The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 306 If you want to be called master, your life already belongs to the emperor

"Is everything decided?"

"Cannot be changed after confirmed."

The croupier looked serious and confirmed the three of them again and again.

Bacala chooses small.

Blind people choose big.

Hermes is skinny, and if you choose a leopard, the difficulty will rise sharply.

"Hurry up and drive, Momojiji."

Baccarat waved her hand, she didn't believe that she would lose, no power could resist luck, as long as she was lucky enough, any misfortune would avoid her.

"I hope I can win!"

The blind man was not nervous either, both of them were very confident in themselves.

"Jie Jie~"

Hermes didn't speak, and signaled the croupier to open.

There were also many people around, all looking at the dice clock without panting, this is a bet involving life, some lives are cheap, while others are worth tens of thousands of gold.

boom! ! !

At this critical moment, Hermes and the blind man turned to look to the left side at the same time, where the golden wall burst, splashing dust and storms all over the sky, and at the same time there were many curses and screams.

"what happened!"

"There is a fight."

"Who dares to seek trouble in the Golden City?"

All eyes were drawn to the past, expressing sympathy for the troublemakers.


When the dust dissipated, Bacala looked at the big man lying in the ruins and vomiting blood continuously. His mouth was full of blood and he was holding the long ax tightly. It seemed that he was seriously injured.

She knew how strong Daisy was, he could easily lift a house with his strange strength.

"That's Lord Daisy."

"who is it."

The staff in the gambling city looked solemn, staring at the broken wall, and a figure carrying a big hammer came in, feeling full of oppression.

Hermes rubbed his forehead, not knowing why Guyram was having a seizure, and why he started doing it.

Go back in time a little bit.

Originally, Guyram had a good time playing, but he just drew his hammer to help him in a certain alley. Unexpectedly, he was a slave who escaped from a certain place. He was also a pirate before, but he lost everything in the Golden City, and finally signed Under the contract of prostitution, he was exploited as a coolie day and night, and he couldn't bear it, so he found an opportunity to escape.

What a coincidence.

This matter is that Dais is executing, and he confronts Gay Ram like this.

That's how things went.


"Dare to make trouble in the Golden City, I really don't know how to live or die."

Soon, more than 30 thugs rushed out to surround Guy Ram in the casino. Under the order of Daisy, they swarmed towards Guy Ram.

But Guy Ram just hit the ground with a hammer, forming a powerful shock wave that sent all the thugs flying, and all of them fell to the ground with serious injuries and couldn't get up.

"Damn it, where did this come from."

Daisy rubbed his chest, his eyes full of fear.

He was injured in just one encounter before, and he almost lost his grip on the axe. The opponent's strength was more terrifying than his. This was the first time that the strength he was proud of was frustrated.

"Sit down, let's continue."

Seeing that Bacala was about to go to support, Hermes pressed his hand and said that he would finish the game first.

"My mother's mood has been ruined!"

Bacala's eyes turned cold, and she was about to attack Gailam. Tezolo must have known about the actions here, and she might be watching. Since she is here, she must help.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain afterwards.

"Before the result comes out, the emperor advises you two not to leave your seat."

"This will affect the mood of the emperor, and the consequences will be very serious."

Hermes' voice didn't change at all, but the color of his pupils gradually returned to white on a red background. For a while, Bakara's hair exploded all over his body. Even if it was a lifetime, even a blind person would subconsciously hold a stick knife.


Extremely dangerous.

"who are you."

Bacala's heartbeat kept beating, and she sat down obediently and stared at Hermes. She never let down her vigilance in her life. Only the stronger people can feel the danger more clearly.

Because they are sharper.

"I'm also curious about who you are."

"Jie Jie~"

"I said that my life is very valuable, and I have many titles, so let's roll the dice first!"

Hermes signaled the croupier to hurry up.

boom! ! !

But Gailam and Daisy continued to fight, and Daisy flew by in a blink of an eye, kicking up a large number of tables, chairs and benches and hitting the wall, and his face became paler and paler.

Guy Ram walked over with a big hammer in his hands.

"Gay Ram, stop and wait until the emperor finishes gambling."

"Boss, you are here!"

Gailam was slightly taken aback, and turned to look at Hermes. He really wouldn't have noticed if the boss didn't speak.


Bacala's pretty face darkened, and even a fool could tell that the two knew each other, and were even accomplices.

"Guy Ram?"

On the contrary, Yisheng was muttering to himself, how did he feel that he had heard this name somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while, but it didn't matter anymore, because the croupier had already unlocked the dice clock.

"Three sixes, Leopard!"

"how come."

The croupier's face was unbelievable, including Bacala,

She just indicated that the croupier could use some means to change the six sides of the dice. It doesn't matter whether it is big or leopard, it will only be small.

Life is also a frown.

What he heard was great.

Good guy.

These two people are cheating, bullying him is blind.

"The lives of the two of you belong to the emperor!"

"You cheated, I can't lose, good luck is always on my side!"

Bacala stood up excitedly, even if she smiled, her face was sullen, "Your Excellency's gambling is not flattering."

"Jie Jie~"

"Are you two going to recognize each other?"

Hermes knocked on the card table with one hand, making a thumping sound, like a hammer hammering on Baccarat's heart, making it difficult for her to breathe.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

Bacala snorted coldly, pretending to be calm and about to leave.

Although this man looked ordinary, but her intuition told her that this man was dangerous, and it was better to stay away. As for the bet just now, she didn't take it seriously at all.

call out! ! !

Hermes flicked his fingers, and a finger quickly passed through Bacara's back in one fell swoop. Accompanied by Bacara's screams, a large amount of blood sprayed into the air.

"you you you."

fell to the ground.

Bacala's face was pale, and she looked back at Hermes with a trace of horror.

How did the opponent hit her.

It stands to reason that the good luck she deprived from others has not disappeared. The most important thing is that this man would have the heart to do something to such a beautiful woman like her.

Little did they know that even Hermes, the most beautiful woman in the world, did what she said, let alone her Bacala.

"Master Bacala."

Another group of thugs came out of nowhere. Seeing that Bacala was attacked, they attacked Hermes on the spot and sent someone to report it.


Dealing with these little shrimps, Hermes just said a few words, and then a strange scene appeared, all the thugs began to scream and fell to the ground and rolled back and forth, as if they were suffering 18 kinds of torture.

Is this knowledgeable?

There was a turbulence in the heart of Yisheng who had been inactive for a long time, and he could not perceive it wrongly. The powerful fluctuation at that moment just now was a bit like knowledge, but it was a little different.

It was also more certain that the man in front of him was not an ordinary person.

"Your Excellency has gone too far."

Listening to the howling voices in pain, Fujitora said that he could no longer sit idly by, and he also thought that Hermes was cheating, although he didn't find out.

Because what he really heard was big.

"If you want to call master, your life already belongs to the emperor."


Of course Hermes has known him all his life, the future admiral Fujitora, but at this time he is still an unknown and powerful folk, and his righteousness is still very conspicuous. .

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