The yellow robe youth is cold and open.

This yellow robe youth, named Huang Song, is in the sacred Luo Kingdom. In addition to the royal body, Ponderosa Pine is the strongest. He is the ten most arrogant person outside the king. He ranks first, and he doesn't know much about Ji Peng.

Ning Ning, Ji Tian and others looked at Zi Feng, Zi Feng, Luo Wei, they were also looking at each other. "According to the old rules, the two sides will send 50 Tianjiao to play, two or two pairs, until the end, the winner is the winner!"

Luo Wei made a voice to everyone.

Zifeng nodded, this rule is very simple.

"This time is the younger generation. We have two kings. Each king's body is almost the same. Therefore, the king's battle is likely to be defeated, so the non-kingdom battle is very important!"

Luo Wei went on to say that the corpse on his body did not include Zifeng. Zifeng was the king's body, and it had not yet come out.

"However, besides the king's body, there is another person to pay attention to, that is Huang Song. Although this person is not a king's body, he has a strong combat power. He won the adventure and his spirit is stronger than the ordinary spirit. And the magical power of this person, the fire is also Very deep, you want to see this person, be careful!"

Luo Wei warned that many people nodded, and they naturally knew the means of Ponderosa Pine.

At this time, a character flies to the battle platform.

This man is very old, a veteran of the Wizarding Nation. He is also the referee of this game.

"Those who participate in the test this time, come on stage first!"

The veteran opened his mouth and it sounded like a bell.

"Let's go up!"

Luo Wei got up first, everyone followed and flew to the battle platform.

Ning Ning, Ji Tian and others also went to the battle platform.

Each party, fifty people, as long as they are under 50 years old can participate.

As soon as he stepped on the battle platform, Ji Peng, Ji Tian, ​​Huang Song, his eyes looked cold, looking at Zi Feng.

"Boy, pray, don't see me, otherwise, it will make you die very badly!"

The first thing I opened was Ponderosa, with a cruel smile in his eyes.

Luo Wei is here, and some people's expressions have changed slightly. Huang Song's methods are extremely cruel, and many people have enemies with him, which are very bad.

"Zifeng, you shouldn't rely on Luo Wei!"

Ningning was also indifferent.

"Oh, you shouldn't rely on it. Is it necessary to follow your opinion and was killed by Jia Jia after being expelled by you? This is ridiculous!"

Zifeng opened faintly.

"Sister Ningning, you can't see Zifeng, but I can be a baby, don't let your back be surprised, giggle!"

Luo Xiaojiao smiled.

Yu Ning's face is a bit cold, so I won't say much.

Next, the veterans assigned them a number.

On each side, it is from one to fifty.

Then the veteran puts the 50 numbers on both sides into a box, randomly draws them, and then draws two numbers, and the two will fight.

The number designated by Zifeng is No. 3.

After assigning numbers, people return to their stands.

Each of these two boxes has a veteran.

"Luo's No. 6, Xiaojia No. 39!"

The elder reported the name.

In the next moment, the two characters rushed to the battle platform and began to confront each other.

There is no suspense in this battle. The secluded family won the victory. Because of the secluded family, repair is significantly higher than that of a large family. Several moves caused the Luo family's Tianjiao to be seriously injured and smashed the battle platform.

In the first battle, the secluded family won, and a smile appeared on the secluded family's face. The veteran continued to extract the number, and the second battle, one of the Luo family, repaired stronger and won.

"The third game, Luojia No. 31, Youjia No. 5!"

The elderly reported this number.

"It's my turn!"

Zifeng's heart moved, and he hurried to battle.

The secluded family is a burly young man, but he saw Zifeng and his face a little gloomy.

Just now, Ningning gave him a voice, telling Zifeng that he had defeated Ji Peng, let him try to do a few steps with Zifeng, lost some of Zifeng's power, and then admitted that he had failed.

Able to defeat Ji Peng, this burly young man knew that he was not Zifeng's opponent.

"Child, give me an axe!"

The burly young man screamed, raised his battle axe, and the crazy strongman Zifeng was killed.

His purpose is to consume some of Zifeng's power.


Zifeng's hands made a hoarse sound, and the black magic thunder gleamed. Then, Zifeng slammed shut, and the magical thunder formed a huge palm, which violently slammed into the burly youth.


The body of this burly young man was directly shocked and flew out. Outside of the flying platform, he vomited blood.

"This kid has some power, so it's cool to kill!"

Huang Song licked his lips and his eyes became thicker.

Luo Wei, as well as the few people in the purple robe who had seen Zifeng shooting, were all stunned.

"What happened? Magic, Lu Ming is not the law of the circuit used at the beginning? How could it become magic?"

"Has he mastered two rules?"

Luo Wei and several people showed incredible colors.

The Holy Land controls two rules, unheard of.

After defeating his opponent, Zifeng walked back to the stand, and Luo's eyes swept across Zifeng from time to time. He felt that Zifeng was not that simple.

Try to continue!

Luo Wei and the Zipao Youth Team shot together and won easily.

In addition, the Luo family has a strong king here and defeated the opponent.

On the other side of the secluded family, Ningning and Yoshida are naturally easy to win, and Ji Peng also wins.

Huang Song is even more cruel. When he sees his hand, he will not be ruthless. When he saw it, he would tear up the Tianjiao on the Luo family's side. He stood on the platform, screaming like a killing beast.

On the Luo family's side, except for Zifeng and others, everyone changed their color.

Soon, the first round was over.

There are 50 people on each side, but after the first round, there is a gap between the numbers on both sides.

This secluded family has been in charge of the secluded Luo Kingdom for 20,000 years. It has a solid foundation and is naturally more dependent on their arrogance. Therefore, after the first round, the secluded family has given full play to its advantages.

After the first round, there are still 28 people in the family, while only 18 people remain in the Luo family.

Why is there not 50 people on both sides? Because some people have been injured during the war, so the number of people who add up is naturally less than 50.

The second round of testing, just like the first round, still put the numbers of the other of the two people in the box, start the draw, draw two people, and the two of them will fight. ,, ..

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