He walked to An Ling's and Amber's face: "You don't argue, the things swallowed by Xiao Zi will not leave any traces, even the soul mark is impossible. So you can rest assured, Qing Lei Family people can't find us for at least a short time."

After that, the purple singer in the hand flew again, and soon the body of Qin Yuanzhi’s body was swallowed up, this time even the clothes did not stay. As for the storage utensils and magic weapons, 奚玥 of course is accepted unceremoniously.

After consuming the magic nucleus, the purple singer Luo directly promoted from the sixth level to the ninth level, so that the cockroaches could not help but swear, the magic core is really worthy of space production, and its power can not be inferred by common sense.

Fortunately, I gave the magic core to Xiao Zi, otherwise I am afraid that even one tenth of them can not absorb it, it would be too violent.

An Ling and Amber knew that they would not be tracked by the Qinglei family. They suddenly overjoyed and turned to Shantou.

After the joy, after the spirit was relaxed, An Ling and Amber could not stand even and suddenly fell to the ground.

When they saw that their spiritual power was exhausted, they lost a few five products to make them clear.

Of course, there are foods that have already been burned. First, they are given to the unknown, and they take out their own parts, and then they give them to Anling.

Anling took a bite of barbecue and suddenly his eyes brightened. "It's so delicious. I have grown so big, I haven't eaten such delicious things yet!"

Amber was after he swallowed Buddhism, and his face was different: "Excuse me, where is this medicine?"

He raised his eyebrows, "How come, do you know?"

Amber is a little excited: "You sons have also been to the Heavenly Medicine Valley to study, only there, there is such a best to make up the sale of the spirit. I am also lucky to have the young master to take care of, take one. The medicinal herbs and the young master brought back very similar, no, it seems to be better than the young master brought back."

Awkwardly saying: "Heavenly Valley? Is anyone refining this kind of remedy?"

Amber shook his head and said: "No, this kind of medicinal medicine is not produced in the Siamese mainland. It is said that people from the lower-order planes of the mainland have come to Siam. But the kind of remedy is now extremely rare. It is said that It was the alchemy teacher who passed away ten years ago. Although the medicinal herbs are not high in quality, the effect is powerful and terrible. The most important thing is that there is no impurity, and it is most suitable for military personnel who have not yet advanced to the monk. ”

"So, now these great medicinal herbs from Miluo have been fired at a high price. Some people have to go to the lower bounds to buy and **** for this medicinal medicine."

This time, it’s weird. “You said that these remedies came from the lower bounds? And, the alchemy teacher died ten years ago? Do you know the name of the alchemy teacher?”

Amber shook his head and said: "No one knows what the name of the alchemy teacher is. But I heard that the pharmacy selling the medicinal herbs seems to be called, called...Shengdetang, yes, it is Shengdetang! With the alchemy teacher After the death, the medicine in the pharmacy was also robbed, so soon Shengdetang also closed down."

"These old slaves also listened to the young master. Master, he was studying in Tianzhi Valley, there are many warriors from the Jurassic, and these news are also told to the young master."

He took a deep breath and brought a confused color to his eyes. "Ten years, ten years ago?"

She looked down at her palm, her hair was like jade, she was soft and white. If she used her eyes to look at her roots, she would still find herself only 18 years old.

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