The Kind Death God

Chapter 4: The Pirates Strike (Part 1)

     Dumb scratched his head. The word pirate didn't have any deep impression in his mind. When he encountered something he didn't understand, he decided to go back to the room and consult Corris. For him, the world is so novel, he wants to know everything he encounters, even if he can't remember it, it doesn't matter.

   "Teacher, teacher, there is a big ship outside, there are many people calling pirates, pirates. What do you mean by pirates!" Running back to the room, Dumb asked excitedly before he could stand still.

  Collis was surprised, sat up from the bed, and said, "What did you say? The pirate is here."

   Dumb said: "It's a **** ship, their sails are painted with skulls. Some people on our ship call pirates, I don't know if it is."

  Gorris frowned. Although he was not afraid of pirates, he was still unwilling to conflict with them when he was unwell. Hope the sailors on the passenger ship can handle it.

   Dumb asked, "Teacher, what does pirate mean!"

  Geris subconsciously said: "Pirates are people who **** things, and they sometimes kill people."

After listening to Coris' explanation, Ah Dumb sighed in relief and said with a smile: "Then don't be afraid, I have nothing to let them grab. Ah! Teacher, you have to be careful, you have gold coins and purple coins, they I'm afraid it will be snatched, so let's hide it first. How about hiding it?" As he said, Dumb was looking for hidden places in the cabin.

   After hearing Dumb's silly words, an inexplicable warm current rose in Corris' heart. Is he caring about me? Goris thought secretly. It's been a long time since I felt cared. Corris shook his head irritably, grabbed Dumb, and threw him onto the bed, "You give me peace."

   Dumb didn't understand why the teacher was angry, and sat on the bed stupefied not to say anything.

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, the big ship shook violently, standing Corius quickly supported the wall to stand firm, he knew, I am afraid that the pirates really came to rob, just now The sound was made by the scratching hook grabbing the hull. Noisy sounds kept coming from outside, Corris became more irritable. The shaking just now made him feel a lot of nausea. The acid water in his stomach kept rushing up, and the feeling of seasickness was really uncomfortable.

"Listen to the people on the ship, we are pirates, hurry up and hand over all your valuables, otherwise, don't blame the weapons in our hands for drinking blood." The rough scream came from outside, showing the pirates Action has already begun. Corris knew that the pirates were not so easy to talk about. Even if they handed over the money, the other party might not let the life on the ship go. After all, every group of pirates wants to be surrounded by the fleet of the Tianjin Empire, and the best way to keep secrets is to turn those who have seen them into corpses. Ship sinking is their usual practice, which saves trouble and time. Corris thought to himself: It seems that he can't do it if he doesn't shoot. Swimming is simply impossible for him.

   Pushing open the warehouse door, Corris walked out. The sun reflected on the sea suddenly brought a stronger sense of dizziness, grabbing the railing, Corris could not help but retching.

   A pair of small hands appeared behind Corris and patted gently. He felt a lot more comfortable when he was in Coliston. After he vomited the last bite, he turned his head and saw that Dui was looking at him anxiously.

   "Go back to the room. Hurry up." Gris snapped.

   A dumbfounded. Although Corris's voice was rough, the indifference of the past was not present in his voice, instead there was a trace of concern. Dumb didn't move, and looked at each other with Coris, the old and the young looked at each other for a long time. It took a while before Corris realized his gaffe, grabbed Dumb, and stuffed him into the room, "Don't come out." After speaking, he walked to the noisy lower level.

   These pirates are obviously habitual offenders, and they all have good skills. They have pulled the passenger ship to their side. Dozens of pirates have jumped on the passenger ship, waving their weapons, and clamoring non-stop. The captain of the passenger ship led the sailors to gather in the front cabin of the big ship, and most of the more than twenty sailors had panic expressions on their faces.

   A single-eyed pirate led more than a dozen people in negotiations with the captain. Corris released a wind-based amplification magic, and the captain and the pirate had a clear voice.

   "This big brother, I, we are willing to give you all the profits of this operation, please let the boat go, I promise not to report, how?" The captain obviously knew what action the pirates would take, and said humbly.

The one-eyed pirate laughed and laughed, "Profit? How much profit can you make? Don't come to this set with me. Stay here honestly and take care of your nostalgia. Maybe you guys are in a good mood and will let you make a living. If you want to play What tricks, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless." As he said, he suddenly slashed the scimitar in his hand to the ship's side. There was a flash of light and a bang, and a hole suddenly cracked in the ship's gunwale. There was a move in his heart, this pirate leader's skill is not weak! The seemingly simple blow just now contained the fighting spirit that a master possessed. The blade didn't touch the ship's side, but it caused a lot of damage.

   The captain and the crew were obviously frightened by the mighty knife, and they didn't dare to say anything anymore.

The one-eyed pirate arrogantly yelled at his men: "Little ones, move faster. After completing this mission, let's go back to drink and eat meat." The pirates suddenly yelled with his voice. The cabin rooms have basically been opened, the passengers are pulled to the deck, and the pirates are carrying out their raids. When the passengers resisted a little bit, they would be beaten and kicked immediately. For a while, people were panicked. Some passengers had already taken the initiative to take out their belongings to the pirates to keep them safe.

