiandi Mountain, there are only two emperors in the confrontation, and suddenly there will be more numbers.

Obviously, this number did not appear out of thin air, but it was hidden in Tiandishan in advance.

As soon as this number appeared, he attacked the He family emperor and launched an attack. The offensive was extremely violent, not weaker than the two emperors.

Obviously, this is also a great emperor.

Everyone was trembling in their hearts, how could there be a great emperor suddenly?

"This is you, Luo's name, you are so mean!"

He Jiadai, screaming.

Luo's surname?

Many people are shocked.

There is only one emperor named Luo, the holy land of Yuanshan, the ancient holy land, the great emperor of the great Luo Tianzong.

In Zifeng's eyes, there was a flash of light.

The sudden appearance of this great emperor may be Luo Cangwu's grandfather, Luo Tianzong's great emperor!

Obviously, the great emperor of Da Luo Tianzong has been hiding at the top of Tiandi Mountain for a long time, waiting for the opportunity to surround the He family with Emperor Heng.

"I said, you died today!"

The Heinz family was indifferent to the opening ceremony, and Jian always sneered at the He family emperor.

Facing two strong men of the same level, the He family emperor was completely defeated and suddenly fell to the bottom.

"not good!"

"Hengjia, you are despicable and shameless!"

The He family roared, their faces were very ugly, and they were very worried. If the emperor of the He family degenerates, it will definitely be catastrophic for the He family.

Without the emperor sitting in town, they can't compete with the Heng family at all. They will be destroyed by the Heng family, and the family that has inherited endless years will be annihilated.

"The soldiers were not deceived, I don't know!"

The strong people of Hengjia sneered, ecstatic in their hearts, hoping that their great emperor could kill the He family emperor, and then their Heng family would be stronger.

Everyone looked at Tiandishan nervously. If there is a great emperor, then the scope of participation is very wide, and the pattern of the imperial city may undergo earth-shaking changes.

He Jiadi tried his best to resist, but in the face of the siege of the two great emperors, he did not.

Soon after, Emperor He Jia was beaten by the emperor of Da Luo Tianzong. His body shook, his face turned red, and almost a stream of blood spurted out.


Emperor Hengjia’s sword came, and Emperor Hejia escaped dangerously.


Emperor Hengjia shouted, the swordsmanship became faster and faster, and He Jiahuang was injured to avoid it. It becomes more and more difficult.


There were a few tricks, the Emperor He family finally did not escape, he was placed on his chest by Emperor Hengjia's sword, there was a long sword wound, and his whole body was almost divided into two halves.

The emperor's blood splashed on the top of Tiandi Mountain.

The emperor of the He family roared and wanted to retreat, but the road was blocked by Da Luo Tianzong.

He is roaring, he doesn't want to!

If it is not Tiandishan, everything in them will be suppressed. If it is outside Tiandishan, the two great emperors will join hands and may not be able to live with him. With his practice, he will escape without any worries.

But here is Tiandishan, it is different!

He understands that he counts, and this is another conspiracy against the Emperor and Emperor Hengjia.

"The great emperor!"

And the family is sad and scared.

He Jiahuang really wants to fall here, is this true?

The people of Hengjia are ecstatic!

But at this time, the protrusion is abnormal.


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