: Luo Tian Dajiao Begins

There has always been a huge arena in the back of Longhu Mountain.

On weekdays, no one comes.

Only when each generation selects the successor of the celestial master, such a martial arts arena is opened up.

In addition to this, it is also a stage for urging disciples to compete.

But today, at this moment, there are huge crowds of people in the arena.

A group of people chattered around the auditorium.

“This time, the Luo Tian Festival is so lively!” Xu Si was smoking a cigarette boredly, holding on to the railing on the auditorium.

“That’s right! Almost all the strangers from all over the world have arrived.”

Xu San said with emotion: “There are so many strangers, Zhang Chulan wants to win the championship, the degree of difficulty has increased a lot.”

Xu Si curled his lips, and retorted: “You just say that he is good enough to win the championship, let alone his little uncle Zhang Lingyu, even the Zhuge family who usually does not have contact with the alien world has come.”

“Zhang Chulan’s future is bleak this time.”

Zhang Chulan: “…” Damn! The young master is right next to you, don’t you need to be shy when you are the young master?

After all, the young master is also the inheritor of the source of gas, so it’s not as unbearable as you said.

Just as he was about to refute, someone suddenly patted his shoulder.

Turning around to see, it turned out to be Wang Ye.

“The king is also Taoist priest?”

Wang also smiled lightly and said, “Benefactor Zhang, don’t put so much pressure on yourself, just do your best.”

“Well, thank you Daoist Wang Ye for your guidance.” Zhang Chulan nodded and saluted Wang Ye.

As soon as the words changed, Zhang Chulan said dully: “But the old celestial master told me that he will tell me everything only if I get the qualifications to be the heir of the celestial master.”

“So, this time, no matter what, I will fight for the first place.” Zhang Chulan looked forward firmly, fixed her gaze on a figure.

That person is Zhang Lingyu.

He is the strongest opponent for the title of Celestial Master.

Perhaps because of noticing Zhang Chulan’s gaze, Zhang Lingyu’s eyes flashed brightly.

Zhang Chulan quickly turned her head away, feeling very nervous.

Not long ago, the old master reminded him intentionally or unintentionally that the only opponent was Zhang Lingyu.

He didn’t understand at first, but now he understands everything.

Most of the strangers here are here for the Tongtian talisman. Even if someone else really won the first place, they will not give up Tongtianlu because of the position of celestial master.

So in his thinking, as long as Zhang Lingyu is not the first place, he just needs to occupy the second place.

Of course, it would be even better if he could get the first place.

But there is a prerequisite for this, that is, before that, don’t be eliminated by others.

“Look, the Heavenly Master is here!”

“Wow! There are still a few of the ten guys!”

There was a sudden commotion among the people in the auditorium.

Zhang Chulan regained her senses and looked around. At this time, a group of people headed by the old heavenly master walked towards the competition stage.


Zhang Zhiwei clenched his fist and put it in front of his mouth, and suddenly coughed lightly.

But this voice made the chattering aliens instantly quiet down.

Zhang Chulan only felt as if someone coughed vigorously in his ear, and there was a buzzing in his head, which immediately startled him.

Fortunately, Wang also explained at this time: “It’s okay, this is just a unique method of sound transmission. However, the cultivation base of the old heavenly master is really unfathomable. For a moment just now, it really looks like the old heavenly master is here on me. It’s like coughing in the ear.”

Wang also looked at the old master with admiration.

The field became quiet, Zhang Zhiwei nodded in satisfaction, and said, “Everyone, I kept everyone waiting for a long time.”

“In addition to the traditional sacrifices, this Luo Tian Dajiao specially invites those of us who practice Qi to exchange and learn.”

Zhang Zhiwei said, after a slight pause, he said half-jokingly: “Of course, you didn’t come here to sit down and talk about mysteries like me waiting for old people…”

“The old man has also come from such a young age like yours. I understand very well what everyone desires.”

“So… since everyone wants to learn from each other, then I won’t chatter here, let’s start now.”

After Zhang Zhiwei finished speaking, he and a few ten guys came to the highest viewing booth.

At this time, the aliens who wanted to participate in the competition had already started queuing up to draw lots to determine the number of matches.

It was Zhang Chulan’s turn.

Reaching into the lottery box, Zhang Chulan spread out the note in her hand.

“Y White Tiger?”