  Collis knew that it was time to take action by himself. The group of pirates did not see him yet. What he feared most was the sinking of the ship. The sound amplification magic of the wind system spread his voice far away, "Stop it to me." The low voice, including the pirate ship and everyone on the passenger ship, could clearly hear him.

   The pirate leader looked awkward, and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see Coris walking down the stairs unhurriedly. He thought to himself, wouldn’t it be so bad, could he meet a magician? Yelled: "Everyone, stop." The pirates obviously saw the leader's hesitation, and they all gathered around him. For a while, hundreds of eyes were focused on Corris.

   Collis coughed dryly, barely suppressing the feeling of dizziness, and said to the pirate leader: "Leave this ship immediately."

The pirates looked at each other and waited for the leader to speak. The one-eyed pirates looked at Corris up and down, and his heart was also drumming. Their group of pirates hadn't caught the autumn wind for a long time. This time it was so difficult to pick a big fish. Let it go easily. However, the person in front of him seems to be a magician with a high level. He still knows the horror of the magician. "Sir, are you a magician?" he asked tentatively.

  Geris didn’t answer his question, and snorted coldly: “I’ll say it again and leave the ship immediately.”

Before the one-eyed pirate could speak, a sturdy pirate couldn't help it. He stepped forward and waved the mace in his hand and said, "You old thing, I think you are tired of living." With a huge mace weighing fifty catties, he smashed his head and covered it at Coris.

  Before he came down, Corris had already applied wind magic to himself, and of course he would not be intimidated by the reckless man in front of him, his body shrank slightly, and he had drifted back three feet away. In a loud noise, the mace in the hand of the unruly man plunged deeply into the wooden deck.

  Geris stretched out his right hand, his five fingers shook slightly, and a light blue powder floated out, accurately landing on the rough man’s mace.

The sound of a puff sounded, and the brash man was startled. The mace in his hand suddenly became hot and he subconsciously let go of his hand. He was surprised to find that his fine iron mace was gradually melting. . It turned into black molten iron, and an unpleasant smell came out of it. The reckless man took a few steps back in horror, and pointed at Coris, "You, who are you?"

   The cyan powder that Collis sprinkled just now is the molten gold powder he refined, which can melt almost all metals.

   The pirate leader took a few steps forward, dragged the brash man back, and politely said to Gris: "Sir, you must be an alchemist. It's polite to be next."

Goris stretched out his right hand and chanted a few spells lowly. The black flame that melted the wooden table in front of Uncle Li appeared in his palm again. The black flame looked strange under the sunlight. The pirate leader was taken aback and looked at Coris in a daze.

   Collis said coldly: "Do you want me to repeat it a third time?"

   When the pirate leader was at a loss, a strong voice sounded, "I think who is blocking my fortune, it turns out to be the famous Pyromancer Corris!"

Goris was shocked. This voice seemed to come from all directions, making him unable to distinguish the position of the opponent. This was a taboo for magicians who were not good at melee combat. What surprised him most was that the people who came to know him identity of. He chanted the spell quickly, and a layer of black mist emanated from his body, covering the surrounding area within three feet.

   "Don't be nervous, how dare I do it with Master Corris." A black figure flashed out of the pirate ship and lightly fell in front of Corris. UU Reading

   Collis looked at this person through the black mist. This person was dressed similarly to his. He also covered his whole body with a large black cloak. He was very tall, and his body was faintly strong under the cloak. However, Goris clearly felt that this person was not a magician without the wave of magical elements on his body, and his cloak seemed to cover his identity.

   "Boss." All the pirates respectfully salute those who follow.

The man in black raised his hand, and the pirates calmed down immediately. He said to Coris, "Master Coris, you and my well do not offend the river, so why bother to touch my mold. Let's wait until we looted this place." , Sunk the ship. You get on our ship, where you want to go, we promise to send you to the place. How?"

   Collis thought: Do you think I am a fool? After getting on your ship, it is not yet at your disposal. I won't be that stupid. "Don't bother, I still said that, leave the ship immediately."

The man in black took a step forward and said: "Since the master is so persistent, how can I explain it to our brother." Then, his body floated toward Corius like lightning, his cloak floated, and a few black lights toward Corris. Crossed out. The speed is amazing. The dark guard that Corris had just emitted didn't seem to slow down the opponent's speed, and the Umans grabbed the body of Ge Lisi with lightning.

  Gorris’ magic is very strong, but he is an alchemist after all. He did not expect that the opponent would dare to attack even when he showed the flames of darkness. Suddenly he was shocked. In danger, he didn't care about hiding himself. He quickly took out something from his arms and bounced it out.

   Umang accurately hit the body of Corris, but the man in black was taken aback, because he clearly felt that he had not caught the entity. Shouted in surprise: "What a mirror image technique."


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