Cullen quickly looked at it, only to find that not far from the river downstream, I do not know when standing two people.

In the dark night, Cullen couldn’t see who the man was, but he saw that his son’s body was robbed, and all the resentment in his body was unwilling and desperate.

"Who are you?!" Cullen rushed over like a cannonball and had a machete in his hand. "Dare to move my son, I want your life."

However, it is expected that the scene of cutting people in half did not happen. Cullen’s wrist was suddenly held by a powerful force that could not be resisted, so that he could not take a step and step back.

Coulomb raised his red eyes and entered the goal of a teenager with a sick face.

The teenager wore a large red blouse, black hair and ink, and fluttered gently, and a pair of cold eyes gleam in the night.

Cullen struggled for a few times, and did not break away from the shackles of the teenager. He turned his head and looked at his son's body.

Seeing the dim light, a girl kneels beside her son, flipping the eyes of Qi's hand and touching her neck.

"What the **** are you?" Cullen yelled. "You are not our tribe? Where are you from?"

Cullen said that he would pick up the bone whistle hanging on his neck and blow the warning. But before he touched the bone whistle, he was gently dialed by the teenager.

The bone whistle fell on the grass, and Cullen still couldn't move.

"Unknown, let him shut up, don't bother me."

Cullen, who also wants to yell at the scorpion, was stunned by his neck. He blushes and wants to shout, but it is a pair of cold and ruthless, even with smiling eyes.

The masters of the eyes clearly told him clearly, dare to make a sound, just wait to die.

Cullen's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and the anxious and panicked eyes looked at the direction of the tribe and looked at his son.

Qier is lying on the ground, and his chest is still not ups and downs.

The girl, after touching Qi's hand and neck, and looking at her eyes, began to do strange moves.

Her hands pressed against the chest of Qi's chest, and the mouth of Qi, who was close to it, blew.

Even clenched his fists and banged **** Qi's chest.

Cullen listened to the groaning voice, watching his son's body being humiliated, and he was going crazy.

He struggled desperately and made a beast-like snoring in his throat, trying to die with both of them.

However, the body is firmly controlled by people and cannot move at all.

The time passed by, in the past, Cullen could not stand the pain and despair, and wanted to go to death with his son.

He suddenly heard a violent cough.

"Cough cough... cough and cough... oh..."

Cullen’s movements stopped suddenly. He stared at him and looked incredulously not far away.

There was a cold body of his son lying there, but now, Qier frowned, making a hoarse cough and slowly opening his eyes. Cullen never felt that there was a sound under the sun that would be more pleasant than this.

The teenager loosened his hand around his neck, his tiny eyes fell on the girl, and the eyes were faint.

"Qi--! 淇儿-!" When Coulomb got free, he rushed toward the boy, hugged tightly, and the hot tears kept flowing down. "Qi, you No death, great! Abba thought I would never see you again!"

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