The Kind Death God

Chapter 4: Pirate Attack (Part 2)

Goris did not use the mirror shadow technique. Because the man in black was too fast to give him time to chant the spell, what he threw out just now was the mirror shadow scroll made by himself. The scroll can be used in the shortest time. The magic power contained in it was fully utilized, and this mirror shadow scroll was one of Corris' life-saving magic weapons. The brother Lisbon body has already floated three feet away.

   The situation just now made Coris a cold sweat. If he moves slower, he might have been cracked by the opponent now. The opponent's attack also ignited his inner anger. With a flick of the void, Gorris drew a tiny crack in the sky, and a black walking stick that was only a foot long floated out. The palm of his hand was not metal or wood, and the material was not visible. The top of the head had a diameter of only One centimeter of red gems. Gris grabbed his cane and kept singing spells.

   The man in black knew very well that if he let Goris fully use his magic, he couldn't be his opponent. When he just grabbed the cane, he had already launched a second attack. Countless black lights sprinkled under the cloak, turning into a huge light net to cover Coris.

  Geris continued to chant the spell, grabbing a handful of something in the space crack and throwing it out. Numerous phantoms of Goris appeared in the sky, and there was no accurate target for the attack of the man in black. Most of the phantoms disappeared in the attack, but they did not hit the body of Goris.

   "Go, Black Flame refines the soul." A black flame emanated from Corris's stick and rushed towards the pirates.

   The man in black was taken aback. He didn't expect that Corris was so powerful that he could emit so many fusion black flames at once, combining the two elements of darkness and fire. Although I am not afraid, those subordinates will be finished if they get a little touch. Thinking of this, he could no longer hide his strength, and roared, "Hell radiates glory." The black light suddenly emitted in a denser degree, from the bottom to the top, suddenly greeted him, the surging fighting spirit skyrocketed, and the black light flashed faintly. There was a trace of evil.

   The black flame refining soul of Corris and the **** brilliance of the man in black suddenly collided, and after a burst of sound, the deck in front of the two points was melted into a big hole.

Goris' body shook slightly. When the opponent made the last move, he had already confirmed the identity of the opponent, and at the same time, he also understood why his dark guard had no effect on the opponent, and the black flame refining soul could also use the opponent's anger. It is precisely because of its identity. However, he did not shout out, because he clearly knew that identity is the biggest taboo of the man in black. Once he said it, the other party would definitely not die, and there would be no life on board. If he is in the best condition, of course, Gorris will not be afraid of the opponent, but he has been troubled by seasickness these days, his physical strength is much weaker, and he really fights for his life. Although the victory may be greater, he will inevitably suffer severe injuries. .

While Corris was hesitating whether to negotiate with the other party or continue, a small fireball suddenly appeared in the sky. The fireball turned into a beautiful arc and hit the man in black. The man in black was surprised. Has not fully recovered from the collision just now. Had to draw a black light towards the fireball.

With a pounce, the fireball shattered. Several sparks fell on the cloak of the man in black, and several small holes were instantly burned. Under the sunlight, a faint green light flashed in the cloak.

The black-clothed man's heart shuddered. Although the power of the fireball just now was not great, the fire element contained in it was peaceful and peaceful. It felt like a monk made it. He didn't dare to oppose the Holy See. Besides, it was just Coris. I can't deal with it anymore, if there is another monk there, I'm afraid..., it is still important to escape, and shouted "Let's go." He jumped back to the pirate ship first. However, how did he know that not only monks are the only ones who can give out such righteous and peaceful magic, but there is also a situation in which they are newcomers who have just learned magic.

  Geris did not pay attention to the pirates who fled, his gaze was directed to the third floor of the passenger ship. That location was the room where he lived, and the accurately controlled fireball...

   "Master, thank you, thank you for saving all the people on the ship." The captain ran to Corris and thanked him sincerely.

  Collis glanced at him and said, "Don't let others bother me." As he said, he turned his head and walked towards the top of the passenger ship. The fireball with a diameter of five centimeters was too familiar to him.

When    came, the awe-inspiring pirates evacuated dingyly, and after a wave of rippling waves, the sparkling sea returned to its original calm.

Gorius walked back to the third deck quickly. As expected, Ah'Dai's thin body fell to the ground. He stepped forward and took away Ah'Dai's body, activated the magic power in his body, and checked his body. Examining him, he also knew that Dumb was injured by the backlash of magic. The man in black just now has a high level of skill, so how can he be able to resist the dumb who has only learned magic for three days. Although the fireball technique was released, because dumb was controlled by his own mental power, the moment the fireball was broken, his spirit was also violently shaken, and dumb who could not protect himself was naturally stunned by the force of backlash. Up. Fortunately, the man in black was not in the best condition at that time, otherwise, dumb might be insane.

  Geris put Dui's body back on the bed. What Dui needs most now is rest. He looked at the silly face in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a strange emotion in his heart.

That night, the passenger ship that had experienced the pirate storm finally successfully arrived at the destination-the seaport city of Fes in the province of Hierro, the province of Varyan where Corris lived and bordered on the province of Hier, from Fez to the province of Varyan, It only takes about three days.

   When disembarking from the ship, the captain graciously sent Corris and Dumb off the ship, and refunded their travel expenses to Corris, and Corris accepted his lazy entanglement. Bringing dumb into the city of Fes. It is far away from the extreme north. Although it is night, it is much warmer than Nino City.

