There was a strange color in his eyes. "The sword of the Five Elements, although the material is rough, is very rare."

Ji Mingfu slowly leaned down, the girl near the bed, and her eyes slowly condensed and imprinted the face of the girl's peerless city.

The pair of clear phoenixes, the purple stream of light, is so beautiful, and so fascinating, as if a long time ago, he has captured his whole heart.

In the next moment, Ji Ming’s dawn was slightly condensed, and his hand was lightning-fast and stretched out, holding the girl’s hand.

The shadowless needle that radiated the cold fell on the bed and quickly disappeared into water vapor.

There was no pause in the squatting, and another hand that was not buckled supported the bed, and the body slammed, and the left foot slammed toward Ji Ming.

Ji Mingqi did not move, and buckled the girl's delicate and delicate ankles. The body shape suddenly swayed, and the whole person bullied and pressed the girl's thin body firmly under her body.

His face suddenly rose red, and his eyes were ashamed and angry.

At this point their posture is really too embarrassing, too embarrassing her.

Only a thin single coat was worn on the body, and the man shrouded her in his shadow. The skin was attached to the thin fabric and felt the warm and soft skin of the girl.

Both of the two hands have been buckled by Ji Ming, pressed against the top of the head, and the ankle of one foot is held in the palm of the hand by the other hand of Ji Ming, and is forced to bend on the side of Ji Ming. The man is cold, with a thin finger, gently rubbing on the instep of the girl's warm and silky jade.

"Bastard, let me go!"

Struggling to struggle, but instead let the man he relies on is even tighter, even the man's original cold body, but also slowly dyed a touch of burning heat.

Ji Mingyu leaned over and looked at the girl in her arms. The hand that had held the girl's ankle was moved to her face, and gently touched the soft skin. It was like jade and smooth, and the tentacles were warm.

There is also the warmth of the steaming body, which makes Ji Ming’s eyes pass through a trace of intoxication.

He has not felt such warmth for many years, and he feels comfortable in his body.

Since that day, he has used countless methods, and the coldness in his body is like the sacral bones.

Until this time, after the red dust, he felt that the cold in the body dissipated a lot. At least when Suzaku and Qinglong were close to him, they would not be shivering again.

However, even if the chill dissipated a part, it was far less than the warmth of this time. This kind of long-lost warmth of the millennium seemed to melt the coldness and indifference on his face.

The dark eyes were dyed with a little bit of tenderness, and the face he himself did not notice, the eagerness and affection from the depths of the soul.

Creek... Creek... What is the name that is deeply imprinted in his soul?

So eager to get her, so eager to get close to her, eager to, want to integrate her into his bones.

Ji Mingqi bowed his head and kissed the pink lips as magic.

However, she did not see the emotions in the eyes of Ji Mingying. She was only angry and angry, and she was so irritated to the extreme.

Obviously this man is just a strange neuropathy, but when he gently touches his cheeks with cherished feelings, there is a long-lost incitement in his heart, as if he was pampered by Nangong.

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