The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1417: Would rather die

The face of the golden wolf was twisted and twisted, and the hand hanging on the side of the body was clenched.

That's right, it's the **** difference! Just a short moment of negligence, even lost the initiative.

"Give me up! Use all the magic weapons, die and blow, give me the defensive enchantment in the shortest time!"

"I don't believe that all their monsters have the courage to look for short-sighted!"

The words of the Golden Wolf let all the warriors move. The lowest of these warriors is the level of the Yuan Ying period. The highest level of distraction is the level of distraction. Every attack is not affordable for ordinary people.

"Hey--" a loud bang, the defensive enchantment swayed.

In the secret room, the demon king's face was pale, and he vomited a **** blood. The blood stained the **** red robes, but it seemed to have only stained the water stains. Only the thick **** smell spread.

"Wang! Please don't support the enchantment again! Don't worry about us any more!" The monsters finally couldn't help but cry out.

"Wang, you must be able to escape by your own skills. Please go quickly! We are not enough to die, we only hope that the future will pay for us!"

Each of the monsters bowed down in front of the red-robed Wufa's monster king, kept crying, and even the monsters raised their sharp claws and wanted to kill themselves, but they were stopped by the monster king.

Juvenile gorgeous face with a hint of peach-like sorrow, he licked his cracked lips, and smiled casually: "Since I am called by you, how can you leave you alone to escape? Without you, I still count What king?"

The voice of the Beastmaster was slightly hoarse and extremely calm, but it was said that a few young monsters couldn’t help but cry out.

The Beastmaster took a deep breath, and the deep and cold dawn looked at the golden wolf attacking outside the enchantment. He smiled lowly: "I said, even if you want to die, you have to pay an expensive price. Practice, it’s not just a casual talk."

The Beastmaster said, looking toward the little demon around him, slowly said: "Are you afraid of death?"

"We are not afraid!"

"Rather than being captured by despicable human beings, we would rather die!"

"Wang, please go first, we are not afraid of death!"

"Good!" The young man in the red robe showed a look as if it was gorgeous, and it seemed to be a pure smile. "The king also feels that instead of letting these human beings succeed, it is better to go with them...

When the Wicked King finished speaking, he suddenly touched his fingers and made a strange French seal.

The next moment, his lips turned into a gorgeous crimson, his lips slightly open, and then a red ball of light spewed out of his mouth.

As soon as the red ball of light appeared, everyone saw what it was like.

It was a bright red fire, only the size of a fist, but it gave off a terrible flame that would burn the iron into ashes.

"Ah--" the monsters screamed and retreated.

Most of them don't know what it is, just feel the fear of it in their hearts, and they are extremely fearful.

With the appearance of the red dragonfly, the entire Saitama Palace suddenly trembled violently, and the palace had already collapsed. At this moment, the foundation began to collapse and dump.

The fire is now, the jade palace collapses, the Warcraft forest, turned upside down!

The Beastmaster suddenly opened his eyes, and the gorgeous peach eyes turned into erect, flashing a terrible blood red glow.

The golden wolf sucked a cold breath, and for the first time in his heart, there was a bad foreboding.

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