   Dui stretched his waist. He has not fully recovered from the trauma during the day. He still feels very tired. No matter how much he chants the spell, the fireball never appears again. "Teacher, where are we going now?"

   Collis replied subconsciously: "Find a place to rest for one night, and take a carriage back to me tomorrow. Hmm? Didn’t I tell you, don’t you ask?"

   dumbfounded, murmured nothing. After he woke up, he felt that his brain seemed to be clearer again. Everything that happened before was still clearly remembered. Coris was watching him by his side. When he woke up, his brows stretched a lot. He found that this The teacher seemed to be more humane, and he seemed more friendly, and he was no longer so scared.

   The night is beautiful tonight, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, walking on the road does not feel very dark, Corris suddenly asked: "Dumb, why did you hit the man in black with a fireball during the day?"

   Dumb answered honestly: "I think the bad guy is a bad guy. The bad guy fights the teacher. Of course I want to help you. Didn't you say that fireballs also have a certain attack power?"

Gris said coldly: "If you don't know what you can do, do you think your little fireball can help me? If the man in black is in the best condition, your mental power will inevitably be shaken by him, and you will Become a useless person, become an idiot. You are an idiot, and you have to do what you can in the future. The opponent's skill is obviously higher than yours. You use magic to die faster."

   Dumb nodded stupidly and said: "Oh, so magic has limitations too!"

Thinking of the man in black during the day, Goris couldn't help but said: "Today that guy is a dark demon, and a master of the dark demon clan. They have the natural ability to resist dark magic, and even my black flames are suppressed due to their attributes. Without real power, these dark demons are cruel, if it weren’t for his identity, I would have killed him. Remember, if you encounter green skin, weird people with spikes on their hands will run as far as possible. Yuan, do you understand? Huh, what am I telling you for?" Goris felt that his head hurts a little. After spending a few days with this stupid boy in front of him, he seemed to have changed a little.

   Dumb said happily, "Thank you, teacher, I know, I will run away when I meet people with green skin and spiked hands."

   Collis gave a noncommittal gratitude, pointed to a hotel in front, and said: "Let's live there."

   When the two of them were about to walk into the hotel, Dumb suddenly gave a hey and said, "Master, look, that person is so strange! Why do you wear such clothes?"

Gris looked at Dumb’s fingers, and saw a tall man walking towards the hotel. The man was wearing a white robe with a golden hexagon symbol in the center of his chest, and his long golden hair was scattered on his shoulders. There is a faint sacred air up and down. He couldn't help but feel shocked, because this man was a monk of the Holy See, and the monk was also his own guest star. The magic that Goris cultivated is based on the dark element and auxiliary to the fire element. The light magic of the monks is blessed by the high priests of the Holy See, and contains a strong sacred atmosphere, so they are the people that Goris is the least willing to see. .

   The monk had already walked in front of them at this time, he looked down at Dumb, then looked at Corris, smiled kindly, nodded slightly, and walked into the hotel.

   Dumb asked: "Teacher, he is smiling at us, his smile is so gentle. Why does he laugh?"

Although it was just passing by, the sacred breath exuding from the monk still made Coris feel very uncomfortable. He snorted and said, "That guy is a monk of the Holy See. It should be a low-level or intermediate-level priest. Let's go. ?"

   "Hungry, I'm so hungry! Teacher, what shall we eat today?"

   "What to eat? I think about it..." Coris, who was a boatman for a few days, couldn't eat and sleep well, so he really needed to replenish his strength. However, he didn't realize that Dumb seemed to have a lot of presumptuous attitude towards him, and he didn't care.

   After eating, Gris and Dui went back to the room and slept beautifully.

   Early the next morning, Corris felt that his physical condition had recovered a lot, and Duan's spirit had also improved a lot. It seemed that yesterday's mental trauma had recovered. The child's resilience is strong!

  Corris opened the door, called the waiter, threw him a silver coin, and told him to hire a carriage.

   "Teacher, do we really want to ride a carriage?"

   Collis frowned and said, "Why do you have so many questions, please be quiet. Go and recite your spell."

"Oh." Dumb agreed, sitting aside and thinking about the Pyromance spell that Goris had just taught him. Pyromance is different from Fireball. Although the attack power of Fireball is stronger, its attack area is very small. Although the attack power is weaker and the spells chanted are relatively long, the attack area is much larger.

"The fire element flooding between heaven and earth! Please give me the power to burn, in my name, with your power, appear, hot flame." As the spell chanted, a small flame appeared in the hand of Dumb. The flame swayed gently, and the surrounding temperature suddenly rose a lot.

   "Teacher, teacher, I succeeded." Dumb exclaimed excitedly.

Goris said angrily, "What's so exciting, it's just the lowest-level fire magic. Don't forget the spell. When you recite it several times, don't recite the last word of the spell, this kind of low-level. Magic, as long as the spell is not completed, you can stop at any time. Just use your weak magic power a few more times without fainting again."

   "Oh, I got it." Ah-Dai was still reciting the magic spell tirelessly. After a while, the waiter came back and told them that the car was ready.

   Until sitting on the carriage, Dumb still couldn't believe that he could actually enjoy the treatment of the carriage. The thick soft stool made him feel comfortable, and he looked around excitedly. When he got into the carriage, he unconsciously thought of the girl again, not knowing what happened to the girl now. That old woman should be nice to her.

After a three-day drive, Gorris and Dumb finally entered the territory of Varyan province. Along the way, Dumb saw many things that he had never seen before. Although Gorris felt very impatient with his many problems, they still both Answered one by one.


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