The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1772: High cold noodles

"We all believe that you will be able to go to the gods to become a saint, that is the most supreme existence, even invite the moon palace to treat our Anling family, not to mention the little Qinglei family. At that time, Miss You can save our Anling home and clean up your aunt's aunt's grievances. So even if all of our Anling family are dead, you must live, and you must not be defiled by anyone, hear no?!"

Amber said that the more excited, in the end, the chest cracked open, the hand of the bone fracture is more powerless to hang down, his whole person swayed and fell to the ground again.

"Amber! Amber!" An Lingyi quickly rushed over and helped Amber.

Amber clung to An Ling's hand and coughed blood. He said, "Miss, you must promise me, you must rescue the Anling family from the fire..."

"I promise you, Amber, I promise you, uh..."

Hearing An Ling's answer, Amber finally passed out.

"Amber -!!" An Lingyu screamed, Dan Tian spirits surging, forcing his own spiritual power into Amber, to continue her life.

There was a cold voice behind him. "If you want him to die faster, continue to give him spiritual power."

Anling’s hand trembled and his body dissipated. She turned her head and looked at her. She suddenly remembered that it was just the appearance of a cockroach, which prevented Amber’s burning of Dantian from dying.

Suddenly the eyes brightened: "Gongzi, please help Amber, then you will let me be a cow, I will..."

"Shut up!" He said coldly, squatting and grabbing Amber's hand.

The spiritual power of exploration went upstream of Amber and determined his own guess.

Amber's problem is not serious, but the spiritual overdraft, coupled with the forced burning of the Yuan Ying, has injured the meridians and Dantian. But because it is timely, it is not fatal. Of course, if you leave it alone, as long as you don't die, you will fall into a realm.

In addition, I found a strange thing.

She actually felt the pure wood roots in Amber's meridians. Moreover, it seems to have just left.

Her eyes swept through Anling, without any traces. Was this wood spirituality left by this little girl? Does she have a wood root?

This thought flashed away, and he quickly took out the silver needle and plunged into the big acupuncture points of Amber.

Soon, a cup of tea passed, Amber awake, the original pale face was much better than just.

However, he still insisted that he should take the Anlings first, and he himself stayed to bear the anger of the Qinglei family.

Hey, unknown, watching at the side, his eyes showing a mocking smile.

Seeing the gaze, he said faintly: "It’s just the struggle of the ants. If you don’t meet you, they will show more and more masters and servants. It’s just a dead ending. In this world, the weak itself is a kind of sin."

奚玥 slightly open mouth, his face reveals a few strange colors.

奚 Unknown mouth twitches a cold arc. "Do you disagree?"

"No!" He shook his head and snarled. "I just didn't think that you could still say such a long sentence. You are not a cold face!"

After that, she did not wait for the unknown, she went to Anling.

I left the unknown and some dull standing in the same place, only half a glimpse of the eyes passed a faint smile.

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