First Meeting Bai Yuechu

That voice, that’s called ecstasy.

After Wang Yu came to his senses, his face was flushed and he was stuck under the quilt.

It’s too shameful.

Tu Shan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled lightly. He poked Wang Yu under the quilt and said, “This is Sister Yaya’s room, how long are you going to stay here?”

Wang Yu poked his head out and looked around the room. Sure enough, there was a unique fragrance in the air. Most of the entire floor and wall are red, even the quilt he is covering now is red.

“What happened? Why am I in her room? I won’t lose my virginity, right?”

Wang Yu hurriedly lifted the quilt and found that the clothes had been changed. He was shocked and said, “Where are my clothes? I won’t really lose my virginity!”

“What are you thinking?” Tu Shan Rongrong rolled his eyes and said, “Your clothes are stained with blood. I changed you into a new set of clothes.”

“Who changed it?”

Wang Yu immediately grasped the point.

“Little pig, that monster was frozen by my sister.” Tu Shan Rongrong turned his head away, and there was a hint of rosiness at the base of his ears.

It’s just that Wang Yu didn’t notice, he only felt his head bursting instantly. Thinking of the pig’s head changing his clothes when he was in a coma, Wang Yu let out a strange cry and rushed out the door.

Tu Shan Rongrong was left in a daze, not understanding why he ran away suddenly.

“But it’s fine to run away, there’s no need to make up excuses.” Tu Shan Rongrong said to the outside of the balcony: “Sister, you can come in.”

As soon as the words were finished, Tu Shan Yaya walked in from the balcony.

“sendDid you find that thing? ”

Tu Shanrong shook his head and said, “No, he doesn’t have that magic weapon in his body.”

“That is to say, it’s just that they look alike?”

“We still need to observe and observe. After all, he is the second person we have ever seen who knows Qinglian’s sword intent.”


Besides, Wang Yu, who snatched the door away, wanted to leave this place sadly. When I ran to the yard, I accidentally saw the pig demon frozen into a popsicle.

Gradually stopped, and walked in front of the pig demon: “Hey, isn’t this pig demon frozen here? How could it be possible to change my clothes? Looking back now, there are indeed many things that are wrong.”

Looking back at the second floor, she found that Tu Shan Yaya was staring at him through the window. It made Wang Yu very nervous, and he left in despair without daring to think too much.

On the way back, Wang Yu kept thinking about who changed his clothes for him.

“Could it be Tu Shan Rongrong, um, it’s possible. Or Tu Shan Yaya, uh, this seems unlikely.”

Thinking about it, I felt like I had overlooked something.

Looking at his empty hands, Wang Yu slapped his head and shouted, “My mahogany sword!”

He quickly ran back, stood at the door and looked inside. Wang Yu’s eyes lit up when he found that the Taomu sword was stuck not far from the door, and he used his power to carefully activate the Taomu sword.

With a bang, the mahogany sword flew into his hand without accident this time.

Returning to his home without looking back, Wang Yu sat on the sofa helplessly.

Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Rongrong are right next door, and his life will be difficult in the future.

In the middle of the night, Wang Yu, dressed in handsome casual clothes, came to a high-rise building in his family’s car with an unknown name.

It was Liu Butler’s assistant named Bai Ling who drove him away. I don’t know where Liu Butler went. I haven’t seen anyone for a day.

Bai Ling looked at Wang Yu’s clothes and said, “Master, do you really want to wear this suit to a blind date?”

Wang Yu said strangely: “Why, I think this set of casual clothes is quite handsome.”

Of course, he would never tell her that it was because there might be a battle tonight, and he would not perform well in a suit.

As soon as I got out of the car, I heard a new mission reminder.

“Ding, the task is released: grab the lunch box at the beginning of Bai.

Mission Level: ★★☆☆☆”

“Ding, release the task: call out Wang Fugui’s name loudly.

Mission Level: ★☆☆☆☆”

“Ding, release the mission: Hai Bian Fan Yunfei.

Mission Level: ★★☆☆☆”

[Reminder: You can only choose one task per day]

Three missions came at once, and the level of each mission was different. Since he could only receive one task per day, he gave up on the first task without even thinking about it.