And Wang Yu, who got away with it, also spread out the note in his hand.

“Duck Duck?”

After chanting it, Wang Yu muttered to himself: “What do you mean? Ding Yazi, is it a personal name?”

He is not the only one who has doubts.

Then I heard the old master explain in a loud voice: “Everyone, look at the notes in your hands. Due to the limited space, A, B, C, and D represent your order of appearance. As for the animals below, each animal has four Only, people who get the same animal often compete together.”

“Among them, only one person can pass the next round of selection.”

Zhang Zhiwei spread out his hands, and a mighty aura rushed towards him!

It made the strangers present feel pressured.

“Only one person can pass the next round of selection…” A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Yu’s mouth, which is interesting.

It’s the season to cut leeks again.

The old Wang next door has already prepared his sickle.

“Please——the contestant who has drawn a deer come on stage!”

The contestants of the first group have already entered the arena.Three very attractive figures appeared in the arena.

“Oh! I didn’t expect it to be that Feng Baobao in the first scene! She is in danger, and the three people on the opposite side seem to be Xiao Taoyuan.”

An ordinary-looking woman came to Wang Yu’s side, with her upper body lying on the railing.

At first glance, she looks like an ordinary woman.

However, Wang Yu moved his nose and smelled a very familiar smell.

After thinking about it, I knew who it was.

Ignoring her, Wang Yu continued to watch the game. My heart is bleeding, these are all green leeks.

It’s a pity, there is no chance!

The woman realized that Wang Yu ignored her, so she assumed she hadn’t noticed her disguise.

He was secretly proud of himself, and said nothing more.

Watch the game quietly.

At this time, the martial arts competition field has become a scene of confessing relatives.

“Oh! Sister Bao’er, I’m not dreaming, am I? How did you come here?” Guan Ling’er had a flattering expression on her face.

“Me? I’m here to whip you…”

Feng Baobao tilted his head, clasped his arms around his chest, and said in a daze, “Speaking of which, who are you three?”

“Haha… You really are a noble person who forgets things too much, I, Liu Fang!”

“I’m Guan Linger!”

“Zhang Cai!”

When the three of them saw Feng Baobao, they broke out in a cold sweat. Three gusts of cold air poured into their brains from their tailbone.

After discovering that Feng Baobao still had no impression, Liu Fang reminded embarrassingly: “You forgot, last year we were a little out of the loop.”

“The company has worked hard to make us thrive and go on the right path. You and Fourth Brother Xu have worked tirelessly to educate us who are naughty with love.”


The three of them surrounded Feng Baobao in a fawning manner, almost kneeling and licking.

“Oh! I remembered.” Feng Baobao clapped his hands, suddenly realized: “I remember that Xu Si locked you in a container and threw them into the sea. He said that according to the drifting of the waves at that time, you should have drifted to Japan. ”

“Eh… Didn’t we float halfway, ran out and swam back by ourselves?”

“We are mainly reluctant to part with our motherland, you and Xu Si!”

“Hey! Little Taoyuan, are you still fighting?”

The referee couldn’t stand it anymore and shouted loudly.

“That’s right! We’re going to grind a lot there. If we don’t play it out, we’re still waiting to play.” A player outside the field said dissatisfied.

Liu Fang’er said confidently: “Hit it! Hit it! This is my sister, can I do it?”

“Then… what do you three want?” the referee said.

“We admit defeat!” The three of them looked at each other and surrendered simply.

“The armored deer, the winner—Feng Baobao!”

Afterwards, several consecutive rounds were held.

It wasn’t until Zhang Lingyu, who was dressed in a loose white Taoist robe, came on the stage and overwhelmed the three with one man’s power, pushing the game to a climax.

Wang Yu glanced at the woman next to her, and found that she hadn’t looked away since Zhang Lingyu came on stage, and she was thoughtful for a while.

The game is still in progress,

Now it’s time for Zhang Chulan to play.

This made him look forward to what kind of strength the protagonist of this world would show.

As for the protagonist, Zhang Chulan, wearing a black cloak, walked in slowly through the gate.

That strong force deeply stimulated the audience’s taste buds.

On the other side of the auditorium, Feng Xingtong looked worriedly at Zhang Chulan who was on stage.

“I don’t know if Zhang Chulan can survive the first round. It seems that they are going to play 3 against 1.”

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