The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1430: Who loses who wins

Even dare to torture and kill the monster, Xiaojinlong, who is also a beast, said that he was very angry and could not wait for himself to rush to destroy these scums.

Nangong Yi did not pay attention to the words of Xiao Jinlong, but bowed his head and kissed him on the soft cheek of Tunxi before he got up and looked at the golden wolf.

The golden wolf looked at the sleepy Tunxi, and saw that he was dressed as a teenager. He couldn’t help but smile: "Why, we interrupted the harmony between you and the rabbit, so it was so angry. Hahahaha... The garbage in the lower bound is the squat, A good woman doesn't love, even with a man..."

The words of the Golden Wolf have not been finished yet. Nangong Temple suddenly raised his hand and the sound of the booming sounds. The shaky Saitama Palace collapsed most of the time, obscuring the sight of the monsters looking to this side.

The Golden Wolf frowned and was about to ask him what he was doing, and then suddenly widened his eyes.

I saw that the body of Nangong’s body suddenly had a strong black aura like the ink poured into the air. The fearful, creepy sense of death made the golden wolf feel the first time from the lower bound human beings. Fully suppressed the rush and fear.

Just then, the Golden Wolf suddenly woke up to God, staring at the tumbling black ink, shocked: "This... this is the dark spiritual power!"

how is this possible? ! !

In the world, even the gods, there are few people with dark spiritual power.

The only thing he knows is that he can use the Dark Spirit, and only the one that is in the gods is high, and he can't imagine the existence of touch.

However, now in a district of the Jurassic continent, he actually saw people with such a rich and dark spiritual power.

This... Is this still a low-order plane world?

First, some people have successfully promoted Jin Dan. Now even the dark spiritual power has come out. What happened to the world?

The golden wolf's heart raised a thick and unpredictable hunch.

He can see that the strength of this young man in front of him is only in the middle of distraction, and he is slightly worse than himself.

However, the dark spiritual power can be said to be the star of all other spiritual powers. It really fights. Whoever loses and wins is impossible to predict.

The golden wolf's gaze swept around, and the incomplete corpse of the elders and elders came into view.

Today, he has lost enough, and he still doesn't know how to explain it to the Lord. He must not fold himself here.

Thinking of this, the golden wolf flashed a dark man's eye, and the golden red whip suddenly picked up and swung toward the Nangong.

In the hands of Nangong Yu, I don’t know when I had a black and slender sword. I waved the attack of the Golden Wolf with a wave of hand.

However, when the snoring disappeared and the smoke fell, Nangong 看到 saw that the front was empty, and the golden wolf had already lost its sight.

He narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Want to escape? Then look at what you can't escape!"

After that, the figure disappeared and disappeared in the same place.


At this time, the brook that was trapped in the space was very depressed.

She tried various methods, but still couldn't leave the space, and she didn't know where the problem was.

A few little guys are also worried.

The ancient Yuntian field has become bigger, and the Lingquan water has become more and more, but this also means that the workload of the little ones has become larger.

The cultivation and harvesting of Lingtian was previously responsible for eggs and a few small guys.

The egg is very powerful. It can be harvested directly with a small claw, but the high-order plant needs to be carefully picked to avoid damage to the medicine.

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