The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2093: Red robes (seeking tickets)

However, how could he think that the final record of this call stone would be his tragic appearance?


In the courtyard of the hustle and bustle.

Cheng Changhe took out the shadow stone and handed it to him. "This is the process of killing Yu Baizhen..."

I waved a hand: "No, I am not interested in seeing people being killed. I just need to know that he is dead."

Cheng Changhe took a deep breath, and the twisted madness and excitement in the squat slowly receded. After a deep glance, he recalled the shadow stone. "Doctor, your grace, I will remember it." We, there will be a period later."

He blinked slightly and wanted to say something, but he just watched him leave.

Xuan Mu saw her strangeness and asked: "Does he have a problem?"

He shook his head. "Maybe it has been suppressed for too long under the elders, causing problems in his mental state. The fluctuation of the spirit is extremely unstable. If he is slightly careless, he will probably go mad. But no matter him In the future, it has nothing to do with us."

She may have a way to treat this heart wound for Cheng Changhe, but for a person who wants to kill her, she still hasn't been so beautiful, and she takes the initiative to treat him.

After Xuanmu listened, he immediately stopped paying attention. "I will leave first, but I will not leave Qingyun."

It means that there is something to call him at any time with the shadow bond.

I can't help but smile: "Well, I will not be polite if I need it."

Xuanmu nodded, was about to leave, and suddenly the line of sight was fixed somewhere.

As he looked at him, he found a set of red robes that were cleaned and folded.

This is an unknown dress. After I came in, the room was cleaned and the clothes were cleaned.

Because knowing that the unknown has been protecting you, he used him as a low, so even the unknown clothes were washed, but he had not had time to send it back.

"what happened?"

Xuan Mu shook his head and looked a little embarrassed. He said for a long time: "Nothing, some like, but impossible."

The words in this statement are inexplicable, but Xuanmu did not explain and quickly left.


Ziweishan Temple.

The white tiger saw the Suzaku rushed back and was shocked. "Suzaku, how come you come back? Isn't the master letting you protect Miss Yu in Tianzhi Valley?"

"I am in a hurry to ask the master!" Suzaku hurried.

Bai Hudao: "But the master has just entered the retreat. At this time, it is not appropriate to disturb..."

"This matter is related to Miss Yan. If I don't report it, I am afraid that the master will know that he will be furious."

As a result, the White Tiger also hesitated.

No one in their temple is unclear about Ji Ming’s emphasis on shackles. This is the future mother who loves the master as a bead. The master is not so valued for his own life.

Just thinking about whether to inform, Qinglong came out, look coldly: "The main son is not hurt this time, can not disturb, it is best not to disturb him. You first talk about what happened."

Suzaku quickly put a man in the mortuary with a god-level cultivation, and he signed a photo with him to make the contract a thing.

"The man obviously has already discovered me, so I have shown enchantment to me. My repair is not as good as him, I can't hear what the two said. Miss Yan and him signed a shadow to make the contract scare me. Jump, but fortunately I finally succeeded."

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