Shocked Yamata no Orochi

What made him hesitate was that if he used both hands blatantly, he might be in constant trouble in the future.

Although he is not afraid of trouble, it is obvious that now is not the time.

As we all know, Shuangquanshou is the ability of Quanxing Lu Liang, and it is listed as one of the Eight Miraculous Skills.

The soul can be manipulated arbitrarily, whether it is modifying memory or extracting memory.

It’s an auxiliary ability.

Once he shows his hands, he probably won’t be able to participate in this competition.

He also inquired about Quan Xing’s reputation in this world.

He is simply a notorious villain.

Fighting alone, he has the confidence to deal with anyone, but most of the strangers in the world are gathered here.

And there are still protagonists, pick a group, unless he doesn’t want to live anymore.

Just when Wang Yu was hesitating whether to use both hands, Deng Youcai was also having a conversation with the spirit snake in his body.

Spirit Snake: “That kid has a lot of aura and is extremely dangerous. He needs to increase his reward.”

Deng Youcai: “No way, Patriarch. This is the first round of the competition. If I give it to you, I won’t have it in the next round.”

The spirit snake snorted and said, “Boy, if the old man doesn’t use all his strength, you little bastard might not have another round.”

“The old man will leave it at that today. The kid who is fighting you has more energy in his body than all the old things above combined. Even if the old man wants to suppress him, he will have to use some means.”

“You can figure it out. If you don’t agree, the old man won’t force you, and the old man will leave right away.”

“Don’t… just everything, I agree.” Deng Youcai gritted his teeth secretly and agreed to its request.

As long as he can get him to the next game at the general level, no matter how big the request is, he can only grit his teeth and bear it.

I couldn’t help feeling resentment towards Wang Yu.

In the outside world, the competition field where the two were cleared, only Deng Youcai and Wang Yu remained.

At the moment when everyone was watching, Deng Youcai moved.

The fast snake skin approached Wang Yu, and Deng Youcai stretched out his sharp claws. The nails were illuminated by the sun, shining with black light.

Lightning flashed.

A touch of black grabbed Wang Yu’s neck.

Wang Yu didn’t dare to be careless, so he quickly took a step back.

Dodge his attack.

Deng Youcai was slightly surprised when he saw this, but immediately grabbed it again.


There was an explosion, and Wang Yu’s fist full of aura met Deng Youcai’s thick black claws.

The field was suddenly filled with sand and soil, and only the sound of continuous collisions could be heard.

Half of the arena has been covered in sand and dust.

so that people can’t see clearly what’s going on inside.

Wang Yu stood in the dust with a serious expression on his face.

He also realized what Deng Youcai’s goal was at this time.

Deep in the dust, Wang Yu’s vision was greatly affected.

The visibility of the eyes is less than half a meter.

Facing Deng Youcai’s sudden attack, he could only be beaten passively.

The wind and sand enveloped not only the vision, but also the sense of smell.

He doesn’t know how to perceive abilities, and the wind and sand still have a lot of influence on him.

Another sudden attack, Wang Yu relied on his body’s instinctive reaction to dodge it again.

verySurprised, Wang Yu also discovered for the first time that the body’s instinctive reaction to danger is so strong.

It was beyond his expectation.

Thinking that it should be Bai Qi, the original owner of this body, years of experience in the battlefield gave this body a muscular response.

But it’s not a solution to keep doing this. The first solution that Wang Yu thought of was to fly out.

Unfortunately, it was quickly rejected by him.

Don’t reveal too much for now.

He is still waiting to cut the next round of leeks. If he behaves too well and frightens the opponent into surrendering, that will be a hundred mission points!

In the world of fox demons, it was enough for him to earn for a long time.

But the opponent is indeed a bit strong.

Once again avoiding Deng Youcai’s claws, Wang Yu responded calmly.

“Wait! Something seems wrong. Isn’t he participating in this contest just to cut leeks? This ready-made leek is here, why is he hiding?”

Wang Yu was taken aback…

In other words, why should I hide?

Am I not a zombie? Who am I afraid of than the flesh?

“good chance!”

The snake spirit, who had been looking for Wang Yu’s flaws, suddenly sensed that he froze suddenly.

Although it doesn’t know why, it can’t give up this rare opportunity.

If this continues, Deng Youcai’s body will soon be unable to withstand it.

