Many of the monsters were originally cut off from the limbs, peeled off the skin and smashed the ribs, and there was no difference between a group of waste and a piece of meat. So, they didn't even tie these monsters together.

However, all of a sudden, these monsters have healed, and even the peeled skin has grown out under the eyelids.

The golden wolf squinted and gasped loudly: "How is this possible?!"

The Beastmaster's reaction was extremely fast. In the first time, the red robe was swung, and the monsters were swept into the closed room by his palm.

And he himself retired, barely propped up the last bit of spiritual power, and quickly arranged the defensive enchantment.

The golden wolf was so shocked that he watched the monsters that had already arrived running all the time, and the entire face of the moment was distorted.

"The Beastmaster, what did you do?!"

Not waiting for the Beastmaster to speak, the Fengjing on the side has already looked at the distance in the east, exuding the direction of silver light and eagerly bowing to the dagger. "It is the **** tree, the **** tree bless us! It is the **** tree that saved us again!"

Many monsters have not been liberated from the emotions of despair, pain, and hatred. At this time, they slowly return to God, see their well-being, and see the flesh that grows again, and suddenly they cry, and they are moving toward the Tianshen Tree. Directions bowed to the head.

All the beasts think that they can be saved because of the gift of the **** tree.

Only the Beastmaster knows that this is not the case.

Tiansang Shenshu has long been riddled with holes and is unsustainable. The sudden disappearance of the light is sure to be a deadly attack.

It is impossible to cure the wounds on the monsters by relying on the Tiansang Tree. Even the Tiansang Tree in the victory period is impossible.

Only...the only source of wood.

The Wicked Beastmaster suddenly clenched his fists, and a pair of fascinating peach eyes sparkled with a brilliant glow.

Sure enough, God is ignoring their monsters!

Today is their desperate and hardship, but they are also their turn and hope.

The Golden Wolf took a deep breath and suppressed the resentment in his heart.

He has already believed the words of these monsters, and it is the resurrection of the Tiansang tree that gave these monsters a chance to escape.

That Lu Xuyang, even so useless, clearly gave him two ghosts of the genie, even the broken tree did not get it!

However, these beasts, do you really think that you can escape your palm?

You can catch them once and you can catch them twice three times!

The golden wolf sneered and said: "Where I am not mistaken, if I am not mistaken, even if the wounds of these little demon are healed, but the van Gogh magic in your body can not be lifted. Your current strength can only be played at most. 30%. Do you think that with this strength, how much time can I resist?"

"Since all of us are going to be captured by us in the end, it is better for you to come out! If you hide in it for a long time, can you change the miserable end of the prison?"

The face of the Wicked Beastmaster is still a little pale, and the curvature of the mouth is ridiculous. "Of course there is a difference."

"I know that you can break this defensive enchantment sooner or later, but you also have to pay a high price. What's more, if the enchantment really can't hold it, we can blew ourselves. What you want is not our monster. The power of inheritance? We are dead, you can't get anything."

"Human, do you still think that there is no difference?"

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