The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 307 The world calls me many names

"Do you know me?"

Sheng Yi opened his closed eyes, with whites inside, which looked a little scary, and with the scars from his forehead to his eyelids, he looked extraordinarily fierce.

Definitely can scare a child to tears.

But his heart is very heavy at this time, the other party will know him unexpectedly.

He knew that he was not famous, nor did he show enough strength, and he was not the kind of person who had a lot of friends, so how did this unfathomable man in front of him know him.

In addition, what the other party said was very unpleasant.

Wanting to call myself master is simply humiliating him.

"Whether you recognize it or not, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat."

"If you want to struggle, the emperor will give you a chance."

Hermes crossed his legs, looking determined for a lifetime, and his posture was very arrogant and domineering, making people annoying.

"It's loud."

"But I don't want to fight with you, let's forget about the matter of you going out!"

He has never been angry in his life, and his temper is very gentle, and he doesn't plan to pursue this matter any more, which means that Hermes will accept it as soon as he sees it, and don't hold on to it, because it would be too much.

"Jie Jie~"

"So it has to be solved with fists."

Hermes spread his hands to express his regret. In the next second, his hair exploded, and the people around him didn't see what was going on. The life that had been sitting had disappeared, and then a huge storm swept the audience.

what happened?

Someone swallowed, tremblingly turned his head to look at the gully that tore through the ground and stretched through the wall to the street. At the end, several houses were collapsing, stirring up dust and flames in the sky.

Hermes stood up, his figure was three feet off the ground, and began to move outward.

He really didn't expect to meet his whole life here, stand out from the world's conscription, and become an admiral of the navy, and his combat power is absolutely top-notch.

He had to subdue the Golden Emperor anyway, and he didn't mind taking it along with his life.

What is the opponent's ability? It seems to have something to do with gravity.

In addition, the color of knowledge and knowledge is also terrifying. It is against the sky to be able to pull down meteorites with the ability of devil fruit.

A proper monster.

"Cough cough cough~"

Among the ruins, Yisheng stood up from the ruins, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his face was a little pale. He didn't expect the other party to have such a violent temper, and he would do it as soon as he said it, and his strength was beyond doubt.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move.

He has met his enemy.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Walking out of the dense dust with a stick and knife, Yisheng turned his head and aimed at Hermes who was moving across, it can be said that he is facing a big enemy.

"Some people in the world call me the pioneer of freedom, the inheritor of knowledge, the light of hope, the emperor of redemption, and the most kind man in the world, but more people call me the emperor of hunters."

"Actually, I don't know how many titles there are."

Accompanied by Hermes' every word, the whole body began to undergo drastic changes. From head to toe, raging purple and white flames began to burn, and the shirt on the upper body burned automatically, revealing the eight-pack abdominal muscles and the scarlet Bana tattoo. It began to turn into flaming white hair, and a rippling halo stood up behind his head.

in an instant.

The world lost its color, as if Hermes was the center, and the people who were watching from all directions immediately opened their mouths and protruded their eyes, all of which were unbelievable and fantasy.

"King of Hunters"

"My God, that's the kindest man in the world."

"Why did the Emperor of Hunters appear in the Golden City?"

"Is this the legendary man?"

"I didn't expect that one day I would be able to meet the legendary Hunter King in person."

Hermes revealed his true body, which stirred up waves.

The top floor of the tallest building in the Golden City.

As the owner of this entertainment city, the corners of Golden Emperor Gilder Tezolo's lips gradually turned up. It was a surprise that the most kind man in the world appeared on his site.

The screen returns to Hermes.

When Hermes announced his titles, he knew who he met in his whole life, and he was not afraid of the desperate strong breath.

Instead, he looked extremely serious.

"I didn't expect to meet the famous Hunter King here. He is as cold-blooded and ruthless as the rumors say, without the slightest respect for life."

There is a trace of anger in his words throughout his life.

He didn't agree with the Hunter King. Too many innocent lives died directly or indirectly at the hands of the Hunter King. Because of his own selfishness, he turned the world upside down.

I don't know how many people have been displaced. In his philosophy, Hermes is a sinner.

"Perhaps you should atone for the lives lost."


An aura of terror erupted from Yisheng. Facing the man in front of him, he didn't dare to take it lightly. He also made up his mind to catch him. The source of the chaos in the world is this man.

The future needs stability, not destruction.

It can be said that looking at Hermes from the perspective of a lifetime, he is completely a heinous thug, which runs counter to his ideas and the justice in his heart.

As long as the Hunter Emperor is eliminated, I believe the world will become a lot better.

boom! ! !

Yisheng took the lead, pulled out the staff and knife, wrapped in a gray air current, and covered Hermes' entire body with overwhelming force, the surrounding surface burst directly, and Hermes fell to the ground suddenly, his feet began to sink The ground bent down.

"It's a terrifying ability, and I believe there will be unexpected gains when used for cultivation."

Hermes thought about it, straightened up and looked at Sheng Sheng, the ability of the other party reminded him of gravity training.

Pulling out his feet from the mud, Hermes walked towards his life as calmly as a normal person except after bending down at the beginning.

Just this little gravity can't crush him.

At the same time, a smile also changed his expression.

My own suppression can't affect the other party. You must know that ordinary people have long been turned into meatloaf.

"Gravity suppression."

Take a deep breath for the rest of your life.

This time, the purple-gray halo on the sword became more and more solid, and Hermes stopped, and the surrounding ground sank to form a dark abyss, only where Hermes stood still standing.

The upper body bent down again, but it didn't take long for it to stand upright again.


The purple-white flames burned violently, and the surrounding temperature rose in a straight line. At the same time, the terrifying air rushed to the sky and radiated around, rolling up gravel, sand and dust.

Hermes also began to take it seriously, and in the horrified look of his life, Hermes began to slowly leave the ground and suspend in mid-air.

The gray air around him kept rolling, and Sheng Sheng was sure that his abilities hadn't lost their effect.

"This is impossible."

The opponent can still hang in the air under all the pressure of his own gravity. What a joke, even a piece of steel will be crushed into paper. Nothing can be safe and sound under this kind of gravity.

Even if the bones can resist it, the internal organs should not be able to.

Hermes came at a very high speed, but the speed was much slower, which showed that the gravitational force field still had an effect on him, and even limited a large part of his strength.

It feels like there are forces suppressing him from all directions, like being in a quagmire. Usually it is easy to move a finger, but now it takes a lot of strength.

It has to be said that the ability of a lifetime is terrible.

boom! ! !

A whip leg and staff knife collided together, and the shock wave generated quickly covered them. Both sides retreated respectively, but this scene caused huge waves again.

"Who is that blind man who can block the blow of the Hunter King?"

"Sure enough, the masters are among the people. With the beginning of the era of great rise, I don't know how many people have become ghosts and monsters."

"After today, that blind man is definitely famous. To be able to wrestle with the Hunter King, even if it's just for a short moment, is what many people dream of."

There are many people watching around.

They have shocked the strength of a lifetime, whether they win or lose, they are destined to earn a lot of money in their lifetime, especially in terms of reputation, if they accidentally tie the game or let the Hunter King suffer.

In that life, the name will become the hottest trending search at the moment.

Sure enough, if you want to be famous, the fastest way is to challenge those strong people at the top of the pyramid. You can either die or spread your name to the sea. From then on, you can live an exciting life that ordinary people can't imagine. .

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