Otherwise, he has been swallowed by the third drop of blood.

The same is true. The blood in the prison monument is very high, but Zifeng has failed to exert a powerful force, mainly because the blood in the prison monument suppressed the third drop of blood.

"Swallow, rebirth, kill!"

The **** sea rolled over, forming a huge face, constantly changing, constantly shaking Zifeng's consciousness.


Zifeng shouted suddenly and began to run in a dominant manner.

His body suddenly burst out with purple and gold light.

For a while, the power of the third bloodline has actually been arranged a little.

Zifeng's consciousness is also sober.

"Useful!" Zifeng was extremely happy.

The power of **** helps prevent the erosion of the third type of blood.

Zifeng immediately sat cross-legged, single-mindedly, the dominant way of running, covered with purple golden light, enveloped him.

For a while, his body was purple-red and blood-red, and he kept rolling.

"Master, rule the world, rule everything, any power, give me a roll!"

Zifeng's heart is embarrassing, the dominant force is to protect his soul, the guardian of death, in the middle, the law will not invade.


Blocked, the third drop of blood seemed to be angry, the **** wave, extremely violent, completely submerged Zifeng, and kept hitting Zifeng.

"No, the power of the world, fast consumption..."

Zifeng's face changed, manipulating the dominant way, resisting the erosion of the third drop of blood, the power of the world was very fast, so he couldn't resist it for long.

"Wait, the way to rule, to rule heaven and earth, the whole world can dominate, and so is the energy of heaven and earth!"

Zifeng moved in his heart, and then emptied his soul. At this moment, he seems to be integrated with the whole world.

He seems to be the master of the world.


At the core of the movement, the infinite energy between heaven and earth is controlled by Zifeng and controlled by him, helping him resist the erosion of the third drop of blood.

Suddenly, his world power consumption slowed down drastically.

"it works!"

Zifeng's eyes lit up.

The way of advantage is really amazing. He has a feeling. Now that the dominant path has been achieved, the heat is still weak. If it grows in the future, its advantages will be even stronger as it grows and improves.

At that time, maybe it could really rule the whole world, borrowing the power of the whole world, how powerful was it?

For example, if you control the power of the entire heaven to attack the enemy, what is the power? hard to imagine.

The purple wind ruled this road, completely blocking the erosion of the third drop of blood, and how the third drop of blood went crazy, it was really useless.

"How is this kind of power possible? How is it possible? In this world, how can someone control this kind of power!"

Outside the prison town, the ancestors of aliens are sharp and huge, they are very big.

"Does he know my strength?"

Zifeng's heart was moving.

As far as he knows, in history, no one should control this power?

What does the alien ancestor mean?

"This kind of power...hahaha, okay, okay!"

At this time, Zulong smiled, but contrary to the alien's ancestors, he smiled quickly.


Qing Cang, Wu Tai, Liu Changlai and others were also ecstatic.

Zifeng can stop the erosion of the sacred ancestors, and everything will be turned around.

"Damn, I want to destroy all of you!"

The ancestors of different races burst into flames, and their bodies exuded a terrible breath. In his hands, there is a huge battle axe, an axe and a cut into the prison.


The prisoner's battle, the madness of vibration, was full of layers of ripples, but in the end it was blocked, much better than before. "Broken, broken, broken!"

The ancestors of the aliens attacked wildly, the axe was stunned and shattered everything.

However, although the prisoner's battle vibrated, it was still steadily blocked. It seemed that within a few hours, the ancestors of the aliens would certainly not be able to break it.

"Zifeng, you insist, at most half an hour, I can break this seal!"

Zulong's voice sounded, and the huge dragon was full of huge chains. He struggled frantically, making many aliens pale.

"I used to rest assured, half an hour, no problem!"

Zifeng's voice sounded.

"Okay! Hey!"

Zulong Dawei, an infinite dragon erupted.

The ancestors of the aliens also roared frantically and attacked the prison.

Both sides are racing against time.

Which side takes the lead and can win.

If the ancestors of aliens take the lead in breaking the prison line, then everyone will die, and all their efforts will be in vain.

Or, Zifeng could not stop it and was swallowed by the ferocious ancestors, and then they had to finish the game.

In another situation, Zulong took the lead to break through the aliens' ten-party seal, and then he could enter the prisoner's battle and completely destroy and kill the ancestors.

Killing the ancestor's heart, although it is also the supreme power, the same level as the ancestor dragon, but now, there is only one blood left, and it is impossible to become an opponent of the ancestor dragon. Facing the ancestor, it must be annihilated.

Therefore, which party takes the lead can change this situation.

Of course, the ancestors of aliens can also change the way they attack the ancestor dragon.

However, Zu Long was only blocked by the seal and did not lose his combat effectiveness. Even if the ancestors of aliens attacked the ancestors, they could not help the ancestors.

It is possible that the power of the people's war between the two countries will make the ten-party seal collapse more quickly.

The ancestors of the aliens originally thought that everything was under his control, but he did not count on all the calculations, and Zifeng actually prevented the erosion of the ancestors.

Now, everything is no longer under his control.

Time, one minute and one minute passed.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for the result.

The people in the prison were very worried because they worried that Zifeng could not stop it.

In the blink of an eye, it took half an hour.


The dragon is shocking, the earthquake earth is shaking wildly.

Countless strong aliens were violently shocked, vomiting blood.

thump! thump! thump!

On Zulong, the chain formed by the runes of the article exploded continuously, turning into energy dissipation.

With a few breaths, all the runes burst open, as strong as the king of ten royal families, mad, vomiting blood and retreating.

Zulong, get out of the predicament.

"damn it!"

The ancestors of the aliens roared and stopped their attacks on the prisoners. They turned and attacked Zulong. ,, ..

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