Zhang Chulan’s doubts

Zhang Chulan secretly clenched her fists.

Taking a deep breath, she pursed her lips. I was very depressed, he provoked someone.

Why does Zhang Lingyu just dislike him.

“Could it be that you’ve reached menopause?” Zhang Chulan thought wickedly.

At this moment, the Taoist priests named Ye Xing and Ji Yun stepped forward.

She bowed her hands to Zhang Chulan.

“Poverty and prosperity.”

“Poverty Jiyun, little brother Zhang Chulan, we meet again.”

Zhang Chulan was feeling depressed, and hummed twice as an answer.

The two Taoists didn’t care, but Ye Xing smiled and said, “Haha…Little brother, don’t be depressed. Let’s go, I’ll take you to a place to rest.”

Warmly entertaining Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao walked behind with a blank expression.

The journey was not close, and the few of them talked and laughed along the way.

Zhang Chulan always had a trace of doubt on her face, finally gritted her teeth, and asked Ye Xing and the other two, “Two priests, there is something I want to ask you.”

“Oh? Tell me.” Ye Xing said indifferently.

“I just want to ask you, what does your little master Zhang Lingyu dislike about me? Why do I annoy him?” Zhang Chulan said depressingly.

This question has been simmering in his heart for a long time and cannot be dispelled.

Every time I meet this little uncle Zhang Lingyu, I can see impatience and disgust in the other person’s eyes.

Zhang Chulan was very puzzled, even though he was suspected of licking dogs a lot. Believe in dog licking, lick everything until the end.

But he just couldn’t figure out how he and Zhang Lingyu had met so twice, how could he feel like an enemy to him.

Zhang Chulan said with great aggrieved heart: “The first time I saw him, I thought he had that kind of stinky temper. But this time when I went up the mountain to see it, it’s not like that at all.”

“He is friendly with others. Why does he seem to be targeting me? You must know that I didn’t know him before, let alone offend him.”

Zhang Chulan stared at the two, as if questioning them in his eyes.

“Ah, this is really true! The little uncle is usually very kind to others. Could it be that the old heavenly master paid special attention to Chu Lan, which caused the little uncle to be unhappy?”Cool? ”

Daoist Yexing scratched his face with one finger, still puzzled.

And Taoist Ji Yun reprimanded Ye Xing: “Hey! Is Lingyu such a small-minded person? It’s fine if Chu Lan doesn’t understand, you want to go astray anyway!”


With a gloomy face, Zhang Chulan came behind Taoist Jiyun with a hint of a smile.

“So, Daoist Ji Yun, do you know the reason?”

Ji Yun’s expression was startled, and a lot of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

“I’ll go! My stinky mouth!”

Ji Yun made up his mind and decided not to say anything.

She quickly shook her head and said, “Zhang Chulan, don’t make up calculations, I don’t know anything!”

Before Zhang Chulan could speak, Ye Xing on the side suddenly grabbed Jiyun’s collar, and said angrily, “Come on, Jiyun! What I can’t stand is when someone half-speaks, and Chu Lan asks anyway.” , if you don’t tell me today, I’ll never end with you.”

“Pfft! Ye Xing! Which side are you on?” Ji Yun almost vomited blood on the spot.

Careless in making friends!

In the end, he sighed helplessly, “Okay, I’ll tell you when your residence is settled.”

“That’s about the same.” Ye Xing let go of his hands, clapped his hands, “Come on, let’s go and arrange a place for them.”

Originally, Ji Yun wanted to slow down and procrastinate, but Ye Xing saw through it unexpectedly.

“Wait, this ugly thing is said before, you can’t say that I told you even if you kill yourself?” Ji Yun warned cautiously.

Zhang Chulan nodded again and again: “I know, don’t worry, Daoist Ji Yun, my mouth is very strict.”

At night, several rows of tile houses are the residences of these foreign contestants tonight.

On the roof, Zhang Chulan and the others sat cross-legged.

After Taoist Ji Yun sat down, he slowly said to them: “Zhang Chulan, my little master usually speaks sarcasticly to you, not because he hates you, but because… he is jealous.”

“Jealous, me?” Zhang Chulan pointed to her nose with a look of surprise.

Then Daoist Yexing took it for granted, “Look, I’m right. The old heavenly master takes special care of an outsider, and the little master is jealous.”

