Wang Yu’s first defeat

“What my sister means is that you still have to give her some money.”

“What! Impossible.”

When he heard that he wanted more money, Wang Yu quit on the spot. He has already been blackmailed for a million dollars, yet he wants more. When he was what? ATM!

Could it be that the wind blows my money? Well, thinking about it like this, Wang Yu felt the same.

Quickly dispelled an idea, this is the legacy left by his father.

“That is to say, you are not going to give it?”

The pupils of her eyes turned red, and Tu Shan Yaya half-closed her eyes, walking step by step.

“No, you are blatantly extorting.” Wang Yu said without fear. Now that he has comprehended half of the Qinglian Sword Intent, his mentality is a little swollen.

“Okay! I like you like this. If you don’t pay me, I’ll call you until you pay me.”

After Tu Shan Yaya finished speaking, his complexion suddenly turned cold, and endless cold air gushed out. A long ice spike appeared on the ground, and it quickly moved towards Wang Yu.

Tu Shan Rongrong said inwardly that it was not good, and was about to make a move. Unexpectedly, Wang Yu suddenly moved at this time, and the peach wood sword in his hand cut out a green lotus sword energy.

It bumped into Tu Shanyaya’s icicles, and easily cut off the row of icicles.

Immediately, she rushed towards Tu Shan Yaya with unabated momentum.

This made Tu Shan Yaya’s eyes reveal a hint of surprise, and she stretched out a finger to touch the sword energy.

Wang Yu showed a sneer. This is Qinglian sword energy, which is so powerful.

But a scene happened in the next second, which left him dumbfounded.

The Qinglian Sword Qi, which he thought was powerful, was actually canceled out by Tu Shan Yaya’s finger. What’s more, it didn’t leave the slightest mark on her fingers.

This made him very frustrated, and he shouted in disbelief: “Impossible, I have already comprehended half of Qinglian’s sword intent, how could it be so weak?”

Tu Shan Rongrong reminded at this time: “From low to high, the sword intent is divided into semi-perfect sword intent, 10% sword intent, 20% sword intent, and so on. Ten percent sword intent is the highest.”

Wang Yu couldn’t turn his head around to play, and said with a stiff expression: “That is to say, my sword intent is just getting started?”

“No.” Tu Shan Rongrong shook his head and said: “One complete sword intent is the entry, half complete, um, just push open the door.”

“Hmph! It turns out that you haven’t mastered Qinglian Sword Intent yet. I thought you had some hole cards. It’s really embarrassing for him. If you have any other tricks, use them, or you will lose money.”

Tu Shan Yaya looked very disdainful in her eyes, as if she didn’t take him seriously at all.

This greatly insulted Wang Yu’s self-esteem. He lowered his head and gritted his teeth: “How much?”

Well, he was cowardly.

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

He swore that if he had the chance in the future, he would teach her a severe lesson.

Looking playfully at the cowardly Wang Yu, Tu Shan Yaya had to admit that he was really similar to the person in his memory.

“Not much, one hundred million is enough.”

After hearing this, Wang Yu roared angrily: “You’re stealing money! Ask for 100 million yuan, at most 1,000 yuan.”

“One thousand yuan? Are you sending a beggar?” Tu Shan Yaya clenched her fists, and some black lines appeared on her forehead. It seems that she still needs a beating.

“One thousand and five at most, no more.”

“No, just one hundred million.”

“One thousand and eight, the money that the eldest sister gave for nothing, no more money will be gone.”

Both of them looked at each other unwillingly.

Tu Shan Rongrong looked at the two people who were constantly bargaining, lost his mind for a moment, and murmured: “It’s really like them at that time.”

“Hey, why are you so picky? Anyway, he is the richest young master of the Wang family, one hundred million is not too much.” Tu Shan said angrily.

Wang Yu was stunned: “Who said, shouldn’t Wang Fugui be the richest?”

Tu Shan Rongrong said: “The richest member of the Wang family is your father Fuhao Wang, who is the rest of your property. The value is one-tenth of the total output of the Wang family. And when I swiped the card just now, I found that your card has There are hundreds of billions.”

Wang Yu looked at the gold card in his hand in surprise. He thought that there might be a lot of money in it, but he never thought that there would be hundreds of billions in it!

The hand holding the gold card was trembling slightly, hundreds of billions, when had he seen so much money, it would be enough for him to spend several lifetimes.

