The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 54: secluded

"It depends on ability!"

Emperor Hengjia opened his mouth coldly, and then his body rushed to the cave below.

Emperor Luo Tianzong, Emperor He family, and the three of them without a great emperor, also rushed to the bottom of the cave and disappeared in the cave.

The others face each other, but the four great emperors have all fallen. Others dare to go, can only wait for their eyes.

Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity!

At this time, there was a fierce roar in the underground cave. There seemed to be endless gusts of wind, and the beam of light rushing out was even more embarrassing.

Then, the four characters rushed directly out of the cave. No, it doesn't seem to rush out. It seems to be blown away by the wind.

"I need a little princess to help me introduce the people of the ancient royal family to the emperor. I only need to be a princess for a few months!"

Purple Wind Road

"Well, this is a good thing. Soon, we must go to the ancient magic country. I know some princesses of this ancient magic country. I can introduce you to you!"

The little princess agreed very simply, then looked at the others and said, "None of you should spread it to Zifeng!"


The two young men and the goalkeeper nodded.

"You are all gone, I personally arranged a residence for Zifeng!"

The little princess told me.

The two young men and the goalkeeper retired. In the hall, only Zifeng and the little princess were left.

"You probably didn't go all out just now. You said you can help me win. I must see how strong you are!"

The little princess's voice just fell, her body, it drifted towards the purple wind, like a dark cloud.

At the same time, the little princess waved her hand, a black light shrouded in the direction of the purple wind.

"Holy summit!"

When the little princess shot, Zifeng saw the other's cultivation, and like him, he was at the most sacred peak.


Zifeng's running law pointed out that a real dragon roared, fully condensing runes.


The real dragon collided with the black light of the little princess, and a roar broke out.

Then, endless runes filled the little princess.


The little princess took a sip, black light burst out, and the endless runes were wiped out.

"Rules of the ruling!"

Zifeng's heart was moving.

The governing law is also a terrible king reigning, claiming that everything is ruling, and the power of attack is amazing.


The little princess softened and fought with Zifeng.

Zifeng obeyed the rules of the road and fought with the little princess.

As people, Zifeng did not go all out.

Zifeng's spirit must be stronger than that of the little princess. There is also divine power. It is also better than the little princess. Even for the three-volume road, Zifeng only used the fusion of the magical volume and the seal, and did not join it. Broken volume.

Even so, after the two men played dozens of tricks, the little princess still fell.

"Joyful and happy!"

After dozens of moves, the little princess retreated, Jiao said: "Zi Feng, your strength is not weak, but Ji Jia Yoshida is also a body, repair has reached the most perfect, I am afraid I am better than you!"

"How do you know this little princess, I just ran out of it!"

Zifeng smiled.

"You didn't go all out? So, you look down on me!"

The little princess has a mouth.

Zifeng couldn't help touching his nose. The little princess' temper really changed, and Zifeng couldn't help but think of someone.

Xie Nianqing!

The temper of this little princess is very similar to that of Xie Nianqing before.

"Xiaoqing, I don't know where you are now?"

Zifeng couldn't help sighing.

At first, the ancestors of the ice dragon fled with Xie Nianqing. It has been several years, and there is no news yet, so Zifeng is very worried. "Hey, Zifeng, you are waiting for me, I will break through to the Holy Sepulchre soon, and then I will discuss with you again!"

Said, the little princess's two tiger teeth were exposed again, and she looked terrible when she watched Zifeng.

"Let's go, arrange accommodation for you!"

The little princess changed her face very quickly. At the last moment, she was still "interfering" Zifeng. The next moment, she walked out of the hall, and Zifeng followed.

After the little princess arranged a hospital for Lu Ming, he left.

There are still 20 days to test the secluded family and Luo's family. During these 20 days, she will beat the Holy Spirit.

In the days that followed, Zifeng was very leisurely and energetic.

Ji's family sent people to look for Zifeng's traces across the country, but without any clues, Ji Peng was very angry.

In this way, twenty days passed.

The battle between the royal family and the Luo family, once in a thousand years, has begun!

There is a huge battle platform in the center of the country.

There are many seats built around the battle platform, and there is a large open space.

On this day, there are many people around the battle platform.

The sacred demon country created by the two main families has a cycle within a thousand years and determines which family controls this strange demon country. Therefore, this is the biggest event in this evil magic country in thousands of years, and countless people have come together.

In all directions, it is dense and full of people.

Lu Ming and Luo Jia's people sat in the stands on the east side of the battle platform.

From this standpoint, they are all masters of the Luo family. Zifeng glanced at it, Yuan Emperor was not a minority.

The father of the little princess Luo Yan, also a member of the Luo family, sits at the forefront.

On the west side of the battle platform, it was a secluded person.

At this moment, the two sides looked at each other.

"Zi Feng turned to Luo Wei, **** it!"

Ji Peng suddenly screamed when he saw Zifeng.

In Ningning's eyes, Ji Tian also looked at Zi Feng with a gleam of light.

"Ji Jia is really useless. I have quit Zifeng, but I still can't find him. On the contrary, let him rely on Luo Wei!"

In Yu Ning's eyes, cold light flashed, and the heart was angry.

Zifeng's combat effectiveness is very strong, he can easily defeat Ji Peng. At this time, there are some influences.

When she was expelled from Zifeng, she thought Zifeng might be angry and voted for Luo.

But she also knew that as long as she expelled Zifeng, Ji Jia would not let Zifeng, Zifeng would be killed by Ji Jia, and there was no chance to rely on Luo Wei.

Unexpectedly, Ji Jia was useless, but Zifeng escaped and successfully voted for Luo Wei.

"When you try, you have a chance to kill Zifeng!"

Yu Ning gave Yoshida, Ji Peng and others a voice.

"Don't worry, if this kid touches me, I will let him die very badly!"

Yoshida drove off, killing the plane cold.

"He met me, I will let him die like a dead man!"

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