The Cangda tribe has also begun to build houses in this beautiful valley like a fairyland, drilling and digging wells. They will leave the branches and leaves in this strange but comfortable place for a long time to live.

Three days later, when the ills were almost ok, they called Xiaonuo aside. "Xiaonuo, have you heard of monks?"

I have heard from the little red bird mouth that the Siamese mainland has become a monk in the warriors above the distraction period. I think the name of the monk is more appropriate.

Xiaonuo shook his head slyly.

The unknown and little red bird sitting next to her sly looked back at her and realized what she was going to do.

The long, crystal-clear hands spread out, and soon a flame ran from her palms and curled into various shapes.

"Ah!" Xiaonuo blinked in shock and his mouth was too big to fit.

奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 : : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Here, there is a lot of spiritual power everywhere. Even those who are rooted in the roots can cultivate."

"Ah-!!" Xiaonuo's surprise was even louder, and then he stuttered. "Master, you mean, I... I can also cultivate, and can be a monk like you?"

I smiled and nodded. "I have explored your spiritual roots. It is a double-lined spiritual root. The talent is very good. But there is a little Xiaonuo. You must know that the monks are powerful, but they will also be involved in more disputes. Xiaonuo, do you want to learn?"

Xiaonuo was silent for a while, then held a small fist and firmly said: "Master, I want to learn, I want to be strong, help Master, but also protect Auntie, grandparents and tribes. Master, please teach me! ”

I am not surprised by her choice, taking out a few jade slips from the storage ring. But there are also things that are left on the storage rings and bracelets.

Of course, these jade records are not the exercises of the space and the minds of the Capricorn, but they are also very advanced practice methods in the Jura mainland, such as the fire system that was obtained in the Broken Mountain Hunting Competition.

There is no such thing as awkwardness, and I have given Xiaonuo almost the skills that I can take out in my hand.

After taking out the jade slip, the cockroach put the hand on the small vest, and the powerful spiritual power poured in.

For a moment, Xiaonuo felt that the power of countless warmth was in his limbs, and that her breath, her five senses and her heart became transparent.

Pick up the jade slip, sink into it according to the instructions of the cockroach, and really see the exercises inside.

He also gave a small ring with a small storage space and a few bottles of medicinal herbs in the storage bracelet, and gave it to Xiaonuo.

Xiaonuo put Yu Jian and Dan Yaozhen into the ring and hung the ring on his neck.

She was red-eyed, looked at her, and squatted again, toward the girl. "Master, you treat me... you..."

When Xiaonuo’s words were not finished, he suddenly opened his eyes in surprise.

Xiaonuo also opened his mouth and was shocked to say nothing.

I saw a glaring light from the body of the cockroach, which was clearly the daytime, but this ray of light went straight into the sky and shrouded the entire nameless valley.

"Master -!!" Xiaonuo screamed and wanted to rush.

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