I want to keep a low profile too

However, Zhang Zhiwei shook his head, and said with a strange expression: “Bamata Yuanlu Zhi, where have I heard this name?”

“Old Master, have you heard of it? Didn’t you read it in some ancient book?” Lu Jin said.

“I don’t know. When I get old, my memory gets worse.” Zhang Zhiwei sighed.

Standing aside, she no longer had any hope for Wang Yu.

Although Wang Yu’s shots were very short after he came on the field, the old Tianshi felt that he was extraordinary.

I was quite optimistic about him at first, but I didn’t expect to encounter a change in the first round.

He looked at the eight-headed giant snakes surrounding Deng Youcai, all composed of black energy, occupying most of the competition field.


etc! eight heads?

Zhang Zhiwei took a closer look and found that the snake did have eight giants.

“Yamata Enrochi, I remembered, it’s still alive!”

Zhang Zhiwei was also stunned. After being questioned by Lu Jin and others, he said slowly:

“You may not be familiar with the name Yamata Torochi. But what about the Japanese Yamata no Orochi? Do you have any impression?”

Lu Jin hesitated, and said, “But in that Japanese myth, the eight-headed serpent that was beheaded by Susanoo?”

“Master, don’t tease us, that’s a myth.” Lu Jin smiled.

Think Zhang Zhiwei is joking.

“No.” Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and said, “I saw a record of it in a history book in the library in the early years. How come the myth comes from the folks? The characters in it may be exaggerated, but it doesn’t mean it’s true. Does not exist. Maybe in another time and space, there may be.”

Zhang Zhiwei said pointingly.


Lu Jin and the others didn’t quite understand what Old Tianshi said.

Only Zhang Lingyu vaguely noticed something, and looked at the old master with complicated eyes.

“Boom boom boom—!”

Several huge explosions interrupted their train of thought.

Thick smoke billowed from the arena, and several huge snake heads could be vaguely seen, constantly smashing towards a certain place.

Wang Yu kept jumping and dodging in it.

Occasionally, I would punch it, but it’s a pity that it can blow its head off with the strength of the physical body alone.

But within a few breaths, the snake head recovered.


Quickly punched and smashed a head of the giant snake.

Wang Yu took a few steps back.

Neither of them took advantage.

Although Yamata no Orochi could occasionally attack Wang Yu, due to Wang Yu’s physical strength, it did little damage to him.

On the contrary, it is the same for Wang Yu. The Yamata no Orochi is completely composed of this kind of black air. Even if it can be broken up by him, it can be quickly condensed.

Just as he took a few breaths, Yamata no Orochi attacked again.

Still using the snake head as before, Wang Yu was also speechless. Can’t we change it? After all, you are a legend in the myth, so you should know supernatural powers.

Just know how to use brute force.

Could it be that this snake is old and confused?

However, Wang Yu doesn’t plan to waste any more. Because the leeks that should be cut have been cut off, there is no point in consuming them any longer.

Facing the attack of the eight snakeheads, Wang Yu’s expression remained unchanged. A sharp look suddenly flashed in his eyes, and in an instant, Wang Yu was the center.

Lightning rolled and flickered, and the eight snake heads of Hachio no Orochi screamed in pain!

Lightning covered the entire arena, but surprisingly, all arcs of lightning stopped under the high walls of the arena.

They are all harmless audiences.

The rolling thunder was like a bolt from the blue, and countless large and small deep pits were blasted out on the ground.

The ground was already scorched black, and there was a thunderous explosion sound.

“Thunder! Could it be the thunder law of Tianshi Mansion?”

“No way? That person doesn’t seem to want to belong to the Tianshi Mansion?”

“You’re stupid! Maybe it’s a genius secretly cultivated by the Heavenly Master’s Mansion. Or tell me, where can such a shocking lightning attack be cultivated except for the Heavenly Master’s Mansion!”

A group of people looked at the position of the old heavenly master inexplicably.

Waiting for the old heavenly master to nod and admit.

At this time, Zhang Zhiwei’s expression was also a little shocked. However, the xinxing he had cultivated over the years allowed him to calm down quickly.

Observing Wang Yu carefully, Zhang Zhiwei discovered that the other party did not use Lei Fa’s method.

Zhang Lingyu stared at Wang Yu with fiery eyes, feeling very aggrieved. Zhang Chulan first came out, and now there is another one who knows how to thunder.

