The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2004: My student (seeking a ticket)

"Is the three classes of hydrologists not the most unsatisfactory, most arrogant and proud student?" Meng Zisu, you are a member of the three classes of the water doctor, don't you feel shameful?"

The hot tears flowed down from the eyes of Meng Zisu. Meng Zisu licked his face with redness and swollen, sobbing low, and then crying louder and louder, as if venting all his grievances.

"Hey tutor, but...but I don't know what to do... My father wants me to marry Ke Yanhuai as a beggar... I only have Tianyi Valley, a retreat... If I can't stay here, except death, I I really don't know what to do? Hey... I don't want to die, but I would rather die, don't..."

I looked at her deeply, without comfort, and did not help her to smash the male white lotus, just faintly said: "Meng Zisu, do you think you have done something wrong? What happened in the past, you lost, Kejia retired, Meng Bai Ya replaces you as the future grandmother of Ke Jia. Do you think you have done something wrong?"

"I didn't!" Meng Zisu screamed and screamed, and there was a blush on the pale face. "In the midst of the madness... that humiliation... Meng Baiya took the medicine for me and deceived me. In the midst of that puzzle! I clearly explained to my father and the Ke family one after another, but no one would believe me. Hey, mentor, you believe me."

The sly look slowly softened and did not hesitate: "I believe in you."

Meng Zisu stunned and his face was about to burst into a smile.

When the next sentence is broken, it sounds. "But I don't accept students like you."

Meng Zisu suddenly squatted in the same place, his face full of desperation.

At this time, Song Yu had climbed up from the ground, staring at Meng Zisu with a dull look, like a ghost.

Seeing his all-embracing expression, his heart seemed to be cut off by something, suddenly rising a sigh of anger, screaming, "You shut up!"

But I didn’t even care about Song Wei, but I looked straight at Meng Zisu. I said in a word: "If you are a student of my school, if you can't afford this setback, if you even smash it, you can bear it. I can't afford it. If you encounter a little hardship, you have to work hard. I don't want to accept such a person. I don't accept that she is my student."

Meng Zisu raised his head violently, staring at the cockroach, tears pouring out of his eyes.

He asked: "Do you still want to die? Still want to continue to escape?"

"No-!" Meng Zisu shook his head and choked. "Teacher, I want to stay in the three classes of the doctor. I want to learn more with you. I want to stay here, I don't want to die, too." I don't want to compromise with that group of people!!"

At this moment, his face finally showed a shallow smile, whispered: "Let's go back, Mi Fu must be worried."

Meng Zisu nodded with tears and walked to the side with a weak body.

The magic in her body has not been exhausted, so the body is extremely weak, but the look on her face is like a haze, no more despair than the death of the heart.

However, when she arrived, she suddenly had a flower in front of her, and she fell down softly.

He and Song Song reached out at the same time, but they were close to each other, so they directly took the person in their hands.

Song Wei looked at her hand in a bad eye. "You... let go of her! Don't you know that men and women don't give up?"

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