Before leaving, Wei Chengyuan said: "Hey, the elders obviously don't care for you. If you stay alone in Tianzhi Valley, will it be dangerous? Do you want me to stay to protect you?"

He smiled and shook his head. "No need, I have the ability to protect myself."

In fact, every tutor in Tianzhi Valley generally stipulates that only two people can enter the enchantment. There are already unknowns and youths around him. If Wei Chengyuan is to stay, he must apply to Yu. Of course, except for the shadows.

However, with the relationship between now and the elders, he is obviously unable to give this quota.

During the day, Tianzhi Valley sometimes closes or weakens the enchantment in order to strengthen communication and the propaganda of the college. But in the evening, the enchantment will inevitably open, and those who are not qualified will be directly expelled.

Wei Chengyuan obviously also thought of it. There was a bit of guilt and self-blame in his expression, but he quickly passed a touch of decisive determination. "Hey, I will break through the empty period as soon as possible. Your shadow will make me inevitable." One."

I laughed and nodded. "Well, I am waiting for that day."

After the crowd left, the sky quickly darkened.

Qinglan gave the bed to the bed and smiled back: "Miss, it's a pity today. I didn't see you teaching the heroes of the group. I knew I would go to class with you."

I am a little bit smirking: "The most important thing for you now is to stabilize the realm. Well, leave me alone. Go back to your room and rest."

Some of them were not reconciled, but they finally nodded and turned to leave.

However, as soon as the door opened, his face suddenly changed, his hand suddenly caught, and an invisible force grabbed the collar of the green and pulled her back.

However, her movements are still a slow step.

Just listening to the green screaming a short cry, the body fell softly.

A tall figure slowly walked into the house, and the door of the room closed silently behind him.

The brows were wrinkled, and the eyes contained a cold chill. She had already recognized the coming person, and it was the shadow of the elders who made Cheng Changhe.

Oh, it seems that she wants to be calm and not troublesome, but the other party does not seem to want to let her go.

good very good! It’s really true that the tiger is not angry, just when she is HelloKitty.

There is no expression on Cheng Changhe's face. Even if you look closely, you can see the meaning and pity of his eyes. "Do not worry, your maid is fine. I just don't want her to get in the way, so let her faint. In an hour, she is Will not wake up."

Cold and cold: "After the elders let you kill me?"

Cheng Changhe didn't say anything more. In his hand, he had already added a long-handled hook shaped like an eagle claw. He pulled it and pointed it at him. "You don't blame me. You can only blame you for not being fatal. My contractor not only makes I killed you, but also made you must die very miserable, and I want to give him the shadow stone. I will try to get started faster, let you miss a little pain."

Said, he did not wait to talk, his body suddenly disappeared in place.

When the wrist was turned over, the water sword appeared in the hand, and there was no trace of fear in the eyes.

She does have to pay a lot for the monks who deal with the emptiness, but it is not entirely unsure.

However, the sword that did not wait for the sword on the long handle of the long river on the river, suddenly seemed to have a cold wind in the room.

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