However, Nangong Yuming is already dead, and he is still waiting for his own efforts to bring him back to life.

How can this man be Nangong?

Even if the voice is like again, the figure is similar, and he is not the one he loves.

Feeling the warmth of the man slowly approaching, he suddenly turned his head and screamed: "Get away -!!"

Ji Ming’s figure was slightly raised, and he saw the disgust in the girl’s eyes.

His heart suddenly sinks a little, as if he had been slapped.

Angry, angry, and more are embarrassing.

When the girl first saw him, it seemed to have shouted a name. That name is the person she likes? So she hates herself? At the thought of this, the fire of the sorrow in Ji Ming’s heart almost burned his reason!

He narrowed his eyes in danger and slowly said, "What are you talking about?"

He bit his teeth and look at him without showing his weakness. "I will let you get out of me!"

The cold and cold eyes were on the top of the phoenix, which was burning and burning. For a time, the room seemed to have a fire.

Ji Mingqi suddenly evoked the corner of his mouth, and his eyebrows had a cold arc.

"The things that the deity wants are never available. What's more, you sent it to yourself. You are the first woman to be accepted by the deity. You should... rush to honor!"

Going to your honor! You are honored! Your family is honored!

I was so mad, I was about to struggle and struggle, and I heard a slight knock on the door outside the house.

"The master, chaos is back, do you want to see it now?" It was a sweet woman's voice, but it was strange, and she decided that she had heard it before.

Ji Mingying looked cold and dull, but still let go and stood up.

When he was trying to get out of his side, Ji Mingyu suddenly reached out and pointed to Dan Tian’s finger.

A strong icy cold rushed into Dantian, making you feel like you are going to be frozen.

However, the feeling of this coldness quickly disappeared and the body did not have any discomfort.

However, her sullen body trembled, her body was not discomfort, but her Dantian was sealed, and although her spiritual power did not disappear, she could not use it.

This **** -! !

Ji Mingqi looked down at her, and the sound was rare to bring a touch of temperature. "This seal can purify your Dantian spiritual power. It is good for you after unwinding. Just except me, there is no one on this blue peak that can help you unravel. ""

"So, you'd better stay here, Biluo Peak has a ban, you have no spiritual power, if you pass the ban, it will be torn into pieces."

After he finished, he paused and whispered, "Wait for me to come back."

The suffocating teeth, a pillow grabbed behind the back of the man's head. However, Ji Mingqi did not return, and waved back gently. The thick porcelain pillow disappeared in his hands.

Suzaku stood outside the door and probed the brain, and looked at the eyes that were more uncomfortable than usual.

"Master, who... is it not the time to come?"

God knows that she had never thought about it before, and might disturb the good things of the master. His master has never had this rib, but this time, it it really not the time for her to come?

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