Don’t look at Bai Yueyue who is usually a jerk, but seriously, Wang Yu doesn’t have the confidence to hit him.

The second mission was similar. Wang Yu fixed his eyes on the last two-star mission.

“Mission: Hai Bian Fan Yunfei.”

“Mission level: ★★☆☆☆”

“Time limit: 1 minute.”

“Task rewards: task points +40~80, cultivation base +15~30, silver treasure chest +1.”

This bountiful reward made his mouth water. It’s just that he is a little hesitant now, Fan Yunfei is known as the strongest prince in the Western Regions, and his strength is simply beyond his ability to deal with.

However, I remember that Fan Yunfei seemed to be able to maintain the state for only two minutes now. After thinking about it, he still couldn’t resist the temptation of the reward and chose it.

“Master, you are drooling.” Bai Ling reminded.

“Ah, oh.”

Wang Yu wiped it with his hands, and said nonchalantly, “Let’s go in.”

As soon as the two entered the building, they saw a woman in a red hat pushing a small cart full of lunch boxes.

walked over head-on.

Wang Yu paid a little attention because he saw a familiar figure.

A young man in a blue suit, holding a green jade pendant, walked over in a deep way.

He grabbed the woman’s hand and said to her affectionately: “Miss, this is the jade pendant left by my mother to my daughter-in-law. From the first time I saw you, I knew you were its owner. So, marry me !”

The woman was shy by what he said, and looked at him hesitantly.

“Excuse me, what are your hands doing?”

It turned out that taking advantage of this opportunity, the boy had already reached out to the lunch box behind the woman.

The boy quickly turned his back and started eating with lightning speed.

“Facing such high-end food as box lunch, I couldn’t help eating it.”

“No, that’s for guests!”

The woman rushed over in shock.

But the young man easily dodged it.

Quickly eating a box, the boy turned to the woman again with an expression: “Marry me.”


The woman punched him in the face angrily, and sent him flying. Before taking off, the boy didn’t forget to give away a box of lunch.

“The ancestors of the Bai family taught that stealing and beating food should not be thrown away.”

“Hey, meat!”

“Really, there is braised pork in the lunch box. The city people are so extravagant.” Squatting on the ground, the boy started to eat without hesitation.

Bai Ling: “…”

She never dreamed that there would be such a shameless person now, which completely refreshed her three views.

“Let’s go, don’t worry about him, there will be a good show later.”

Wang Yu laughed secretly, this Bai Yue is really funny.

After getting on the elevator, the two of them sat togetherto the tenth floor.

As soon as he opened it, Wang Yu saw a few scattered people inside. He turned his head and asked, “Which one am I playing?”

Bai Ling said: “The young master is the first to play.”

“…” Wang Yu was a little surprised, he was actually in front of Bai Yue, it shouldn’t be!

Bai Ling thought that Wang Yu was a little nervous on stage for the first time, so she whispered: “Young master, don’t worry, Ah Ren has already arranged everything. This dating show used to be our family’s, and later it was given to Yiqidaomeng Wang’s family. Ah Ren Just a word, and they arranged for the young master to be the first to go on stage. The young master only needs to come on stage and introduce his name.”

“Alright then.” Wang Yu nodded.

At this moment, the surroundings suddenly darkened, and then several flashlights shone on the stage.

“Welcome to the big heart-to-heart dating show where true love is invincible without money and hands-free. If you don’t have money, you must have good looks – don’t marry if you don’t have money!”

On the stage, there was a host in a white suit and sunglasses. With the microphone in hand, he shouted passionately.

“Ah! Ahh!”

Following the host’s words, bursts of cheers arose immediately below.

“Is this show so popular?”

Wang Yu looked at the people in the audience, very surprised.

After the cheers fell, the host said slowly: “Next, we invite thirteen female guests to come on stage!”

Stretching out his left hand, the light not far from the host turned on.

Thirteen beautiful beauties appeared on the field.

There was another burst of cheers. Obviously, the appearance of the beautiful woman greatly stimulated the secretion of male hormones among the male compatriots present, making them shout crazily in the audience.

“I have invited my first contestant. He is Wang Yu, who ranks first on the youth rich list!” The host pointed to Wang Yu in front of the runway and said excitedly.

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