Cheng Changhe’s hand on his side suddenly tightened, and the teeth bite, but in the end he went forward and slowly squatted down.

Yu Chang’s cockroach’s face is four consecutive slaps. “Waste! I spend so much medicinal herbs to cure your illness, so that your cultivation can be kept in the empty age, that is, let you sell for me, but you What role does waste play? Even a district can't cope with it, let me lose my face. Waste! Waste!"

Cheng Changhe was squeaked in the ears of the four slaps, and his mouth was bleeding.

But this pain, but far from the humiliation.

He is a monk in the emptiness period, and the famous Qingyun sword Cheng Changhe in the Qingyun world will fall into these fields. Why did he fall into these fields? !

After the elders were tired, they sat down on the chair.

However, the anger and hatred in my heart have not disappeared, but have become more and more heavy.

Suddenly, his eyes turned, as if he had thought of something, and he was a little excited.

"Cheng Changhe, I am ordering you, I will kill you this evening."

"This is impossible!" Cheng Changhe immediately sighed. "Yu's shadow is made by Qu Changfeng. I am definitely not his opponent."

Yu Chang, but he sneered: "Waste, I know that you are not the opponent of Qu Changfeng, but I did not say that you are right with Qu Changfeng."

"You don't know if this is Tianzhi Valley? Tianzhi Valley is enchanted. And I just saw that Qu Changfeng has left Tianzhi Valley."

Cheng Changhe froze according to the temper and humiliation in his heart. "But Qu Changfeng is the shadow of the ambassador. The enchantment of Heavenly Medicine Valley can't stop him. There is a shadow contract, he can be in the first place as long as he is not far away. Time is coming."

Yu Chang’s eyes flashed through the haze, and faintly said: “It’s a pity that even if he knows that there is danger, he can’t catch it. Because he can’t enter the enchantment of Tianzhi Valley.”

"What do you mean?"

The elders did not speak, but walked straight into the room. After a quarter of an hour, he took out a similar thing and came out. "In fact, few people know that the outer door of Tianji Valley There are two kinds of enchantment, one is the ordinary six products, and the other is the eight-product enchantment that even the monks can not pass freely. Because the amount of spar consumed is huge, it is generally only in the college. It is allowed to open when it is dangerous."

Cheng Changhe looked at the array and slightly widened his eyes. Does the elders want to...

I only listened to the expression on Yu’s face and twisted it. I gnashed my teeth and said: “I will take all my savings and maintain this eight-art enchantment. It’s just a warrior in the Yuan Ying period, one hour, enough Have you killed her a hundred times?"

"Cheng Changhe, I want you to kill me, and I don't want to find my head. And she must be so miserable!"


On this day, Wei Chengyuan, Jin Zeyu, and the three classes of water doctors, except for the three of them, were all in the courtyard and went back very late.

In the words of Wu Jinshui, they used to work for the rest of Tianzhi Valley, but today they beat everyone’s face. This feeling is really cool.

Moreover, when she thought that she was a doctor with a shadow, she was more confident about the way she improved her physical fitness. The three groups of the doctors of the Chinese medicine team seemed to see their own different future.

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