This is the untold secret of Tianshi Mansion, why does it feel like it has become a cabbage outside.

The next time I go out of the mountain, will I meet a few people who know how to thunder?

Clenching her fists, Zhang Lingyu’s eyes flickered with black arcs.

In my heart, I don’t have much affection for Wang Yu and Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Zhiwei, who was observing Wang Yu, did not pay attention to Zhang Lingyu’s expression.

The continuous thunder lasted for several minutes before slowly subsiding.

The competition venue at this moment has basically been scrapped.

Standing on the black soil, Wang Yu felt so fortunate in his heart. If it weren’t for 5% of the power of thunder secretly cut out from Zhang Chulan’s body, plus 95% of the power of thunder saved by Du Jie.

It just happened to be complete, and Wang Yu won’t win this game so easily.

Ordinary qi has little effect on Yamata no Orochi’s black qi.

If he hadn’t obtained the power of thunder, Wang Yu originally planned to spend it all the time.

He didn’t believe that Deng Youcai’s physical body could really hold on to Yamata no Orochi’s power.Fortunately, the ending was perfect.

Wang Yu looked at the damage he caused with satisfaction. It wasn’t his own venue, so there was no pressure to use it.

The Yamata no Orochi had disappeared, and Deng Youcai fell to the ground lifeless with blood all over his body.

After Zhang Zhiwei reacted, he quickly organized the medical staff.

They held this competition, not to let them fight to the death.

No one thought that the origin of Deng Youcai’s summoning turned out to be such a terrifying thing.

What’s more, in the face of such a terrifying giant snake, that young man named Wang Yu could actually win.

Even Zhang Lingyu didn’t dare to say that she would definitely win if she felt that she was facing the giant snake.

Although the giant snake does not have a particularly powerful ability to use, but with his attack power, it is not something ordinary people can take over.

That’s equivalent to a truck sprinting crazily at high speed. More than that, the black gas that makes up the giant snake is highly corrosive.

Even if I met Wang Yu, if I met someone else, let alone fighting the giant snake, I would have given up a long time ago.

Looking at a group of Taoist priests maintaining order, Wang Yu left quietly.

“Hey! Why is it so difficult to keep a low profile!”

Wang Yu shook his head helplessly, and walked towards the residence where strangers were entertained with his hands behind his back.

Originally seeing Wang Yu leave, Zhang Chulan’s eyes moved, and he quickly followed.

Just about to say hello, when I heard Wang Yu’s brazen words, I was stunned for a moment.

Staring blankly at his receding back, Zhang Chulan finally didn’t speak.

Being able to say such shameless words really made Zhang Chulan elated.

Finally met someone as shameless as him.

It’s just that the two behave differently.

Zhang Chulan is a dog, and he can stay for as long as he can. He will never use force to settle things that can be settled with words and tricks.

In Zhang Chulan’s eyes, Wang Yu’s performance was completely opposite to his.

From the very beginning, he showed such a strong combat power that even Lei Fa used it.

“Zhang Chulan, why did you come out first?”

Feng Baobao came behind Zhang Chulan and said.

Zhang Chulan turned her head and said, “It’s Sister Baoer!”

“I didn’t find you just now. The old master announced that 32 people will advance to the next round.” Feng Baobao said indifferently: “I originally planned to draw lots today and decide on one-on-one candidates tomorrow. Since the competition field was severely damaged, the draw can only be carried out tomorrow. .”

“Originally, I planned that if the person you drew was very powerful, I would bury him tonight.” Feng Baobao said in a flat tone, and he didn’t feel anything wrong at all.

It seems that everything is normal.

Zhang Chulan: “…”

Sister Baoer deserves to be Sister Baoer…

“Yexing, Jiyun. After tonight, take everyone to arrange the room. I will take people to clean up the venue, so as not to delay the competition tomorrow.” Zhang Lingyu said.

“Okay! Little uncle!”

The two middle-aged men in dark blue Taoist robes glanced at each other and said respectfully.

Zhang Chulan’s eyes moved. This is a good opportunity to clear up the relationship with Zhang Lingyu.

Immediately, he waved his hand and said hello: “Oh! Little Martial Uncle! Today’s competition is still so sharp!”


Zhang Lingyu glanced at him silently, and said in a flat tone: “Don’t be shameless, Zhang Chulan, who is your uncle!”

As he spoke, he ignored Zhang Chulan and walked straight past him.

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