The snake spirit controlled Deng Youcai’s body to move.

A more intense black air clings to Deng Youcai’s claws.

With his hands crossed in front of his chest, You quickly slid upwards and downwards.

Two jets of black air, as sharp as knives, gathered together and materialized, and quickly attacked Wang Yu.

In an instant, Wang Yu wanted to grab the black air with tearing breath with both hands.

A gleam of joy flashed in Snake Spirit’s eyes. This idiot actually used his hands to grab his black energy.

She is simply a lunatic.

Its black energy is actually so easy to break.

Although the main body is not here, only one of the black air is separated out, but it is not something ordinary strangers can touch.

“Let’s have a good taste of the old man’s corrosive poison.” Snake Spirit smiled triumphantly.

But soon, its laughter gradually disappeared. It was replaced by an expression of disbelief, “Impossible! How are you not affected by the corruption?”

“Oh? Is this thing corrosive?” Wang Yu pinched the black air in his palms with both hands and squeezed it into a ball.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending part of the divine spell (disabled)”

“What rubbish!”

Wang Yu was interested in this upper body technique at first, but unexpectedly he turned out to be a cripple.

Not to mention only those wild snakes can be summoned, there are still great restrictions.

Let’s wait until the game is over and sell it to the system.

If Deng Youcai heard it, he would definitely vomit three liters of blood.

This is his most precious skill. It’s his trump card, but he’s turned down by people today.

“Well, it looks like this competition is coming to an end.” Zhang Zhiwei narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly.

Standing behind the old Tianshi, Zhang Lingyu looked at Wang Yu on the field. For some reason, she was very upset with him.

But it’s obviously the first time I’ve seen him, so why do I feel this way?

Zhang Lingyu couldn’t tell.

“Not necessarily, teacher, his opponent is a snake spirit who has cultivated for many years.” Zhang Lingyu said lightly.

He will never admit it. He is the one who sees him as unhappy.

Yes, that’s right, the snake spirit on the opposite side is unusual at first glance.

Zhang Lingyu thought against her will.

“Haha… I agree with Lingyu’s statement.” Mr. Lu Jin stepped forward and said, “That snake spirit is not simple. Let’s see, it probably has tricks.”


Zhang Zhiwei stared at the arena calmly. No one knew what he was thinking at this moment.

“Hiss~! Brat, you’re fine!” Snake Ling stared at Wang Yu with a pair of snake eyes, and made a hoarse voice.

“Little bastard, do you want to win?” Snake Spirit said to Deng Youcai.

Although he can’t control his body, his vision and hearing are still there.

It was like watching everything that happened outside from the eyes of an outsider.

But this made him even more aware that the snake spirit in its current state couldn’t beat him at all.

“I can’t lose this battle!” Deng Youcai gritted his teeth.

Snake Spirit said: “Even if you win this match, then you won’t be able to participate in the next match.”

Deng Youcai was depressed for a moment, and said with a contorted face: “But I didn’t even pass the first round, so how can I surpass that guy! So, in this battle, I have no way out!”

Perhaps upon hearing Deng Youcai’s firm tone, Snake Spirit’s eyes were filled with gloom, but he was more pleased.

Sighing, the snake spirit controlling Deng Youcai slowly said: “Boy opposite, you are really good. You remind me of an old friend, an old man who I wish I could kill.”

Wang Yu smiled lightly: “That must be a very powerful existence.”

The snake spirit was silent for a moment, recalling the long-lost memory.

And that man…

After a long time, the snake spirit slowly raised its head, and shouted in a distorted voice: “Remember the old man’s name, this old man is Yamata Torochi.”

After the words fell, Deng Youcai suddenly let out a sharp and long whistle!

Immediately afterwards, the black air around him suddenly rose sharply.

Half of the sky was shrouded in black.

“what happened?”

“So strong! So huge!”

Half of the sky was shrouded in black air, which immediately attracted a burst of surprise from the onlookers.

Lu Jin looked up at the sky and exclaimed, “It’s so terrifying! What is the origin of this snake spirit? If the main body descends, no one present will be able to stop it.”Then he smiled heartlessly at Zhang Zhiwei: “Old Master, what am I talking about. You are going to miscalculate this time, let’s see how that kid will deal with it.”

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