Don’t Shake Bilian Zhang Chulan

“By the way, old lady, didn’t you see Zhang Chulan make a move last time? How is his strength?” Feng Xingtong turned to look at Fengshayan next to him.

Feng Shayan first looked at Zhang Chulan’s coquettish clothes, showing contempt.

But when she thought about Zhang Chulan’s strength against Zhang Lingyu that day, although she had never beaten Zhang Lingyu, she had to admit that it was indeed very strong, whether it was Leifa or the Golden Light Curse.

Just as the two were talking, earth-shaking changes had taken place on the field.

I heard Zhang Chulan say with great expression: “Thirty years in Hexi! Thirty years in Hedong! Grandpa, the world was wronged by other people back then. Today, my grandson is here to seek justice from them.”

The breeze blew gently, and every time Zhang Chulan took a step, the other three people in the martial arts field began to beat drums inexplicably.

The purple-haired man took half a step back and took a breath: “As expected of being the descendant of the source of gas, it feels so oppressive.”

“What did he say just now that a different person in the world betrayed his grandfather? What do you mean?” Another burly man with a shirt on his chest was obviously not very smart.

The person standing in the middle hesitated for a moment, and said, “I don’t know, but it sounds like some awesome old story.”

“Hmph! Don’t care about his old affairs.” The shirtless man said to Zhang Chulan: “Zhang Chulan, now the world of aliens is crazily rumoring that you are the descendant of the source of gas. Today, the three of us will come to see it. How strong.”

“Don’t blame the three of us for bullying you, who told you that you are too popular now.” The purple-haired man sneered.

The three of them surrounded Zhang Chulan in a tacit understanding.

But no one launched an attack first.

Several people understand that Zhang Chulan’s strength is currently rumored to be unknown. The first shot will definitely suffer.

Although her heart was pounding, Zhang Chulan’s expression remained unchanged.

Looking at the three of them with disdain, Zhang Chulan suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

“Ants who plan to win with more can let me use the gas source flow passed down in my family? It’s ridiculous.”

“What! He dared to call us morons?ant. “The big man’s face was gloomy, and his eyes were fixed on Zhang Chulan. He clenched his fists tightly, as if to tear him apart.

“Is not it?”

Zhang Chulan said with a look of arrogance: “You are just ants, and you know that you will never be in the realm of the strong. So you can only get together and use your meager strength to barely survive in this world.”

“I really didn’t expect that my opponent, Zhang Chulan, in the first battle, was actually a group of ants like you.”

Zhang Chulan’s voice reached their ears extremely piercingly.

“Haha…you group of ants should do it quickly, otherwise I’m afraid you won’t have a chance.”

Zhang Chulan spread out her hands and laughed loudly: “The one who deserves to be overthrown should be the president of the Tiandihui. It’s the ten guys, following all the strong men in the world.”

Then, Zhang Chulan pointed a finger at the sky and shouted:

“What I want to overthrow – is this sky!”

As soon as Zhang Chulan finished speaking, there was silence on and off the court.

After a while, there was a lot of yelling.

“Damn it! This is simply the male protagonist in the novel, unexpectedly so domineering.”

An old monk said with emotion: “What kind of arrogance and arrogance is this.”

“Almsgiver, the poor monk sees that your face is flushed, which is a sign of great fortune and wealth. I have a string of glazed beads here, which are…”

“Get out! My blood is boiling right now. In the next match, I will fight to break the sky!” A young man with yellow hair flushed with excitement.

“What should I do… let’s go?”

The three of them scolded each other, and for a moment they didn’t know what to do.


The man in the middle closed his eyes and blocked the other two.

Suddenly he said, “You’re right, Zhang Chulan, thank you! You woke me up by scolding me.”

“What do you mean?” The big man asked puzzledly.

“We were all wrong. Remember why we participated in this competition?”

The big man said: “Isn’t it for learning from each other?”

“Yes, I, Xiao Huo, came here this time to fight against the strongest in the world. Not to win, but to measure the gap with the strongest.”

Xiao Huo said firmly with his eyes: “So, I must maintain my dignity as a challenger. Sorry, you two, please let me single out Zhang Chulan.”