“He actually has so much money?” Tu Shan Yaya also looked surprised, always feeling that he was short of 100 million.

“Cough cough, since I’m so rich, I’ll give it to you…” After Wang Yu carefully put away the gold card, he coughed lightly, pointed a finger at Tu Shan Yaya and said: “Ten thousand yuan , This is already my limit.”

Tu Shan Yaya: “…”

Staring quietly at Wang Yu, Tu Shan Yaya really wanted to knockOpen his head to see what’s made inside, how can he feel more stingy than her.

“I said, one hundred million, not one cent less.”

Tu Shan Yaya didn’t know what was wrong, so she got into a fight with Wang Yu.

It made Wang Yu a little angry, why did this woman go crazy, and I didn’t owe her anything.

“Since you don’t want to give it, then…”

Before she finished speaking, Tu Shan Yaya’s figure suddenly disappeared.

“I’ll call you!”

Wang Yu said badly to himself, and a red shadow had already come in front of him. Wang Yu desperately moved a step to the right, narrowly avoiding Tu Shanyaya’s fist.

“not bad.”

Before he could slow down, Tu Shan Yaya punched again, and Wang Yu could only use his mana desperately to dodge.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to be head-on, it’s just the wind of the punch that hurts his face. What’s more, the current Tu Shan Yaya has inherited Tu Shan Honghong’s fist, so getting hit is no joke.


Tu Shan said in a lazy voice.

The next moment, the fist speed doubled. Wang Yu didn’t react, and when he did, it was too late to dodge.

A fist has appeared on his chest.

Hastily swung the mahogany sword, barely blocking it in front of his chest. It hit Tu Shan Yaya’s fist and made a “dull” sound.

The peach wood sword was released instantly.

Wang Yu only felt that his internal organs seemed to be displaced, and the pain was extremely painful. Then the throat was sweet, and the whole person flew out.

Before losing consciousness, Wang Yu felt being caught from behind, and saw a green shadow in a blur, and then lost consciousness.

“I… am so weak.”

In a haze, Wang Yu dreamed that he turned into Li Bai and traveled around the world, feeling very uncomfortable.

The next second, a huge mountain-like figure blocked his way.

Tu Shan Yaya looked at him with a sinister smile, and slapped Wang Yu who was as big as an ant.


Wang Yu was so scared that he kicked his legs straight, woke up, and found himself on a bed.

And Tu Shan Rongrong carried a stool and sat in front of the bed with a mobile phone in his hand, not knowing what he was doing.

After realizing that Wang Yu had woken up, Tu Shan Rongrong smiled lightly and said, “When you wake up, see if you still feel uncomfortable, and tell me.”

“Uncomfortable?” Wang Yu’s first thought was not his own body, but his precious gold card.

After touching it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Fortunately, it’s still there.”

“Huh? It doesn’t seem to hurt anymore.” Wang Yu, who had just checked his body at this time, was surprised to find that there seemed to be nothing wrong with his body.

Tu Shan Yayana’s punch should have at least caused him internal injuries, but now nothing happened.

“Strange, could it be that the stars are changing?”

Wang Yu looked at Tu Shan Rongrong who had been smiling all the time, and only then did he realize that there was a top-notch nanny here.

“Don’t think that it’s all right. That crazy woman of your sister beat me up and vomited blood. We’re not done with this matter.”

Being beaten by Tu Shan Yaya one after another, it’s because everyone is angry.

Wang Yu is no exception. It’s just that he can’t beat her now, so it’s very sad.

“Okay, okay, my sister didn’t do it on purpose.”

Wang Yu curled his lips angrily: “What do you mean it’s not intentional? If it’s not intentional, it can beat me to blood. If it was intentional, then I won’t even have any scum left.”

“Yes.” Tu Shan Rongrong nodded, and said unceremoniously: “When my sister fights with you, even one-thousandth of her strength is useless.”

Hearing this, Wang Yu couldn’t help covering his heart, his face flushed.

This is too shocking, God, I must have had grudges against the sisters in my previous life.

Tu Shan Rongrong thought that Wang Yu was injured somewhere, so she quickly used her demon power to check him.

When Tu Shan Rongrong’s monster power entered Wang Yu’s body, what did he feel like. Just like the originally hot summer, a gust of cold breeze blows by, making Wang Yu groan unconsciously.

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