The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 469 Find a way to eat the third devil fruit?

Affirmed by Hermes.

Enilo and Polusalino were itchy, but also extremely excited.

The enthusiasm at the banquet was high, and in the end everyone was drunk, only Hermes, Polusalino, and Enilo remained sober.

Hermes didn't drink to death because he still had something to do.

Polusalino and Enilo are different. We all know that a person's drinking capacity depends entirely on the atmosphere. Usually, he may drink five bottles before pouring down, but when the atmosphere is good, he can drink ten bottles.

Then he hooked his shoulders drunkenly and looked at the devil fruit illustrated book.

There are a variety of devil fruits above for them to choose.

But if they want to eat the second devil fruit, they have to catch Trafalgar Law.

the other side.

Hermes came to a mountain next to a high-temperature magma outside alone. He also made progress in the past three months, but the progress was very slow, not as significant as Lu Qi and Gailam.

The main thing is that Hermes is already the ceiling, which belongs to the bottleneck of reaching the strength. In this case, it is difficult to make progress, and can only rely on time to grind little by little.

But One Piece World is different, because there is a shortcut of devil fruit.

You must know that the large and small fruits and teleportation fruits have not yet awakened, and they are still far away from the development level that Hermes imagined. The return of life alone is enough for Hermes to study.

"How to awaken the big and small fruits?"

Hermes thought about this question carefully, why is it so easy for other capable people to awaken? And he didn't even see the shadow, so there was no need to think about the teleportation fruit.

This fruit is the kind that is particularly difficult to awaken.

In fact, these three-month-old fruits are also showing signs, just like feelings and inspirations, which are often just a momentary thing, and there will be nothing if you miss it.

What Hermes has to do now is to deepen those feelings and inspirations.

The development direction of big and small fruits is nothing more than the following points. The first is to develop from big to small, and the second is the concept. These two directions are two big trees. What Hermes has to do is to let these two big trees extend out. More branches.

But this time Lu Qi gave him a lot of inspiration.

It seems that large and small fruits can also be developed like doubling fruits. Since doubling fruits can multiply the concepts of strength and speed, why can't large and small fruits?

Isn't it doubling the strength? And speed and so on.

It's just that the concept of large and small fruits has not been developed yet, only the wounds of bigger and smaller can touch the edge, but the early ideas and developments are wounds, domineering, energy, and lifespan.

Skull hurts!

There are also teleportation fruits.

During this time, Hermes thought of the Flash he had seen in his previous life. That guy could travel through time and space. It is impossible for lightning to be faster than teleportation! The trajectory of teleportation is similar to space transfer, and in-depth research and development may really break the space barrier.

But don't even think about it, it's hard to realize.


In contrast, life return and two-color domineering are more reliable and easier to improve.

In the past three months of practicing in the gravity field, the return of life and the two-color domineering are the most improved. After all, it is the progress of the body, which is easier to feel.

Hermes had a feeling that if he wanted to live forever and obtain immortality, he didn't need the fruits of surgery and pure gold at all, as long as he returned his life to a certain level of development, he could achieve it.

It only needs to continue to divide cells, regenerate cells, and continue to metabolize. If things go on like this, it will continue to break through the limitations of the body and become an alternative longevity.

Even if there is only a piece of minced meat left, it can be reproduced. At that time, there will be no fatal point, only the body will be completely wiped out, and then the problem will come.

The body can achieve immortality and rebirth by dripping blood through the return of life, but the Pirate World has a soul. What if there is an attack on the soul in the future if there is an interstellar voyage and finds that there is another world of cultivation?

Although domineering is a panacea, but this thing will be consumed just like physical strength, or the soul will go out of the body in special circumstances, isn't it the end of the calf?

So you have to eat the third devil fruit.

Then the problem came again.

How to eat the third devil fruit?

As long as you can eat the third devil fruit, BIG MOM's soul fruit is undoubtedly the best choice for the devil fruit in terms of soul.

Think for a moment.

Hermes had a flash of inspiration, maybe he could try to eat the second devil fruit, why didn't he think of it at the beginning, wouldn't it be enough to add one more thing to his body?

If this method works, doesn't it mean that the fourth and fifth devil fruit can be eaten?

After thinking about it, it is a bit unrealistic, and the mystery must have an upper limit.

The research on Blackbeard was too sloppy at the beginning, and it should be done more in-depth.

Do whatever comes to mind.

Hermes had a thought, and in the room where he was staying, a communication device teleported to Hermes out of thin air, and then contacted Caesar.

It is worth mentioning that this communication device is not a phone bug, but a high-tech developed by Caesar, with holographic projection technology in it, so a virtual screen appeared in front of Hermes.


"Boss, good evening!"

Caesar's big face appeared, a little unkempt. He should be studying these days, and Quinn and Gage can be seen busy in the background.

"Let Man Shirley and the others go and capture Trafalgar Law, and then you guys will experiment with the steps of eating the second devil fruit, transform the clones more, and see if you can eat the third devil fruit."

As soon as Hermes finished speaking, Caesar was stunned, and then his eyes lit up after serious thinking, "Why didn't I think of it at the beginning? Why didn't you copy a few more of the necessary conditions?

If it succeeds, wouldn't it be possible to eat the third, fourth, and fifth devil fruit? "

"It's normal. It takes hundreds of thousands of years for a small invention that is too simple to be discovered and created. You, a scientist, should know this very well."

Hermes felt it was not too late.

Sometimes it is like this, everything needs a little inspiration, none of them thought of this at the beginning, if he didn't think about how to continue to become stronger today, maybe this possibility and idea would have been shelved forever.

"In addition, investigate where Vegapunk is, and catch it together. The progress of interstellar travel is still too slow!"

"The road of technology cannot be underestimated."


"I'll notify you right away."

"But BOSS, there's no need to catch Vegapunk!"

Caesar really didn't expect that Hermes would suddenly be interested in Vegapunk. If that guy joined the Emperor Organization, wouldn't his number one position be taken away?

"Caesar, if you want to become the number one scientist in the world, you can't just avoid it blindly. You must show your courage and pattern, and use your real skills to surpass yourself instead of deceiving yourself. Besides, Vegapunk may not be better than you."

"I know the boss!"

After the call ended, Hermes continued to think about other issues and practiced.

But Caesar hesitated and contacted the three of Tezolo.

"Catch Trafalgar Law and Vegapunk?"

New world at this time.

Manshirley, Tezolo, and Hody Jones who killed Zefa did not return to the Island of Gods immediately, but continued to investigate the whereabouts of the Blackbeard Pirates.

As a result, Caesar just called and said that the BOSS asked them to capture Trafalgar Law.

"Yes, the boss wants to test whether he can eat the third devil fruit?"


"you mean?"

The three of Man Xueli who were standing together were startled for a moment, then thought of something.

Caesar doesn't need to say anything.

"Why didn't I think of it at the time, just add one more condition to eat the second devil fruit, wouldn't it be possible to test whether you can eat the third, fourth, and fifth devil fruit?"

"That was my biggest mistake as a scientist."

Caesar regretted a little, and then continued, "Don't forget there is Vegapunk."

"Okay, I got it!!"

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