The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 97: Go all out

The kings of the top ten kings return to their respective kings. Soon after, the king of the ten kings also flew a large number of strongmen and flew to prison.

For a while, outside the prison, there were countless multi-ethnic strongmen.

The prisoner's world was naturally panicked and held an emergency meeting.

"The aliens are doing great things and have sent countless powerful people!"

"Looking at the formation, it is the top ten kings that the aliens move together. It seems to be the blood to kill the ancestors!"

"Never give them the blood of the Sacred Heart!"

"Yes, we have a lot of guards in prison, they can't break the door!"

Senior officials in the prison district negotiated and unanimously decided to end the boycott.

The lips are cold, they naturally understand this truth.

The ancestors of the alien screamed, and his eyebrows shot out shattered light, bombarding the huge stone tablet, and the stone tablet burst immediately. This time, many imaginary emperors in the prison area seemed to be beaten by a mountain, thrown back directly, vomiting blood at the mouth, severely injured, and unable to fight again.

Even some powerful people in the real world will shed blood in their mouths.

"I'm together!"

Qingcang rushed out, gathered into a large group, and turned into a huge nine-headed golden lion, carrying a large number of attacks.


Then, Wu Tai and others also rushed out and joined the big array.


Countless strong people drank, and once again blew up a stone monument.

Prosperity! Prosperity! .

Then, the roar continued, the owners of the prisoner world put down a lot of battles with the prison, and the resistance of the alien ancestors, and blinked a dozen tricks.

However, the people in the prison area are completely at a disadvantage.

A large number of inferior strong men can stop Ancestral Dragon. This is because they have been burned for a long time in a few months, and the large array is perfect.

In addition, the number of their masters is much higher than that of prisoners, and they have an ancestor lineup of aliens that can block their ancestors.

The people in the prison hurried away, and the number of owners was far fewer than the aliens. It is naturally difficult to compete with the ancestors of aliens.

thump! thump! .

A master in the prisoner world was shocked, flew far, fell to the ground, vomiting blood, and lost the power to fight again.

In the end, even the great emperor, even the emperor, was shocked and pale.

Especially some of the most powerful, such as Clearance, Liu Chang, etc., they serve as the core of the battle, and the recoil is much greater.

Their bodies trembled slightly, and blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.


Liu Changlai and others, the old man's body was trembling, but his will was firm and he would not die.

"You can only do this!"

Later, Zifeng clenched his fists together and finally sighed.

So far, there is no way, only one way is to make the prison monument into one.

The prisoner's monument is one, and the power of the prisoner array is greatly increased to stop the attacks of the alien ancestors.

As for killing ancestors, you can only take one step, take one step.

If it doesn't work, Zifeng won't let himself be swallowed by his murderous ancestors.

"Prison monument, get out!"

Zi Feng snorted, his body glowed, and the prison monument appeared.


When the prisoner's monument came out, it vibrated violently, and it suddenly became bigger and bigger, emitting infinite brilliance.

Hey! Hey! Hey!.

In the prison world, the fragment and the eight secondary monuments all shook violently, which seemed very exciting.

"No, Zifeng, don't be impulsive!"

Clearance in Daxie.


Wu Tai is also a big man.

If he was born again and killed the Father, the consequences would be even more serious.

However, Zifeng's eyes were firm and indifferent.

"Let's go with the flow!"

Zifeng took a sip and waved his hand, and the prisoner's monument flew to the depths of the prison, as fast as lightning.

Then, Zifeng completely cut off the connection with the prison monument. The prisoner's monument was faster, and he entered the void. In a flash, he came to the depths of the prison, and then went to the block. When the two approached, the debris from the prison area flew directly over the mountain and flew to Luming Town Prison.


The two collided and then mixed together.

The main monument of the prison, all the fragments, merged into a complete prisoner monument, and the soul of the main monument.

At this moment, the main monument of the prison became bigger again, and the sky was higher, exuding shocking fluctuations.

The other eight sub-monuments were also screaming frantically and shining brightly. All the radiation gathered together and became a prisoner's battle.

In a flash, the prisoners' violent surge and the power of the original crack disappeared.


The ancestors of the aliens bombed a large number of prisoners, and the prison is going all out, but it has produced ripples, but the ripples are much less than before.

Even in the heyday of the ancestors of aliens, a complete battle of imprisonment will take a short time to break.

Now, if you want to open, I worry that it will take longer. By then, Zu Long had already gotten out of the predicament.

But that's it, the ancestors of the alien stopped and laughed: "Hahaha, this is stupid, there is no monument to suppress the prison, see how you resist the killing!"

At this moment, Zifeng's body has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes.

As soon as the prison monument left, the third bloodline immediately turned over.


The endless wave banged, and the third drop of blood, as if swept away for a round of blood, blood and sea, infinite energy.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

A loud noise, full of infinite murder, attacked Zifeng's understanding of the sea, swallowed Zifeng's consciousness, and completely occupied Zifeng.

After a while, Zifeng's eyes turned red, and so did her hair. Even the body has grown a bone spur.


Outside, the ancestors of the alien laughed.

"Zifeng, stand up!"

Qing Cang ran to the lion, roared, and helped Zifeng suppress the murder, so that Lu Ming woke up.

However, if there is no monument to suppress prisoners, the power of the third bloodline is too strong, and murder is even stronger.

In an instant, Zifeng's consciousness was almost swallowed.

Zifeng finally knew how lucky he was before. It was because of the suppression of the prisoner's monument that he was swallowed by the third drop of blood. Only when he actively borrows the third blood, the third blood is organic. use. ,, ..

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