Usually students and tutors use magical power, just need to stand a few hundred meters away from the cliff is enough.

Seeing that Meng Zisu was about to fall off the cliff, suddenly, a dark purple figure flashed and quickly flew over, catching the body of Meng Zisu who almost fell off the cliff.

However, the magic also quickly entangled the figure, dragging him and Meng Zisu to the cliff.

At the moment of the millennium, Zi Luo has finally broken through the magic barrier, and the two of them will be caught and flinch back.

Two men and a woman slammed into the front of the donkey, and the purple singer shook the leaves, and the black magic was absorbed by him.

Then it swayed to the shackles and conveyed to him: "I have to eat it, and to digest it, I have shrunk into space."

Some of them are crying and laughing. This magical power is a big complement to the purple meditation, but it is overkill.

It seems that after a while, I can bring Xiao Zi to absorb it here.

Just thinking, the two people on the ground are waking up.

A strange discovery, this man who saved Meng Zisu, she just saw it yesterday, it is Song Yu in the mouth of Ke Yanhuai.

And this Song Song has reached the stage of the robbery, although it has just broken through the robbery period, and has not stabilized.

However, it is very terrible to have such a repair in his bone age, which is less than a hundred years old.

Song Yiyi woke up, immediately running the infuriating force to expel the infiltrated magic in the body, and then looked at Meng Susu with fear. "Are you okay? I will give you the magical power of the body first..."

"Don't touch me -!!" Meng Zisu screamed and slammed his hand, almost hysterically shouting, "What do you save me? Who told you to save me?!"

Song Hao suddenly stopped.

He has always been the most hated woman who is unreasonable and hysterical.

But when the girl made a sigh of relief, he could clearly feel the desperate and sadness that was painful.

Also, when Meng Zisu shouted the phrase "Don't touch me", I don't know why I touched the memory of his heart for a long time, let him burst into a while.

For a time, I couldn’t react.

Meng Zisu ran from the ground and stumbled and went to the cliff.

However, she has not been out of the two steps, she was taken back by someone.

Meng Zisu screamed wildly, "Let me go! Let me go! I will die if you die? You give me a roll! Roll!"

"啪————!" A ruthless slap in the face of Meng Zisu, the burning pain, let Meng Zisu suddenly stunned.

She stared blankly at the person in front of her, in the tears of confusion, slowly focused on the cool face of a young man.

It is obviously a half-year-old boy who is younger than her age. It is obviously such a weak appearance, but this young boy has refreshed everyone's cognition since the first day of the three classes of the doctor.

She never retreats in the face of martyrdom, does not fear, faces provocation, never panic, anger, he just calmly uses his own strength, let the three classes of the water doctor slowly adapt to his teaching style, slowly change his view .

Meng Zisu issued a low hoarse voice, "Hey... Mentor..."

Look at her coldly and coldly, with deep contempt, "Meng Zisu, do you have this point? Was it smashed, won't go back? Was humiliated, won't fight back? People are jealous, will not clarify themselves? But they will only find death and work?"

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