Instead, I look to Yu Chang and Chen Hongan. "You said that the elders have proved that his diagnosis is correct? It turns out that the correctness of the diagnosis is not judged by facts, but is it based on whether it is a shadow?" If I also have a shadow, do you represent it, what is the truth?"

Chen Hongsen smiled and said: "Yeah, can you rely on you, can you have a shadow? You have the ability to bring your shadow to you to come and see?"

He smiled a little and reached out to pick up his sleeves, revealing a more delicate and white jade arm than the sheep fat jade.

The girl's skin is white and transparent in the sunlight, the skin is smooth and smooth, there is no sputum, and even the pores are not seen. It is like the most exquisite artwork, and the eyes of the crowd are all stunned. There is no way to remove half a point.

Soon, they saw a six-leaf wicker mark on the back of the girl's hand, which is the mark of the medical fairy.

For the first time, many people really face up to the identity of the medical sage. When they think of it as a 19-year-old medical singer, everyone can't help feeling it. What a stunning girl!

But in the crowd, there are people who often sneak in the spiritual domain, like suddenly thinking of something, his face suddenly changed, and then he exclaimed, "Ah - 19-year-old medical immortal, she... she is zero Zero seven?"

If you are zero or seven, then... there seems to be a rumor in the refining domain!

The companion next to him looked at him strangely. "What happened to you? Amazed? Who is it? How do you listen to it?"

The words have not been finished yet, and suddenly there is a burst of exclamation like a tsunami in the crowd.

"Ah, look at your arm!!"

"Oh my God, this...the six-pointed star, is...the mark of the shadow of the contract?!"

"How is it possible?! How old is it? And she is not a child, how can there be a shadow? Is the person who signed the shadow contract with her crazy?"

The elders were also dumbfounded, and several instructors also licked their eyes, over and over again.

However, no matter how they blink their eyes, they all see the white-eyed snow-covered wrist, and the purple-purple six-pointed star shines.

Ying purple is the highest level of the shadow of the contract. The soul of the representative doctor is very powerful, and the contract that represents the shadow of the ambassador is very unbreakable. Such a contract is not only to protect the doctor, but also to improve the repair of the shadow ambassador.

However, such a powerful shadow blessing contract, how could it be that this yellow-haired girl can sign? !

"Fake, it must be fake!" Chen Hongsen suddenly shouted hysterically. "You must have done something in your hands? Otherwise, how can you sign and make a contract with you?" ”

"Yeah, I am only 19 years old! Who will sign a contract with a 19-year-old little girl? She is not Yunfeifei, and she has the strong backing of Yunjia."

"But the mark of the six-pointed star is really true. Is there a way to fake it?"

Yu Changchang suddenly sinks his face and said: "Hey, you have eaten the bear heart and the leopard, and dare to administer the contract!"

Qian Dazhuang immediately did not do it. He shouted at the scorpion: "Why is your contract true? Are we false? You say fake, you come up with evidence! We are so powerful, Are you jealous?"

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