"Hey, you don't want to make a big joke anymore." Liang elder smirked, "If you want a pseudo-angiography to make a contract, at least fake a red one, who knows that you actually fake a purple, you know this Siam." Luo mainland, is there a few that can achieve the highest purple level? I tell you, there is none! Letter?"

"The purple contract level is actually one that can be achieved? Even the building doctors can't reach it? This...this is really too fake!"

Chen Hongsen also cried, "Oh, you are not saying that this is a contract to make a contract? Then you have the ability to call your shadows! If no one appears, just show us a fake mark. You are all us. Is it a fool?"

There was a burst of laughter in the crowd, and at this moment, few people believed that the mark was true.

However, some people's faces are getting more and more stunned, that is, the girl who just said "zero zero seven".

When everyone laughed, suddenly the girl said loudly: "You... have you not been in the refining field in recent months? No one has heard that it was only 19 years old, but passed in one day. The assessment of the six deaths of the dead and the dead, became the doctor's zero seven?"

The crowd was quiet, and someone said: "How have you heard it? You want to say that the zero is seven? Oh, but even if it is zero, she can't be so young and have a shadow!"

The girl’s expression was even more bizarre. Look at the cockroach, look at the elders and others, and swallow the throat: “Since you know zero and seven, have you not heard of another news? In the refining field The sudden emergence of the five elements of the net Ling Dan, was madly snapped up, even Yun Feifei's predecessors can only be willing to go down the wind. Even ... even the second in the fight list, Qu Changfeng offered to sign a contract with the zero-seven ......"

After a quiet moment, some people laughed and said: "How is this possible? That is the second place in the fight list, Qu Changfeng, the master of the peak of the robbery period, how could it be possible to go to the low to become a shadow of others? It’s definitely a rumor!"

"That is to say, even the original Yun family promised a generous gift, let Qu Changfeng become the shadow of Yun Feifei, Qu Changfeng refused, how could you look at the captain?"

"I have heard this rumor, but no one is stupid enough to believe it. What's more, if someone can make Qu Changfeng a shadow ambassador, everyone who has long preached it is well known. And will there be only this wind?"

"Yes, I heard that Yunfeifei had contracted a powerful shadow for some time, and the entire refining domain and the Tianji Valley were all rumored!"

Liang Elder squinted and looked at him. "If you have the skills, you will bring your shadows to you. Let us see. We all know that the shadows are generally protected by the doctors, as long as they activate the deeds, he It will come soon. It’s better to activate the deeds now."

Everyone looked at you and waited for her next move.

Hey, but he smiled leisurely, let go of his sleeves and cover his purple sign, and slowly said, "No need to..."

"Hah, it really is guilty!"

"There is no such thing as a shadow. Everything is forged and compiled by her."

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