why? Why is there someone going out?

Is Meng Baiya and Ke Yanhuai doing it? Do they really want to force her to be willing to die?

Mi Fu’s original pale face rose red, and he helped Meng Zisu, pointing at the onlookers and yelling: “You don’t want to talk nonsense, filthy perilla! Then dare to say, I’m going to sue the elders!”

"Hey, she Meng Zisu dare to do, still dare not let people say." One of the tall, looks a little mean female student stepped forward, disdainfully looked at Meng Zisu, "have the ability, you let her answer In a word, is she still entangled with other men when she has a marriage contract with her, and finally she even lost her life?"

Mi Fu is anxious to look at Meng Zisu, "Perilla, Perilla, are you okay? You explain to them!"

Meng Zisu closed his eyes palely, suddenly pushed the rice bran and ran out quickly.

"Perilla -!!"

Mi Hao yelled, but Meng Zisu had already run away.

The girl laughed and said: "I don't see it. She is guilty. It seems that the rumor is true. This kind of person~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ College!"

"Yes, driving her out of the college, can't let her lose the face of our entire heavenly valley!"

The voices of the people are coming and going, and the girls are filled with indignation and dislike.

The boy was exposed with a sinister expression, and smiled and said: "The original Meng Zisu was so open. I think she is a good person. I don't know if I would like to accompany me for a spring break?"

"It's better to look for her in the evening? Anyway, it's Miss Meng Jiada, even if it's not ice and jade, it can be a fraternity."

Mi Fu listened to the swear words and insults of the crowd, and the tears of anger flowed down.

She looked around her chest and wanted to find a cockroach, but found that 奚玥 and Meng Zisu had disappeared.

Mi Fu had no choice but to escape to the dormitory in a hurry.


At the moment when Meng Zisu left, she noticed the death in her eyes.

I also refused to take care of the students who involved her insulting, and went straight to it.

Sure enough, Meng Zisu left the Tianji Valley all the way, and even went directly to the abyss of the inner and outer doors of the Tianyi Valley.

Under the cliff is a real scorpio.

Neither the warrior nor the monk can fly here. If it falls, it will be entangled in the magic of the sky. In the end, it will be directly engulfed by magic and become an irrational little monster.

Of course, in order to prevent someone from accidentally falling, there is an enchantment guardrail in front of the cliff.

However, Meng Zisu is a student outside the Tianzhi Valley, and is still a medical school, and the magic in this abyss has a miraculous effect on the production of several drugs, so occasionally there will be students from Tiangu Valley to collect here.

Therefore, most of their medical schools have access tokens.

I did not expect that Meng Zisu actually wanted to die.

When she rushed to the top of the cliff, she only saw Meng Zisu’s eyes closed and she did not hesitate to jump down.

bad! That's too late!

His face changed a lot, and the purple vines in his hand quickly reached out.

However, when the vines reached the top of the cliff, they were blocked by the magic gas, and they could only walk a little bit.

The purple singer is able to absorb the magic, but the magic here is too rich, and I feel a little bit of breathing when I stand far away, and the purple singer wants to swallow the magic and move on. It also takes time.

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