The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 468 Training on Venus

"Is the news confirmed?"

New World Naval Headquarters.

There were red clouds hovering in the sky, but in He's villa, there was no life. Garp put down the information in his hand, and his left eye was full of exhaustion and powerlessness.

The crane on the opposite side had a gloomy face, and his expression was a little tense.

They just received the news that Zefa died at the hands of the Emperor Organization, and those old friends had left one by one. Slowly, Garp's eyes became moist, and he rested his forehead with one hand and grabbed his hair, choking up from time to time.

"It must be because of me."

"Jormungandr said that he would destroy all people and things related to me."

Crane said nothing, because she too was grieving.

She didn't know how to comfort Cap.

Losing a grandson in his later years, even his hometown has been implicated, and now his relatives and friends who are inseparable from each other are getting revenge one by one. If this kind of misery is done by ordinary people, they would have already blamed themselves for going crazy.

same moment.

Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan and others also knew the news, and they all shed tears silently, because Zefa was the teacher of all of them, and even though he left the navy later, that friendship and care are inseparable.

For a time, most of the generals in the entire navy were in grief.

In contrast, the outside world did not cause much disturbance.

Because the emperor's organization is too powerful, anyone who encounters it will only have one result.

The screen shifts.


The environment here is not suitable for any life form, it is as bad as hell, but since a few uninvited guests came three months ago, the peaceful Venus began to riot.

Boom boom boom! ! !

In the sky above the hot and splashing magma, two figures fought with each other, their fists turned into combat weapons, and every move was full of danger.

Disappearing in place in an instant and appearing a thousand meters away, a huge mountain range exploded, and then disappeared in the magma torrent in an instant, forcing the magma torrent to break on the spot.

The atmosphere trembled.

"Ten days and ten nights!"

"Damn, is the multiplication fruit so powerful?"

"It's so exciting!"

On the top of a thousand-meter mountain, Badgers, Polusalino, Enilo, Bruno, and Guy Ram all looked at the scene of the battle between Hermes and Lu Qi that filled the sky.

If you take a closer look, you will find that no one is wearing oxygen. That is because the square kilometer is covered by a transparent energy shield with air inside, which is a technology made by Caesar.

I don't know what the principle is, but it's good to use.

And there is also a palace made of cubes of mud and rocks. The most important thing is that within this kilometer, the gravity is also abnormal, at least ten times that of Pirate World. You can tell at a glance that it is all Gaila Tom's masterpiece.

Originally, only Hermes, Lu Qi, and Guy Ram came to Venus to practice at the beginning, but in the next few days, Badgers and the others came along because they were bored.

They stayed on this planet for three months, and some made great progress while others made little progress.

Another day later.

A large mushroom cloud appeared in the sky, and then Lu Qi and Hermes appeared out of nowhere. Both of them were seriously injured, but they all healed after just a few breaths.

Especially Hermes, whose exaggerated recovery speed is even more terrifying than Lu Qi, an animal awakener.

"This devil fruit is really suitable for you."

Enter the energy shield.

Hermes is sincerely happy for Lu Qi. In just three months, Lu Qi has mastered the fruit of multiplication, and he can already perform a comprehensive multiplication, whether it is strength or speed, or defense and external things.

It will be even more terrifying if it is developed to a certain extent and can double the domineering.

Combined with the awakened leopard form.

"You two are really perverted."


Badgers embroidered his biceps, and what he said made Enilo and Polusalino twitch, as if he was not a pervert. Three months ago, Enilo and Polusalino All cracked.

Although there are rumors outside that the King of Hunters may be a dual-line devil fruit ability user, but it has not been confirmed, so the two are also in doubt.

It wasn't until later that it was really confirmed that the two of them were married.

There are actually people in this world who can eat two devil fruits. Could it be that Yemengard is destined to be the chosen one?

Later, I also learned that Hermes not only ate two Devil Fruits himself, but also let other members of the Emperor Organization eat the second Devil Fruit. Since then, Polusalino and Enilo have changed their mentality up.

"Everyone has improved in the past three months. Guy Ram is the biggest contributor. Let's get him drunk later!"

Hermes affirmed Gailam's contribution while walking towards the palace.

Because Guy Ram ate the fruit of gravity, everyone is currently practicing in the field of gravity, and practicing in this environment is more effective with less effort.

It's a pity that Guyram has only developed the gravity of the gravity fruit to five times. In the past three months, Hermes has fully adapted to it, and some of the others have adapted and some have not.

In addition, Lu Qi can also survive in a place without oxygen. In terms of life return attainment, Lu Qi dared to be the second in the emperor organization, and Hermes dared to be the first.

Badgers and others are also developing life return here, but they can't do it yet.


"With the fruit of gravity, it will be more convenient to practice at ordinary times."

"Boss, Tezolo called earlier to say that they killed Zefa the black arm and captured two devil fruit capable users, which seem to be the superhuman-type lush fruit and the superhuman-type retrogressive fruit."

After entering the palace and taking a seat.

Bruno briefly talked about what is currently happening at sea.

"Kill it and kill it."

"But there is something about this retrograde fruit, which involves time."

"If you two are interested, you can take a look at the Devil Fruit Illustration."

Hermes took the red wine poured by Badgers, and then looked at the silent Enilo and Polusalino.

The two people who were originally absent-minded suddenly raised their heads and looked at Hermes fieryly. Did they hear correctly, what does this man mean?

"Boss, what do you mean?"

Polusalino had nothing to be ashamed of, the boss yelled very proficiently, and his heart was beating with excitement.

The more he gets in touch with this group of people, the more he realizes how weak he is. Whether he admits it or not, he is no match for anyone present in a single fight.

You only have the power of one devil fruit, but others have two, how do you fight?

The key is that some domineering people are stronger than you.

Moreover, Polusalino has also accepted his fate. Instead of being decadent, it is better to make himself stronger, and he will have more right to speak in the future, and even have the opportunity to leave.

The most important thing is that he still needs to cooperate with the research.

If there is no use value, maybe he will be deprived of his shiny fruit, and then he will die?

So Polusalino is also in a hurry.

Often toss and turn at night.

It can be said that his situation is more dangerous than that of Enilo.

"As long as you join this organization, then I will treat everyone equally."

Hermes took a sip of red wine, he didn't care, because as the boss, he had absolute confidence, and he had the ability to take it back if he dared to give it. If he couldn't even do this, then he wouldn't let Badgers Waiting for someone to eat the second devil fruit.

Like Blackbeard.

Typically want to maintain their own advantages, lack of sufficient structure and courage.

Which one of these people was not a rebellious boy? But now? Or are you determined to obey him?

That's the charm!

People in Pirate World are like this, if you trust me with all your heart and soul, I will do my best to help you with my life, but there is a prerequisite, that is, absolute force.

You have to stay strong enough.

Without great power, everything is a castle in the air. .

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