Yu Changchang was shocked and glared at Cheng Changhe. He couldn't believe that he dared to resist himself. "Have you eat the bear heart and the leopard? Do you dare to resist me? You know that Shadow Blessing will hurt the contractor and will be the most severely countered... Ah ah ah!!!"

His threat didn't have time to finish, and the pinched arm made a horror sound of Caracalla.

The intense pain came from the arm, and the elders watched Cheng Changhe twist his arm and twisted his entire arm into a circle.

The Karakara sound is the sound of a broken inch in his arm bones and a little dislocation of his joints.

"Waste? Garbage? Slave? Yu Baizhen, these years you called me, humiliated me, I feel so cool?"

Yu Chang was shrunk his hand bones and his entire arm was pulled down.

He was sorely convulsed and mourned again and again, and he could not wait to faint.

Cheng Changhe slammed him on the ground and grabbed his other hand and feet. He cooked the bones one by one and then twisted them down.

In the past, he Cheng Changhe was also a bright and upright monk, killing people but not swearing.

He thought that he could finally get rid of Yu Baizhen, and at most he wanted to kill him.

But at this moment, listening to the screams of Yu Chang's stern, desperate mourning, watching his painful and miserable appearance, Cheng Changhe discovered that he was so excited.

Yu Baizhen, the beast, has trampled on him for so many years, and has shattered all his dignity. Although he is free now, his soul has been distorted by humiliation and hatred.

Countless **** nights and nights of resentment condense in the heart, only to let Yu Baizhen feel the pain of thousands of times, he is likely to be free.

"For... why... you are a shadow blessing... can't hurt me... oh... why?"

Cheng Changhe looked at him at the height of his face and slowly revealed a mocking smile. "When I say this, I really should thank you for letting me kill. Because I really didn't expect it, it turned out to be such a powerful doctor." Even the shadow of the film has a way to lift the contract."

"If it weren't for her, I might have to go through countless **** nights and nights when you are a dog. If it weren't for her, if my use value is gone, I will be killed by you and become the dead soul." Hahaha... You said, Yu Baizhen, should I thank you for giving me this opportunity to survive and be a new person?"

Yu Baizhen was broken at the hands and feet, and the blood flowed to the ground. The painful torture has already numbed him, and his eyes are full of despair.

But when I heard this sentence, he still screamed and shook his head. "No, how is this possible?! The shadow of the contract is simply impossible to be lifted! You lied to me, you lied to me, this is impossible!!"

Cheng Changhe raised the caller stone in his hand, and his smile was very strange and excited. "Do you not like to see the miserable appearance before death? Yu Baizhen, I will fulfill you, I will slowly torture you and let you die." How horrible the previous call is, how miserable it is. I believe that you will be happy when you see it!"

Yu Chang looked up in despair and looked at the shadow stone in the hands of Cheng Changhe.

That is the shadow stone that he gave Cheng Changhe, I want him to record the miserable appearance of dying, let him dissolve the hatred in his heart.

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