Zhang Chulan said in a disdainful tone, “Can such a glorious status be obtained without any price?”

“Don’t insult me, let alone the source of gas!”

As Zhang Chulan said, she sat cross-legged on the ground.

The big man was shocked and said: “Nimma, you actually sat down.”

Xiao Huo was shocked and said, “We didn’t take us seriously at all.”

Zhang Chulan ignored the shock of the few people, and said confidently: “If you want to challenge me, then prove that you are the strongest of these three.”


“Go and prove that you are worthy of facing the source of gas!”

Zhang Chulan pointed at the three of them playfully: “Is it you? Or you? Or is it you?”

After a pause, Zhang Chulan shouted loudly: “Then prove it to me, who is worthy of the baptism of the source of gas in the end.”

The three of them were agitated by his stimulation, and looked at each other with eyes full of fighting spirit.

In the viewing seats.

Xia He: “…”

“Haha, this eloquence is worthy of being the protagonist!” Wang Yu almost burst out laughing, this Zhang Chulan is too funny. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this guy is pretending.

Sure enough, the three people on the field were stimulated by Zhang Chulan, and the three passionately engaged in a melee that lasted for several minutes.

In the end, Xiao Huo was slightly better.

Knock the other two down to the ground.

“Phew! Zhang Chulan, I did it. This challenge is mine!” Xiao Huo panted with scars all over his face.

“Come on! Let me experience the source of the older generation’s gas.”

Xiao Huo put on a hug posture for Zhang Chulan who was sitting on the ground.

“sit down!”

Zhang Chulan said with a gloomy face, “This deity allows you to adjust the turbulent qi in your body, and adjust the qi in your body to the best state. I won’t take action against you now.”

Xiao Huo: “…” As expected of a master, this kind of demeanor.

“Zhang Chulan… Thank you!”

Xiao Huopan sat down and began to recover the qi in his body.

I couldn’t help thinking in my heart: I’m still too persistent, winning or losing is no longer important, being able to fight against such a master is already the highest honor.

At this time, Xiao Huo admired Zhang Chulan from the bottom of his heart. This age is not older than him, but he can definitely be called a strong man.

Xiao Huo closed his eyes, adjusted the air flow in his body, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

It made his heart jump violently, but he couldn’t find the source of this feeling.

In the outside world, Zhang Chulan looked as if his scheme had succeeded.

“Uh… referee, I’m not fouling him now…” Zhang Chulan took off his black cloak, pointed at Xiao Huo who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and said to the referee above.

The Taoist priest who acted as the referee had a dark face, and uttered two words in a very aggrieved manner: “No offense…”

“However, I have to tell you. Zhang Chulan, I want to slap you now.” The referee stared at Zhang Chulan with a displeased face. He has never seen such a brazen person since he grew up.

“That’s good!” Zhang Chulan stretched her muscles and didn’t pay attention to the referee’s last words.


Xiao Huo opened his eyes fiercely, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Then his aura began to drop rapidly.

However, Xiao Huo can no longer control that much.

Facing Zhang Chulan who was constantly grinding his fists in front of him, he asked loudlySaid: “Hey! Didn’t you say to wait for me to slow down before doing anything?”

In an instant, Xiao Huo, I wanted to understand something.

“Damn it! What you just said… Wait, what about your dignity as a strong man?”

“The dignity of the strong? How much is that stuff worth?”

Zhang Chulan showed a bright smile unconsciously, and sarcastically said: “It’s just some people who advocate violence and want to save face. True dignity has nothing to do with strength. Oh, by the way, what I just said is actually Lied to you.”

“You should have guessed it, too.”

As Zhang Chulan said, she smiled and gave Xiao Huo, who could not resist, a severe beating from socialism.



“Zhang Chulan…you bastard!”

Xiao Huo lay powerlessly on the ground, staring at Zhang Chulan in front of him with hatred.

He regretted so much, regretted listening to his slander.

Once, there was an opportunity to enter the next round in front of him, but he didn’t cherish it.

It wasn’t until now that he regretted it too much.

If God can give him a chance to start again.

He would say loudly to Zhang Chulan:

“I believe you ghost!”

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