However, he found that the light only shrouded the cockroach, the little red bird and the cockroach were unknown, but she was excluded.

The Cangda tribes in the valley heard the movements and rushed over.

Then they saw a scene that made them immortal.

The fascinating girl in the glory of the world slowly melted in the glory, with a happy smile on her face, and the bright flowers in the valley, the more and more blooming in this moment, the branches and leaves swayed, and the sound of rustling, as if Driving off her.

For a long time, the light dissipated, and the beautiful girl was like a dream, disappearing in the heavens and the earth.

"Goddess--!" Someone exclaimed and fell to the ground.

Then everyone bowed down.

Xiaonuo crouched on the ground, crying and crying: "Master, Master, why don't you take Xiaonuo together! Master!"

For a long time, she looked at the storage ring on her neck, and the little fist slammed tightly.

"Master, you said, as long as I practice well, I will be like you one day, will I be able to see you then?"

"Master, you can rest assured that I will not forget every word you said. One day, I will have the qualification to stand by your side and become your true disciple."

Xiaonu looked around and his eyes were red. Suddenly said: "Grandpa, are we calling this valley a goddess valley?"

"Good!" The Nita chief did not hesitate to agree. "We, the people of the Cangda tribe, must not forget the grace of the goddess for generations. If they forget, they will not be for heaven and earth, and they will always be expelled from the Cangda tribe."

"Yes!! We will never forget the grace of God!"

Never forget... never... The loud voice echoes in the valley, as if to shake the heavens and the earth.

On this day, the Cangda tribe was completely reborn, and the cockroaches disappeared between heaven and earth.

No one knows. After a long time, the Cangda tribe and the goddess valley will shock the entire wilderness continent and become a huge force that cannot be ignored. Even the wild continent is divided into two, and their ethnic groups have existed for a long time.

Many people know that the core figures of the Cangda tribe live in the Valley of Goddess. At the entrance to their valley, there is always a stone statue. The stone statue is a beautiful girl who is difficult to describe in words, and there is her standing in her. A bird with a high **** on his shoulder.

Perhaps, when he was alive, the prophet Gabriel predicted that there was nothing wrong with it. He said that 奚玥 has powerful power and will one day destroy the world. However, many people do not know that people who can die can also create a new world.

The Baiyun Cang dog, the sea sang field, the separated people, will always meet again, the fate of the break, there is always a day of reconciliation.

“噗通——!” 猛 猛 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛force.

She rubbed her face with hot water and made a coughing sound, looking around.

What is this? When she taught the apprentice in the wild mainland that was thousands of years ago, suddenly the power of the squad was overflowing and the space was repaired. Even before she was ready, she directly tore the space and re-transmitted.

However, this unreasonable must-have must, has this time sent her to a ghost place? Little red bird and unknown?

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