"Oh, I... am I dying..."

The little boy lying in bed squinted hard and looked at the tall man kneeling beside his bed.

The little boy looks like eight or nine years old. It should have been cute, but at this time it was thin and thin.

The eyelids were deeply recessed, and the bottom of the eyes was bruised and dark, the lips were cracked, and the temperature on the body was hot and hot.

The seven-foot man at the bedside, when he heard the child's words, couldn't help but also red-eyed, dumb voice: "Qi's daughter, the witch doctor has to worship the gods, and the punishment of God's God will soon pass. By that time, You can recover."

The little boy, who is called Qier, heard the words but did not rejoice, but blinked and said: "But... I... I heard that the gods want to let... Xiaonuo die, I... I don’t want to be small. Connaught... Dad, I want to live with Xiaonuo... vomit~~~”

The boy said halfway, suddenly slammed straight up and kept vomiting.

However, his belly was already empty, so only the sour water could be spit out, and under his body, there were yellow traces of wetness, which was incontinence.

"Qi--!" The man and his wife screamed and rushed over.

The little boy kept twitching, his eyes turned white, and his breathing was getting more and more urgent.

The man’s wife finally cried and burst into tears. “Don’t blame God, if you really want to lower the punishment, please drop it on me. Please let my child go! This is my only child, please don’t Take him away, beg you!"

Crying and crying, the man’s wife suddenly slammed down on the ground, his body twitched, his mouth overflowing with foam and food debris, and his throat vomited.

"Nina-!" The man screamed and hugged his wife, saw her pale complexion, and the body that kept chilling and shivering, and the man was frozen.

In one hand, the son who was fainting in the past, holding his wife who kept vomiting in one hand, the hot tears flowed from the man’s eyes.

However, Nina laughed, and the smile was particularly gratifying. "Cullen, you see, Pantheon heard my prayers. He let go of our children and put the punishment on me. Qier saved. That's great, Qier has saved..."

Cullen looked at the faint wife with a smile, and then looked at the son who had stopped breathing next to him, and finally couldn't help but let go of the cry of grief.

And such crying and despair are played and repeated in the Cangda tribe all the time.

The night is getting deeper and deeper and colder.

Coulon, holding his son who had stopped breathing, walked to the Navin River like a soul.

Qier died and was taken away by the gods. Their only baby will never come back.

And now, even his wife is about to leave him.

If this is the punishment of God, why, why not take him with him?

Cullen shed tears and slowly put his son's body into the water.

The rules of their Cangda tribes are that the dead people are placed in the Nawen River. As a result, the mother river that gave birth to them will bring the deceased back to the side of the gods and bless him for the rest of his life.

The child's cold body sank into the water, and was quickly swept away by the rushing river. Cullen slammed into the ground and couldn't help but cry out.

Suddenly, when he saw a flower in front of him, he saw a shadow flashing over. The body of the son who had been taken away by the river was actually rolled back.

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