The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1429: Someone outside (a ticket)

What kind of baby is Yuhuo, and of course he has a way to collect jade fire, but it is when the jade fire does not spit flames.

However, this person, this person is actually a freehand, not only annihilated the flames of squirting, but also directly grasped the acceptance of Na-mart.

This... how is this possible? !

The golden wolf slammed from the ground, staring at Nangong, and suddenly coldly said: "Boy, I don't know who you are. If you know each other, hand over the jade fire that you just took away. Otherwise, don't blame us for being unkind!"

Nangong 煜 picked up his eyebrows, and the satiric eyes were swept over the bare brain and the fleshy scalp that the golden wolf was burned, and he slowly said: "Oh? Why are you thinking about me?"

The golden wolf toward the side of the fee elders and others made a look.

The elders of the fee and the elders of the elders immediately took out the weapons, and the powerful aura of the body suddenly cast them, attacking the past against the Nangong Temple.

The blue-blue long sword emits a sparkling sparkle, which slowly appears in the palm of Nangong.

This is a forged "Feng Long Jian", but it has half the strength of Feng Longjian.

Seeing that the elders attacked the front, Feng Longjian was squirted and crossed.

The elders only felt that their eyes seemed to have spent flowers, and he instinctively took the weapons in his hand to resist.

The sound of "When" came, it was the sound of weapons.

But the next moment, he rushed to his chest and abdomen and there was a tearing pain.

The elders slowly lowered their heads and saw a long green sword, passing directly from their own Dantian.

Nangong Temple pulled back the "Fenglong Sword" and looked at the elders of the fee.

In the eyes of the elders, the fear of the light flashed, and a sudden scream in the mouth: "You - it is you, that night is you..."

After the words have not been finished, Feng Longjian whistling and flew toward the elders.

In midair, the long sword turned into a dragon, a roaring dragon, and penetrated the elder's body.

The elders still maintain a terrified look, open their mouths and want to finish the last sentence, but he has no chance.

Feng Longjian killed the elders, but did not stop, and continued to fly toward the Golden Wolf.

The golden wolf eyes were sullen, watching Nan Gong’s eyes with the jealousy of jealousy, but no fear.

In his hands, I don’t know when there was a golden-red flashing whip. When the "Fenglongjian" flew over, the whip waved toward the dragon-shaped figure of the sword.

A burst of "噼里啪啦" thought, the dragon restored the blade, and then broke for two.

Nangong’s face suddenly sinks, holding the hand of Tunxi slightly tight, and the eyes are horrible.

Although this "Fenglongjian" is a fake, it is the first gift that Tunxi gave him. He has always cherished it very much. He never left, but now he was cut off by this guy.

This man is simply looking for death!

The golden wolf sneered at Nangong, faintly said: "But it is a warrior in the lower bound of the district. I dare to dare to sway in front of me. Today I will tell you what is called a heaven outside, someone outside!"

Nangong煜 took a deep breath and slowly lowered the sleepy brook.

The sharp eyes looked at Xiaojinlong on the side: "Look at Xixi, there is anything to crush the jade, I will come back in a flash."

Xiao Jinlong patted his chest and said: "Do not worry, I will protect the boss. Give me a lesson to the shameless beast. I have long seen that these people are not pleasing to the eye. His mother doesn't recognize it!"

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