“You know what a fart!”

Taoist Jiyun yelled at him on the spot.

Ignore him, and said to Zhang Chulan with a serious expression: “It’s not what Ye Xing said, but it’s related to Lei Fa.”

Zhang Chulan was taken aback for a moment: “Jealous of my Lei Fa? It shouldn’t be! He can do it, and he’s even better than me.”

“But do you still remember the difference between Little Martial Uncle’s Lei Fa and yours?”

“This…” Zhang Chulan thought for a while, then suddenly clapped her hands: “It’s black, his Leifa is black!”

“That’s called Yin Wulei!”

Ji Yun said: “The celestial master has the power to teach his disciples the thunder method, but he can only teach the first half. The second half can only be taught when the successor of the celestial master is confirmed.”

“However, even for such a half of Leifa, the conditions for cultivation are extremely harsh. One of the prerequisites is that the practitioner must maintain a perfect body.”

“However, people with excellent aptitude may not all be virgins. Not to mention that we are righteous, and we are not as desireless as Quanzhen.”

When Taoist Ji Yun said this, he paused slightly.

After taking a breath, he continued: “So the seniors modified the first half of the thunder method so that even if you are not a virgin, you can practice the black Yin five thunder…”

“And what you use is the half of Yang Wulei that has not been modified. That’s what my little uncle envies you for.”

After Ji Yun finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Chulan quietly.

At this time, Zhang Chulan was too shocked to speak.

Under the eaves, Wang Yu lay bored on his sleeping position.

This room is very big, and the sleeping place is an old-fashioned kang.

Not only can you sleep six people, Wang Yu’s position is in the center. Yesterday was an unknown guy, and on the right was an empty bunk.

It’s Zhang Chulan’s position.

As for now, every word they said on the roof clearly reached his ears.

Recalling Zhang Lingyu’s figure, I didn’t expect… to be not a virgin anymore.

Sniffing fiercely, Wang Yu felt a little sour. After living for so long, he is still a virgin.

It’s completely unreasonable!

Fortunately, thinking about Qing Tong at home, Wang Yu’s mood improved a lot.

Although we are a virgin, it does not mean that there is no heroine.

Half an hour later, Wang Yu almost fell asleep.

“Hehe… I didn’t expect Zhang Lingyu to be a virgin anymore.” Zhang Lingyu returned to her bunk without sleepiness, with her arms under her head.

Tears flowed from his eyes, and he smiled unconsciously.

Zhang Chulan! You are crying.

Be stronger…

Whether that idiot is Chu’er has nothing to do with you!

But why Mao just wanted to cry.

Woo woo woo…

Covering her head with the quilt, Zhang Chulan twitched softly.


For the first time, Wang Yu hated why his six senses were so powerful that he could clearly hear some subtle voices that ordinary people could not hear.

Not to mention Zhang Chulan’s slight twitching sound.

Stretching out a hand from the quilt, Wang Yu patted the quilt on Zhang Chulan’s head.

Zhang Chulan, who was covered under the quilt, suddenly became stiff.

Cautiously showing his eyes, “That… I’m sorry to disturb you.”

“It’s okay, little brother. Isn’t it a virgin? I’m almost thirty this year, and I’m still a virgin. Am I proud?”

Wang Yu said in an indifferent tone.Zhang Chulan was taken aback when she saw Wang Yu, and said, “Brother…Huh? You are that Wang Yu!”

Wang Yu rolled his eyes, “You just found out?”

“Haha…that, I didn’t pay attention.” Zhang Chulan also knew that she was being impolite just now, so she smiled awkwardly.

Next, the two chatted.

Wang Yu took the opportunity to pass on Zhang Chulan’s many years of single experience.

The two chatted very well.

After all, they are all single, so there must be a lot of common topics.

Since Wang Yu destroyed the martial arts arena in the last match, it also caused the next round of competition to be drawn tomorrow.

So, subtle changes have taken place in this world.

Sometimes, a subtle thought can change a person’s life.

And Feng Baobao’s original plan to bury people tonight was also officially declared bankrupt.

Just like that, the two chatted for an unknown amount of time before falling asleep in a daze.

Zhang Chulan only has one thought now, that is, finally there is someone worse than me.

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